I Believe Coumadin Lowers My Mood And Confidence.
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I am an active 41 yr old male who has been on coumadin for 9 years and now believe it lowers my mood and confidence. I originally believed my changes in mood and confidence were associated with my open heart surgery to replace my aortic valve and the life changes and trauma one would expect after such an event at 32 yrs old. But recently i was allowed to come off coumadin for a little over a week to have a back surgery. My INR was normal after 3 days giving me 5 days with my normal blood again. My confidence about the surgery, myself and outlook on life and my business changed enough for me to notice reminding me of how i felt before open heart surgery. Solid is the word i would use.

The morning after returning to take coumadin again, a couple days after back surgery, i woke up with a feeling of low mood and confidence, which increased gradually with each day on coumadin again. It was very noticeable to me that something was causing this low mood i have been battling over the years since my open heart surgery, could it actually be coumadin? Because there was a noticeable difference when i went off of it and back on again.

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Yes, my cardiologist says coumadin is still the only medication safe for those with artifical heart valves.

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Yes, it could be the Coumadin, it has affected others in a similar manner. Other side effects, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and easy bruising.

Have you considered trying an alternative medication? There are several others available, now.

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Strauss Heart Drops is the answer to your prayers. Look it up and spread the word :)

And, research Dr. Sircus Magnesium chloride deficiency source of all heart disease.

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