I Have Caught Cvs And Other Pharmacies Lying About Not Having Oxycodone In Stock, Shortage 2012 (Page 22) (Top voted first)


Well today I officially caught a cvs here in Ga lying to me. A friend of mine filled his Meds yesterday. I go in, having a history with cvs, a recent one, and am immediately lied to. The pharmacist comes over and tells me they haven't had them in stock for months, without looking at his book or computer. At this point I stated an employee I know the name of told me shipment came in Thursday. He lied again. I then told him friend had filled yesterday morning. He said it was impossible. I then said I saw the bottle with my own eyes, it had their address on it, and even told him what brand they had since my friend just filled his there. Pharmacist lied to me yet again. I then asked him why he wad lying to me and that I am tired of being treated like a criminal because I am 30 with a handicapped tag and a four page long mri report for my neck, mid, and lower back. I just found out I have central and foramina stenosis in my lower back, yea!! He then asked me if I had been having trouble filling. I said yes, it seems a lot of pharmacies are lying about not having it in stock. I said it is easy to tell on how they look at you, treat you, and if they check their logbook which is required for all schedule two Meds. I then gave him a chance to not lie and said "so you mean you filled the last of your stock yesterday." Since he lied to me again I decided it was time to call his district manger. The info I told him was correct but he decided to lie so its not my fault if he gets fired. U am going to let his district manager know the whole story, and let them know that if something is not done I will contact the news about discrimination against a legit pain patient for them not to get their Meds and have a normal life. They won't want bad press that is for sure, esp since I have a handicapped tag. I am in their system for filling the exact Meds I brought in, they have my discount card on file also, and my whole family uses their pharmacy so these ate the thongs I will tell district. Any other pharmacies who lie I will do the same thing to. So it seems the shortage going on here in Georgia and Florida are manipulated by the pharmacies and the distributors. Mckesson isn't shipping them out to rite aid, wal mart, sams, and Target. They are afraid of getting fined like a few years ago or getting in trouble like cardinal, cvs, walgreens, publix, and krogers distributor. Cardinal is still shipping from Mississippi and north Carolina, but not from Florida atm. The rest of the country is not having any problems, just Florida and Georgia. Since I have a lawsuit going against Allstate from my car accident(not my fault) and we are going after a doc who read someone else's mri to make his conclusion and type a bogus report to my insurance so they will not reimburse me anymore, we ate going after him for slander or defimation of character since he wrote I sell my Meds, maybe I can add cvs for pain and suffering and descrimination. This is absolutely rediculous these days. Sorry for the rant but people selling them ate making a killing these days and legit patients are going broke from price gouging or gas prices just so we can live a somewhat normal life. Makes no sense how out system works.

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to " sick of it " You sound like your in the wrong profession Maybe you'd be happier as a ditch digger or roofer. Naa probably not if you want ot know why it is like it is watch Michele Leonhart gets grilled by Jared Polis on YT blame this crazy cat lady for letting things get to the point where everyone is dying from too much oxy then suddenly trying to slam the flood-gates she has been in charge of the DEA since Bush apponted her (big surprise there) shes also the mastermind of "Fast and furious" blame that b**** I do.

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Oxycontin, oxycodone, roxicodone, etc.

This isn't a "CVS" issue. It's something that if you are looking for that drug and do not have cancer, every pharmacy you go to is going to tell you they don't have it. Why? Because you shouldn't be on it. That drug is specifically designed for cancer patients during chemotherapy. Now every joke doctor is writing it. Slipped discs, fibromyalgia, random chronic pain, whatever the hell else that ails you is not a reason to get this. My mother was in a car wreck, and had to have steel rods in 30% of her bone structure, multiple skin grafts, and reconstruction surgery on the left side of her face. The correct medication for this sort of injury is not oxycodone. Honestly, that wouldn't do anything for a true victim because that is not how oxycodone works.

The pharmacy (and i mean any pharmacy, not just cvs) is going to tell you they don't have it, can't get it, etc. There is no shortage of the drug. The reason they wont dispense of to you can be one of many things. I'm going to list several reasons why the pharmacy won't give it to you. None of these are accusations, just what they see on an hourly basis.

