I Have Caught Cvs And Other Pharmacies Lying About Not Having Oxycodone In Stock, Shortage 2012 (Page 2)
UpdatedWell today I officially caught a cvs here in Ga lying to me. A friend of mine filled his Meds yesterday. I go in, having a history with cvs, a recent one, and am immediately lied to. The pharmacist comes over and tells me they haven't had them in stock for months, without looking at his book or computer. At this point I stated an employee I know the name of told me shipment came in Thursday. He lied again. I then told him friend had filled yesterday morning. He said it was impossible. I then said I saw the bottle with my own eyes, it had their address on it, and even told him what brand they had since my friend just filled his there. Pharmacist lied to me yet again. I then asked him why he wad lying to me and that I am tired of being treated like a criminal because I am 30 with a handicapped tag and a four page long mri report for my neck, mid, and lower back. I just found out I have central and foramina stenosis in my lower back, yea!! He then asked me if I had been having trouble filling. I said yes, it seems a lot of pharmacies are lying about not having it in stock. I said it is easy to tell on how they look at you, treat you, and if they check their logbook which is required for all schedule two Meds. I then gave him a chance to not lie and said "so you mean you filled the last of your stock yesterday." Since he lied to me again I decided it was time to call his district manger. The info I told him was correct but he decided to lie so its not my fault if he gets fired. U am going to let his district manager know the whole story, and let them know that if something is not done I will contact the news about discrimination against a legit pain patient for them not to get their Meds and have a normal life. They won't want bad press that is for sure, esp since I have a handicapped tag. I am in their system for filling the exact Meds I brought in, they have my discount card on file also, and my whole family uses their pharmacy so these ate the thongs I will tell district. Any other pharmacies who lie I will do the same thing to. So it seems the shortage going on here in Georgia and Florida are manipulated by the pharmacies and the distributors. Mckesson isn't shipping them out to rite aid, wal mart, sams, and Target. They are afraid of getting fined like a few years ago or getting in trouble like cardinal, cvs, walgreens, publix, and krogers distributor. Cardinal is still shipping from Mississippi and north Carolina, but not from Florida atm. The rest of the country is not having any problems, just Florida and Georgia. Since I have a lawsuit going against Allstate from my car accident(not my fault) and we are going after a doc who read someone else's mri to make his conclusion and type a bogus report to my insurance so they will not reimburse me anymore, we ate going after him for slander or defimation of character since he wrote I sell my Meds, maybe I can add cvs for pain and suffering and descrimination. This is absolutely rediculous these days. Sorry for the rant but people selling them ate making a killing these days and legit patients are going broke from price gouging or gas prices just so we can live a somewhat normal life. Makes no sense how out system works.
Thats weird I thought it was different than xanax then I found something that said its the same or I misread well anyway thats good cause i have a very lame dr. that won't give me soma or oxycodone so I'm just guessing so far about that he wont give me xanax as well so maybe this zanaflex stuff is an option just trying to take min. amount of meds because of cost. I don't mind only getting morphine but he just wants me to have to beg for every mg it seems. Even if I could get a oxy script theres none to be had here in Fl. Well gl to you try and get some more people to see - DEA Michele Leonhart on YouTube - she does not seem to have the peoples best interests at heart. BTW I just had a second course of 8 shots in my back yesterday first set did little for 3 days this set may just be making it worse> Fusion of L4-L5 that worked 10%.
I work in a pharmacy and i don`t have to look in the book to tell you we do not have any. We get 20 to 30 phone calls and walk ups each day and the 99% of them are from doctors that are known by the dea to be writing a ridiculious amount of rx`s .And when you come up and say well my friend got them yesterday I call BULL***** . Then they are definetly not gonna fill for you or a friend again. People post it on web sites where they got it and then we are flooded. So why should they trust anyone . If you are a legit pain sufferer i feel for you but when people go to these pop up clinics thats a problem . People sit in the parking lot recruiting people to go in for them . And BTW when a person walks in with any of their buddy`s that look strung out it just yell`s I`m an addict.
