I Have Caught Cvs And Other Pharmacies Lying About Not Having Oxycodone In Stock, Shortage 2012 (Page 2)
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Well today I officially caught a cvs here in Ga lying to me. A friend of mine filled his Meds yesterday. I go in, having a history with cvs, a recent one, and am immediately lied to. The pharmacist comes over and tells me they haven't had them in stock for months, without looking at his book or computer. At this point I stated an employee I know the name of told me shipment came in Thursday. He lied again. I then told him friend had filled yesterday morning. He said it was impossible. I then said I saw the bottle with my own eyes, it had their address on it, and even told him what brand they had since my friend just filled his there. Pharmacist lied to me yet again. I then asked him why he wad lying to me and that I am tired of being treated like a criminal because I am 30 with a handicapped tag and a four page long mri report for my neck, mid, and lower back. I just found out I have central and foramina stenosis in my lower back, yea!! He then asked me if I had been having trouble filling. I said yes, it seems a lot of pharmacies are lying about not having it in stock. I said it is easy to tell on how they look at you, treat you, and if they check their logbook which is required for all schedule two Meds. I then gave him a chance to not lie and said "so you mean you filled the last of your stock yesterday." Since he lied to me again I decided it was time to call his district manger. The info I told him was correct but he decided to lie so its not my fault if he gets fired. U am going to let his district manager know the whole story, and let them know that if something is not done I will contact the news about discrimination against a legit pain patient for them not to get their Meds and have a normal life. They won't want bad press that is for sure, esp since I have a handicapped tag. I am in their system for filling the exact Meds I brought in, they have my discount card on file also, and my whole family uses their pharmacy so these ate the thongs I will tell district. Any other pharmacies who lie I will do the same thing to. So it seems the shortage going on here in Georgia and Florida are manipulated by the pharmacies and the distributors. Mckesson isn't shipping them out to rite aid, wal mart, sams, and Target. They are afraid of getting fined like a few years ago or getting in trouble like cardinal, cvs, walgreens, publix, and krogers distributor. Cardinal is still shipping from Mississippi and north Carolina, but not from Florida atm. The rest of the country is not having any problems, just Florida and Georgia. Since I have a lawsuit going against Allstate from my car accident(not my fault) and we are going after a doc who read someone else's mri to make his conclusion and type a bogus report to my insurance so they will not reimburse me anymore, we ate going after him for slander or defimation of character since he wrote I sell my Meds, maybe I can add cvs for pain and suffering and descrimination. This is absolutely rediculous these days. Sorry for the rant but people selling them ate making a killing these days and legit patients are going broke from price gouging or gas prices just so we can live a somewhat normal life. Makes no sense how out system works.
Re: TRIX (# 420)
Trix, as I've been told, oxycontin is extended release, oxycodone is immediate.
Re: WillRNMS (# 393)
First off oxycontin is the name brand of the generic oxycodone (so its the same thing) just like acetaminophen is the generic name of Tylenol second they do make oxycodone in a iv solution
Re: Elizabeth S (# 402)
No he will find it on the PMP (prescription monitoring program) I PROMISE YOU HE WILL
Re: Duro (# 404)
When it comes to pain medication a pharmacy can turn down anyone they want for any reason. It sux. I've been on pain medication since 2002. It gets harder and harder every month to get my medication. It’s beyond bulls***.
Re: pissedpharmacist (# 55)
I know this is an old thread but I had to say something this guy is such a dumbass oxycodone is not written just for cancer that is the stupidest thing ever heard of it is written for any kind of pain the doctor wants to write it for and things that are particular even for cancer let’s say Can be written for what’s called off label that means a doctor can write any medication he deems fit for your condition now fentanyl products other than patch’s are only written for cancer pain But a doctor again can write it off label if he prefers
Unbelievable. How the hell can someone (Chris) rant on and on, constantly contradicting himself, and proving, without actually admitting, they are a perfect example of the type of people who help ruin it for actual patients. Seriously, so many red flags pointing to abuse of meds, it's infuriating. I've seen people investigated, and punished for less in the federal courts for SSA for so much less. Both sad and infuriating to know there are honest, moral people out there suffering b/c of the actions of people like that. People wonder why the medication situation is so f***ed up; there's one reason why.
Re: Melissa (# 3)
Seriously "drug seeking behavior"??? She has a prescription. Who the hell do you people think you are to override a doctor!! Get a life and mind your own business!!!
BL (#414) --
Thank you for your response. The pharmacy my mother and I use is called bill's prescription center. Owned and operated by the same family for almost 30 years now. I've been going there since 1989. I know almost everyone who works there. I also know what they said about only filling Percocet for cancer patients is BS. I just can't understand why they say that instead of whatever is the real reason. And god knows I can't question them about it or mention the fact that my mother got hers filled b/c of these f*****g *****s who abuse medications. I am terrified that if I do question them or mention my mothers meds getting filled that it'll only make the situation worse. It's like these addicts actions are making the patients, who need pain meds to survive, hostages. It's both sad and extremely dangerous for patients who need the meds and have been on em for years.
Re: Jacob (# 413)
There are No New Laws that state Percocet, or any other drug, can only be filled for cancer patients.
Was this CVS? If it was, CVS has a new policy on filling opioids.
A different pharmacist probably filled your mother's prescription. It is up to each pharmacist which prescriptions they fill and don't fill.
It does not matter if all of your doctors agree with what you are being prescribed. The only doctor that is responsible for a prescription is the one that writes it. But, if a pharmacist is not comfortable filling the prescription, you nor your doctor can make the pharmacist fill it.