1. You could be a known patient who always seems to run out of their xanax, loratab, etc early.
2. The particular doc who wrote the script can be known to the pharmacy as a joke, or a "candy man." This means they write Oxy for anyone with a wallet. Could also be sanctioned.
3. The rx is from one state, patient from another, and brought to a pharmacy in yet another state.
4. Mannerisims. If you come into a pharmacy dirty as hell, with the trademark "scratch pits" all over your face, swirling your head around like your in a shampoo commercial while tapping on the counter, no they aren't gonna have it for you.
5. If you are recognized as a smurf for sudafed, they won't have it.
6. If you call them on the phone and ask about any c2 medication, they won't have it. For a pharmacy to give out that information over the phone is an invitation to be robbed.
7. If oxy is written by a family practice doctor, not a cancer treatment doc.

There are tons more reasons why you won't get oxy, but I'm not going to list them. If you have nerve pain or injuries, oxy is not for you. If you have physical injuries, its not for you. There are meds specifically designed to treat those problems. Oxy is not one of them.
Don't be an addict, go to a real doc and get something that will actually help you. Oxy is not a cure all, its a cancer medication. Period. No pharmacy will tell you they have it.

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Very well said, Melissa. And this is not being against oxycodone for me...but something ppl have to face the facts that this drug is not going to be available much longer. Melissa's advice is good and many would do well to follow it. So many ppl are on oxycodone bc their dr started them on it and now they have become so dependent on it that they think they cannot live without it. There are other pain meds that can help your pain. It's the addiction that is the hardest to stop. Oxycodone is NOT the only pain med out there but one that ppl like taking bc of not only the pain relief from it but also from the energy boost, high,etc they get off of it if they would only be honest with themselves and stop being in denial. I was there and went through the very same thing I am now posting about. It is obvious so many making the posts are nothing more than dependent or addicted to this drug. Save yourself a lot of trouble and withdrawals and get your dr to prescrible a different pain med before you are left with nothing to manage your pain issus. Just saying...

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This is very illegal! You cannot record someone without their permission... So good luck with that one.

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Who's the very unintelligent individual giving every single post that chronicles a bad experience trying to get their medication filled a thumbs down?? Whoever it is, YOUR posts add nothing to the discussion, because that's exactly what this thread is for. Go stomp your feet and pout at a grade school, you'd fit in better there

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When posting a comment, please read it and make sure the spelling is correct. If you can't spell, people will think you're not very smart or reliable, and that perhaps you shouldn't be trusted to take narcotics. Those I read said "thongs" instead of "things" and "patience" instead of "patients." If you want to be taken seriously, proper spelling is essential.

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Hey.. WOW.. this is unreal folks. I'm saying that you people who write a freakin book HERE to try & convince whoever (mostly yourselves I'd say) that you have a legitimate reason to take pain meds (prob a ton of them in high doses) should really take a hard long look at yourselves. Forget trying to convince the world that you're in pain & going on & on about all your diagnoses, it's pathetic.
Listen I know I don't sound sympathetic but really you have to look at things realistically. You are having a hard time obtaining your meds because there is a reason. You may be getting meds in a quantity & dosage that NO person usually gets & the pharmacist feels that they are putting their license on the line, and/or you display behavior that makes them question something.. Their A** is on the line if someone dies from the meds given out despite the fact it was ordered by your doctor. It doesn't matter who orders the damn med you cannot FORCE any to fork it over to you if it's a friggen life threatening mix or dose of meds, come on, get real.
Before you freak out & say 'oh you don't know.. I have ABC & XYZ wrong w me' 'WAAAAA' well guess what, I DO know & I won't go on & on wailing about my health issues. I'll tell you that I've suffered, yeah for sure, I was on pain med & quite a lot for quite a long time.. Did I EVER have problems filling my med? NO, NOT ONCE did I ever have a problem, no fighting w the pharmacy, no hating the pharmacist, nothing. I'm grateful that the pharmacy staff has been awesome & when I could barely make it to the desk to give them my script they knew I needed it & filled it right away. They never gave me a hassle. SO something's wrong w this whole picture here. FACE IT, what are you doing? Only you can answer that.
Am I still on drugs? NO. why? because face it, do you really think that staying on a ton of meds is the bottom line solution? Ya ok.. I know some who read this will say that they NEED meds forever, OK you need them now but look down the line. I know it sucks, it's hard, hell it's even scary to think of stopping them once you been on them a few years. I know. I was there. I thought I needed them too & would need them for good, but now I know that I don't. I'm not a slave to the friggen pills, do I have pain.. of course but I've been thru worse & I'll make it thru another day. Will I ever need pain meds again, most likely due to my medical issues but pain med is NOT the solution, it is a temporary fix when I'm in severe pain that is incredibly unbearable.
OK I said enough. Please people don't be all pissed at me, just think seriously & look at your situation & the pharmacy's point of view.
What is the point of writing all this crap on this forum? What good is it besides getting out some frustration maybe..
I'm sorry you have a problem w pharmacies & w pain but what is it telling you?
Get a grip, look for another solution. OK yup you'll be freakin out that I don't know what it's like. I don't want to hear it! Neither dose the pharmacy or anyone else.. FACE IT