Thought I would let you all know, I have been to see my Pain Specialists and Nurse Pratitioner, plus she works under a Rehab MD. After telling my NP all the problems everyone is having, including myself...she said after so much abuse by doctors and addicts seeking doctors who give pain killers, etc they are on a world wide Internet communication re: those who are abusing and those who are legitimate. It sure made me feel good to know that I am with doctors who are legitimate and who are working with the druggists and pharmacists so I can have the meds I need. I am almost off oxycodone, just need one for breakthrough pain occasionally. Am gradually tapering but was told I may never get past taking 3-4 a day, since I have taken them for 45 years. They do help my migraines but sometimes I need 2 at a time, that is okay too as far as the doctors are concerned and since I am 73 years old, they want me to have a good quality life for my remaining days...but I will continue to try to taper because I would like NOT to have to take any mind altering drugs. I will be having an Occipital Nerve Block in a couple of weeks, possibly that will help also. Swimming has helped, plus daily walks. As far as my back goes, I may have a couple of Epidurals for that issue!!! Wish me luck to get my life back and I won't have to fight the drug stores any longer and I will pray for you all to get your lives in order, get off the harsh pills if you don't really need them. And for those of you who do suffer with pain, find a good, legitimate doctor who is respected by the DEA and you shouldn't have any problems. It is the addicts who are spoiling it for the rest of us who are having genuine pain but now that they are connected to the Abuse Network, gradually things should change. Good luck to all!!!!
Just because they look like a addict they must be a addict ok right thanks for making my every waking second that much more painful BTW make sure you do all you can to keep marijuana out of our addict hands as well. Also you are there to fill prescriptions written by a Dr. not to judge a DR. because I have legitimate Dr's prescribing for me I have MRI's that show I should be in pain I've had surgery that didn't work. I've had Facet block shots. That did more harm than good. To hear you tell about how you would act if I brought a friend of mine who according to you looked strung out. Jesus
to " sick of it " You sound like your in the wrong profession Maybe you'd be happier as a ditch digger or roofer. Naa probably not if you want ot know why it is like it is watch Michele Leonhart gets grilled by Jared Polis on YT blame this crazy cat lady for letting things get to the point where everyone is dying from too much oxy then suddenly trying to slam the flood-gates she has been in charge of the DEA since Bush apponted her (big surprise there) shes also the mastermind of "Fast and furious" blame that b**** I do.
Thats ridiculous! 99% are Doctors coming in that are known by the DEA! Thats freaking ludicrous! They have busted so many Doctors do you really expect us to believe they go into drugstores themselves now? And I gues the other one percent are actually in pain? You just sound like a crab to me, that doesn't want ot do her cushy job. In case you haven't noticed at least you can work!
Obviously you read wrong . 99 % of the rx`s are written by doctors known by the dea . And I have no problem with people who have a legitimate problem. So you should be mad about all the people who are ruining it for you not at me .
It is clearly obvious that you don't suffer from chronic pain, or any pain at all!! No one who takes pain medicine, or needs it for excruciating pain would say that to chris or anybody else on this site!!!!!!!! You don't have a clue!!!! And what, your an expert on what the classic signs of a drug seeker is???? O please!!! Because he's tired of being lied to!!!!! If we were talking about a different service, I'm sure we would be upset to!!!, I don't care what kind of business your running , if u are continually told that your product is out of stock, and you can't tell the customer how they can obtain what they are seeking....people would get upset at some point, especially if u found out the seller is holding this hot, high in demand item for several friends behind their service counter, and telling you that they haven't had it in months, especially when your friend called you and said they just got the item at the place that u are being told no to!!!!
U are so right CHRIS!!! WE have to get together on this stuff, i wish you would have taped that whole conversation!!! Come on people START VIDIO AND VOICE RECORDING!!!!!!!! EVERY PHARMACY!!! START COVERING YOUR U KNOW WHAT...(without them knowing) if possible!
