I Have Severe Chronic Anxiety W/ Agoraphobia. I Have Been Taking Klonopin 1mg, 3t's A Day, It Doesn't Help My Nerves Much. Is Nembutol A Better Choice
UpdatedIt took me 13 years to find something to help my chronic anxiety w/agoraphobia disorder and panic disorder, also insomnia and a.d.h.d. I'm on klonopin 3mg's a day. I was on Xanax 6mg's a day for around a year, but found out about the half-life of them, and I suffer from partial seizures, so they switched me to klonopin, which takes a long time to work for me. I need something for over active nerves, and panic attacks constantly, but Is there a drug that I can add to my klonopin, that works quick and remains in my body longer than xanax? Is Nembutol an option here cause, I need something that stops my body from twitching from the anxiety, plus something for sleeping too ! And yes I have tried all muscle relaxers except Soma. So again, are barbiturates an option, if I quit my klonopin ?
4 Replies
Hello, Mickey! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having.
Yes, barbiturates could be an option, though only your doctor can say whether or not it is safe for you to try one. But from what you've mentioned, I've not found any contraindications for your switching to one and stopping the Klonopin.
Nembutal is listed by the FDA as containing Pentobarbital and its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, somnolence, constipation and syncope.
Is there anything else I can help with?
Hello Mickey, Sorry to hear about your problems with Klonopin. But that is probably the most powerful benzo one can get prescribed these days. As far as Phenobarbital (Nembutal in pill form), the Nembutal, Seconal and Tuinal does come in capsules as the Pento is/was used in surgeries. Most barbiturates have not been prescribed for many years and may be off the market by now. If you do find a doctor that will prescribe the Nembs, you will probably have a hard time trying to fill them at regular pharmacies. They are almost in that class of really outlawed drugs. But I have had them in my time and I will say they were excellent. But if you are lucky enough to get your hands on some, be careful because they are quite addictive. But if you ask ME...They are no more addictive than Soma or Klonopin. So good luck what ever your choice may be. Just be careful and have a good talk with your GP.
Mickey I have the sane issues and I started a slow taper off theklonopinand the twiching stoped maybe your extra anxiety is from tolerence withdrawal
Re: Paul (# 2)
Seconal is not available anymore. They took it off market. ??
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