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As I sit here and read a lot of these post about people being in pain for things that I wish I could have because of what I do have. I just felt the need to have to post something to let you know there are people with a lot worse and would do anything to take what you have to not deal with what they have. I am not going to right a story nor try and tell people how they should feel because that is not my place but I am going to say something’s about you people that have many simple conditions that could be treated with a lot of different medication. You are only letting your pain run your life, you have found a medication “or something that you think lets you live your life” run your life. Almost four years ago in 2010 at the age of 23, my whole life changed from being a run all the time healthy young adult to a very sick young adult. I have a condition called interstitial cystitis “IC” which is a bladder condition that in my cause is comparable to people in the last stage of dying from cancer “the pain I am talking about, dying” and I am not saying that what I have is worse then cancer nor am I saying I am worse off, I am clearly giving a comparison of the type of pain I deal with on a daily bases so that you people that don’t understand anything can sit back and really think about that your arthritis and all these other conditions are really not that bad. I am on Oxycodone HCL 15 mg immediate release and have been for 2 years after trying over 225 different non narcotic medications before even starting a narcotic because for me trying everything that was out there and seeing every specialist that treats IC across the US meant not just trying to block the pain but trying to find something that would treat my symptoms, not just trying to block the pain and doing nothing else about what I have. For two years I didn’t take any pain medication because I didn’t want to just block it I wanted to fix it and to find something that would help me and fix my bladder and after all this time I have spend over $400,000 thousands dollars of my own money because to me I will spend anything for better health and no pain, not just take a pain med. With my condition there is no magic pill and sadly enough IC is not understood enough, so there is really nothing out there for what I have. They have found in some people that using many different types of meds that treat other things have helped people like antidepressants, Botox and many more. You want to understand pain and what it is like to not do anything try have to cathe yourself when I cant go to the bathroom, try going into my urologists office once a week for 1 year, once every two weeks for 9 months for the last 4 years just to do a DMSO treatment “which is Cathing and injection 10 different medications into my bladder to try and treat the IC”. Some of you might not know unless you are a male and have had a cathe done it is not something that feels that good. The point I am trying to get across is that you have to stop complaining about your pain and do something about it other then take narcotics because what you don’t know is your not treating your condition you are just blocking the pain and maybe causing more damage. What some of you might not know is that in the last couple of years they found many non-narcotic medication to treat arthritis also there was a study done by Harvard medical school and many more schools that have found people with arthritis and other joint pain if you push past the pain and work out and move around you can get ride of it. We live in a world or should I say THE USA does of over medicating people just to make them happy and that is why we are leading the world in pain medication. Last thing, I have never increase my Mg or the amount of tabs for my pain meds and have the time I don’t take them because I push through it because for me trying to live my life the best I can without being drugged up is more important then getting HIGH like half you people on here do. I come from a family of doctors and was an RN and left because of my health and to run a company. I hope that some of you take this and really reach into your soul and try and find a better way of helping yourself.

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The truth of the matter based on what any legal precedent or standard what are you a lawyer or judge

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@ pharmacist who cares-- its not just places I don't have much history with, I went to a pharmacy for 4 years and he kind of got iffy on me. Along with one other place that knows me well. They both used mckesson and one of them showed me the letter from them. I called the DEA office a couple of weeks ago and went up the ladder and they all denied even when I said the press will get involved soon. The distributors have been combed over by the DEA and have been fined etc so I think some lays on them a few months ago but now it seems most places have them but just lie. The database needs to hurry up and work because this will clear a lot of stuff up.