Hi Chris i'm very sorry for all the run around you are going through trying to fill your prescription for oxycodone. These are the FACTS, it is true there is a shortage because of wholesalers being told by the DEA to reduce the quantity that a pharmacy can order, also a lot of pharmacist are afraid of getting fooled and falling victim to prescription fraud. A pharmacist can lose his license or have his license suspended, even if he gets fooled. So pharmacist throughout the country are scared. I strongly agree with you. Many people do need this medication for legitimate medical reasons, but because of the actions of many dishonest people, people like you and many others who really need the medication can't get it. Hang in there Chris. I am currently involve in a plan that would catch 100% of fake prescriptions, so that people who really need the medication can get it. Now the only people who will be hurt will be the people trying to commit prescrtiption fraud. Take care.
@ pharmacist who cares-- its not just places I don't have much history with, I went to a pharmacy for 4 years and he kind of got iffy on me. Along with one other place that knows me well. They both used mckesson and one of them showed me the letter from them. I called the DEA office a couple of weeks ago and went up the ladder and they all denied even when I said the press will get involved soon. The distributors have been combed over by the DEA and have been fined etc so I think some lays on them a few months ago but now it seems most places have them but just lie. The database needs to hurry up and work because this will clear a lot of stuff up.
@MAC-- you are part of the problem. Stay in your own state. Look at Florida and how it was ruined by travelers. I can tell you no pharmacy in GA will fill out of state unless they charge a grand for one fill because they just want the money. I will tell you that only the pill pushing docs will see out of state patients. My docs office won't along with many other legit ones. So MAC I blame folks like you that travel for pills. Sorry but is affects me. And dont tell me some BS either because I know good and well Florida was nothing bit trafficers and they all tried to come here next. Good thing the DEA has raided most placed or shut them down after two weeks. When you have private security that males people from out of state back on to parking places, run off people outside etc then they are up to something.
Well, well, guess the truth hurt, that you had to respond. Can't con every one with a different story for a different listner. You have a real bad habit of opening your mouth, when you don't have a clue of what your talking about. Unlike your story mine is very real. I was hit by a drunk driver, who crossed a 4 lane hwy & hit me at 73mi.an hr. & pushed me back 34ft. into a restaurant drwy. My 10 yr old daughter injured her neck & arm,while I flatlined 3 times, choppered on the way, to the nearest trauma hospital. My daughter spent 10 yrs. with neurosurgeons & neurologists because of dibilitating migrains.& the medication to help her she couldn't take til` she was 18. I spent mine in hell and the confusion of medication, while having 15 major surgeries to put my knees, hips back together, lower end of my spine fused, reproductive organs removed, triple cervical fusion & reset elbow/thumb. I could never work again& with 2 small children,( which I don't believe you have/ their conveinient for what story you want to tell, at the time ) as I did lose everything Iworked for, to bankruptcy because social security disability took 3 yrs to decide my case & yes I had to move in with my Mother, who was not rich but, I can never drive so, I gave her my check, to help with the mortgage & to take me to the doctors & buy the few things I need because I won my case so, my children are taken care of, as of today both have graduated college, one with their bachelors, on their way to their masters the other with their masters and a fine job with good pay , benefits & a generous retirement plan. I am a survivor because I took personal responsibility of becoming educated about my health, the medication I was taking, the other illnesses I developed after the accident or had all along, such as, Systemic Lupus, Ebstein Virus, Type 1 Diabetes, Hypotyroidisim, Crohns disease but, I searched for years for alternative methods for relief & Chinese full body Accupuncture worked the best because long term opoid use will rob the body & mind prematurely. I feel sorry for your parents, who worked hard all their life and will not enjoy the peace and tranquility, they deserve because you will rob them of it. They will cater to the drug addict, who will throw fits and tantrums if you don't get your way. Doing drugs in your parents house, pretty pathetic a guy, who's over 30= bum. I did see you went somewhere to get assistance for whatelse? DRUGS..It's not really funny but, your central and formina stenosis is another fancy word for ARTHRITIS & there is no way in hell, you should be taking OXYCONTIN DESIGNED FOR THE TERMINALLY ILL, WHICH YOU HAVE BEEN GETTING ILLEAGALY, AS WELL AS, XANAX. TAKE MOTRIN OR ALEVE LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE. The fantasy of your doctor, who is getting paid by YOUR INSURANCE CO.( ALLSTATE ) would have a Dr. read someone else's MRI, when the Insurance co., as well as, your lawyer are waiting for the outcome, to know how to proceed. The Dr. knows, that if this case goes to trial, his expertise would be called to the stand. The Insurance Co &The Lawyer had a meeting, on the best way to handle distancing themselves from you & you violated your agreement. MEANING: Your Dr. had a camera in his waiting room watching you trade& sell your medication or there was another patient , who spilled the beans & the Dr. set you up to catch you so, he didn't have to have you, as a client anymore & is required by law to give that reason & notify certain local & state agencies, which is why you couldn't get served but, if you had been a legit patient, all you had to do is call the percribing doctor & within minutes could straighten out the matter for you but, you destroyed, that bridge long ago. Long Live the whining street urchine, where it's everybody elses fault but, their own.