If you need the medication before February, you need to take it to a different pharmacy. Be sure and call your Pain Management Doctor if you are supposed to use the same pharmacy. You need to check your State Law and see how long a prescription for a Schedule II is valid. It is possible your prescription will not be valid by February.
Your age may or may not be part of the problem with your prescription. It could be the number of tablets it is written for. Or the doctor that wrote it.
I am 36 years old. When I was 17 I had to have reconstructive chest surgery. Unfortunately, it was a malpractice. The surgeon removed my 3/4 of my sternum, the ribs directly over my heart, sections of both pectoral muscles, and all connective cartilage. I have been on pain meds(Percocet) since 2001. Always used the same pharmacy and never had any problems except for the occasional waiting a couple days for pharmacy to restock, which I have no problem doing. Yesterday I go in to fill my monthly script and the pharmacist tells me they are out of stock so she'll keep my electronic script on file. 20 mins later on my way home, the same pharmacist calls me and tells me as of January 1, 2018. Pharmacies can only fill Percocet for cancer patients. My mother, who uses same pharmacy, and takes Percocet as well, got her prescription filled 3 days beforehand for a larger amount. When I told pharmacist about my mothers script, the pharmacist backtracks and tells me that they MIGHT be able to fill them by end of February. I, for the life of me, can't figure out why now, even though both my cardiovascular, thoracic surgeons, primary, and pain management doctors approved and confirmed my Percocet years ago, can't get a straight answer about why this is happening, and what I need to do to fix the problem. Absolutely Riley ridiculous.
Re: PAUL (# 411)
If you are Terminal. Your doctor can write a code on your prescription that will tell the pharmacist and insurance company you qualify for an exemption. The exemption usually eliminates any problems at a pharmacy. But, it is only for those that are determined Terminal by their doctors. A medical condition that will eventually result in death is not the same thing as Terminal.
Re: chris (# 4)
Re: Melissa (# 3)
Wow...you are judging this person with no info on his medical condition! You should be absolutely ashamed and it may be mean on my part but I actually hope that you are injured or have an illness that lets YOU experience chronic pain. Then I hope you have the frustrating interaction with people JUST LIKE YOU... pharmacies who profile legitimate patients and have no problem openly judging them as "less than" because life gifted them with a medical condition! Absolutely DISGUSTING MELISSA!
Re: Elizabeth S (# 402)
If your pain doctor finds out you are taking Clonazepam and not telling him, he may dismiss you. Do you know if Clonazepam is reported to your states Prescription Monitoring Program ? It is possible your insurance company and/or pharmacist may inform your pain doctor another doctor is prescribing you Clonazepam.
So you know, the problem you have&are having is all pver the Nation. Evrry month, not only do the prices change (more expensive) but I have to drive from one pharmacy to another to find my med; sometimes I am not able to find them in stock, anywhere.. Am told because of FDA, there is a cap on the amount each pharmacy can receive monthly no matter how many customers&the amounts physicians are writing the rx for. My medical problem has no cure&I have done everything suggested over the last 17 yrs. My pain clinic (2-3yrs ago) has chosen to cjange to a non or minimal narcotic pain clinic. Meds have been decreased drastically&will go lower&this is causing more problems in every area of my life. They have no answers. So much for "do no harm"
So you know, the problem you have&are having is all pver the Nation. Evrry month, not only do the prices change (more expensive) but I have to drive from one pharmacy to another to find my med; sometimes I am not able to find them in stock, anywhere.. Am told because of FDA, there is a cap on the amount each pharmacy can receive monthly no matter how many customers&the amounts physicians are writing the rx for.
Please, next time proof-read before publishing.
It would help your case to "tone it down" a bit, as well- wouldn't want to appear to be drug-seeking, although that is, legitimately, what happened.
Hello, I just wrote a complaint against a pharmacist at a Walmart here in Florida. I am so sick of them playing God. My husband just had a lobectomy on Friday 5/26/17. He was discharged from the hospital 3 days later on Monday 5/29/17 (MEMORIAL DAY). So I take him home, search out pharmacies that are open (this being a holiday), and found our closest Walmart. Took his script there & the pharmacist made a big deal that she could not get the doctor on the phone! It was a holiday! Of course she couldn't get him on the phone! I gave her my husbands discharge papers along with a direct line to the ICU where he was staying & the nurses name & info who took care of him. The pharmacist was not satisfied with that so she would not fill his scripts. I looked online for the complaint site & filled it out. Then printed it out so I can mail a hard copy to the Board of Health here in Florida. I am tired of this s***!
Your not alone it happens a lot in newyork city, but the pharmacist will fill your prescription with some other percocet! IP white oblong, they suck.I'm tired of being treated like a criminal or addict I didn't ask 2 get hurt.next time u go to the pharmacy that denied you look for there license certificate write down there info, look online there's a website where you can complain against the pharmacy.we have rights.stand up 4 yours.Goodo luck
My husband does take one alprazolam per day .5 mg for anxiety & nothing else for pain. Just Omeprazole, lovastatin , naproxen, & an inhaler for COPD. I did get a different pharmacy to fill his scripts today but that pharmacist did call the hospital to verify his scripts. He doesn't normally use Walmart but since it was Monday, Memorial Day Holiday, all other pharmacies were closed. Can I ask for a pharmacists license #? I want to report that pharmacist from Walmart yesterday. I figure I will report her to The Board of Pharmacists.
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