@MAC-- you are part of the problem. Stay in your own state. Look at Florida and how it was ruined by travelers. I can tell you no pharmacy in GA will fill out of state unless they charge a grand for one fill because they just want the money. I will tell you that only the pill pushing docs will see out of state patients. My docs office won't along with many other legit ones. So MAC I blame folks like you that travel for pills. Sorry but is affects me. And dont tell me some BS either because I know good and well Florida was nothing bit trafficers and they all tried to come here next. Good thing the DEA has raided most placed or shut them down after two weeks. When you have private security that males people from out of state back on to parking places, run off people outside etc then they are up to something.

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Of course I've tried other pharmacies! The problem is that I have been with Publix for too long. Most pharmacies are not taking new patients of their prices are unaffordable to me. If a pharmacist fills the same prescription, from the same doctor for years & then decides he wants to tell me which prescriptions my doctor can & cannot write then what am I paying the doctor for? I should just cut out the doctor & pay the pharmacist $250 a month. If your wife is a pharmacist then you know the oath they take, it begins with truth. This pharmacist has ruined my quality of life. I don't know how someone like this can live with themselves.

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@ Dan S I misread...I was referring to The person calling himself a doctor. I think it is Dr. Westcoast but your post was right next to his so I misread. I apologize for the confusion but, saying " I do not know what drugs you're on" was uncalled for and rude...and so whatever. As a mater of fact your posts are generally rude and full of bull crap anyway.

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I wanted to reply to CANCAN on how he can gett off of his meds safely.

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You do no it is illegal to record a private conversation without the consent of all those involve. It would be inadmissible in court. Also, if I was a pharmacist and some of the commenters on this thread brought in a script for a controlled substance to be filled, I would not fill it. Many of you write as if you are stoned!

Sober up, then comment.

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I thought Zanaflex was something new, evidently its just xanax with a different name. I don't think my Dr. will give me those but he's already said he wants me off soma. Which I ran out of 3 weeks ago, so far he hasn't even metioned putting me on anything else. I am going from my NS to PM, It's just such a annoyance on top of the pain, to always have to worry about how much and what you can have for it. I had my second series of Facet block shots 4 on each side of low back. I hate this Dr. he doesn't do aything about pain management (ironic since he's my PM Dr. now) for the shots other than spray some butane or something on it a second before the injection which is fine for the top layer of skin but he's going so deep theres no way it does anything at that level Before I went I made a ice-pack out of a hot water bottle water and rubbing alcohol so it wasn't as bad as the first time. Also the first set did a slight bit of good for a couple days then it just stopped. The shots I had today did zipley :( so far.

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Before I comment on the post, I want to share a sad story in regards to the importance of being cautious when using Oxycontin....My son took Oxy for quite some time in therapeutic doses. One night, he fell asleep on the couch with his head on the armrest. His airways ended up swelling and due to the position of his head and neck, his airway became blocked and he died in his sleep. Respiratory swelling is a side effect of this medication (noted as symptom of allergic reaction or taken in too high of a dose). His autopsy revealed dose was in therapeutic range.
===============================================================These days, patients can talk doctors into prescribing Oxy for a minor headache. Pharmacists have better instinct when it comes to distinguishing those who are abusing medication. This is only my opinion, so take it as you will...The fact you gave such a long explanation of reason(s) for having to take the drug, makes me question if you need to take something of that caliber to begin with. If you do, I don't think you'd feel like you'd have to convince or prove it to anyone. Pharmacists deal with the public all day and more than likely noticed you before you even got up to the counter. You'd be doing yourself more harm than good if you contact the supervisor. It will backfire and the pharmacist will end up being recognized for a job well-done. Let it go. If you feel you need your meds. that bad, go elsewhere. Look respectable and act respectful, be kind, courteous, and don't make a scene. Oh, and most important...don't EVER let them know you know the "inside scoop". Remember, "they have the right to refuse service to anyone". All it takes is for them to have 'a feeling' you may be abusing, selling, or giving away meds.

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