Wow you have some serious anger for this man..he must of really did you wrong, so karma is coming to him ten fold!
I would love for you to get caught, buying or selling pain meds you don't need and then, you would be, where you finally belong. Jail
@Iron maiden-- why don't you Google central foramina stenosis, and right foramina stenosis. Central stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal column, its not a fancy word for arthritis. If I just had that I think I would be fine!! Also right foramina stenosis is the narrowing of the area for the nerve roots. Also your before you decide to say something that isn't true think about it first, it can come back to bite you. You can assume I sell stuff all you want but when you assume its easy to male an ass of yourself. My doctor takes all forms of insurance and will not see out of state patients. If I were a "dealer" that you proclaim wouldn't I go to a cash only doc that would prescribe me double what I get. Geez iron maiden get a clue. Also trying to knock on someone fi reasons you don't know is not cool also. I mean I can easily get you IP address. Also as far as a doc looking at the wrong mri I have the letter, had to call the place, and now have an updated letter. Of course you don't even have your facts straight on that one so I will just leave it at that, have a nice day.
OOOOOhhhhhhh,you're soooo scary. Really, do you think, that your the mafia of the perscription drug info. page? You proved my point, you lost your brains taking all those drugs and now, I'M TELLING YOU TO GET LOST, LOSER!
@iron maiden, if you had a clue about certain meds then you would see that if I did the things you said I would be the stupidest one on the planet. The reason for this is two years ago they reformulated oxycontin. They made it where you can't snort it or shoot it up anymore so when this happened all the folks making bank off their oxycontin jumped ship and they all went to roxy's. Now oxycontin OS practically worthless and roxy's have doubled in price. So why would I ask my doc to cut one med and give me one that nobody wants if I sell stuff. Hmm, thay would make 0 sense. So if I want to get high why again would I get them again since you can't get high off them anymore. I had talked about this switch before there was an issue with the roxy's. The reason for this is I was tired of hurting and taking the immediate release meds only like most docs push out is nowhere near as effective for pain since its a roller coaster for it working. Since I made the change I have slept better, getting 6-7 hours of sleep a night vs 3-4. I am more active than I was, I also don't throw up once a week anymore from the pinched nerves in my neck, now its once every one or two months which is a relief because that got old fast. If you look it up you will see so many people complaining about the oxycontin reformulation, they all claim how it doesn't work for them anymore. They work done for me but I'm not getting high so thay might be the reason. My doc was even puzzled because everyone he used to write if for switched to something they could abuse.
Oh also I'm not the mafia of the forum, but when you say things that fall under slander and defamation of character then there can be an issue. There are a lot of people that get in trouble now by saying things on the web. All I am saying is try playing nice for a change. When I get my settlement I'm going out of the country to have a procedure don't that they don't do here since our healthcare system is all screwed up. Good day.
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