I Started Taking 5htp For Mood Disorder Has Anyone Had Experience With This And Suggestions Dosing
Updatedwas wondering if you can take additional tabs during the day, as opposed to the 100mg. i take just in the morning.
Will this interfere with sleep....is pacing it out a better option or just once a day.....or at night????
new to this med.....have been on 19 psych meds in one year time....this is the first one to make me "pop" and feel hope for a better quality of life.....can't find alot of dosing information on the net.....Any advice?
3 Replies
Well, the reason you aren't finding dosing information is because this is an over the counter supplement, not an actual medication. This means that it hasn't been studied for efficacy, dosing and side effects, as is done with actual prescription drugs.
I can really only suggest you talk to your doctor to get their input and/or follow the manufacturers instructions.
Does anyone have experience using this?
hello there...it's been a long time since I posted this...
It was my psychiatrist that recommended i try it. Then I promptly went to pharmacy with a male Psych Rn, turned homeopathic pharmacist. A great deal of knowledge....since I had been treatment reistant for so long....I can now report, over 30 meds given trials in me in 21/2 yrs....so psych doc, who is new to all this...but a believer....has started to use for his own family members....suggested I try.
Upon visiting this pharmacist, he also suggested DHEA....between the two, progress, although in my eyes is minimal, Pdoc feels monumental. I realize, my judgment is harsh, as I am so fed up with all of this. It's been a horrible journey, amazing I am still breathing, let alone, keeping full time job now. (that is my greatest success in all this) I can't say my moods and depression has subsided.....I still cycle rather quickly with basline being depression.....but the progress is "trust".....more in myself and what I am capable of....also trusting that what I may feeel in the moment-absolute despair-will not exist in as short a time as one hour later.
Sorry for the long winded answer....still great deal of trouble concentrating and shutting up--that I guess, would be the ADD part of my Bipolar experience.
It's all a journey....too many paths unmapped for my liking...and way too many twists and turns....some leading to a cliff....
I hope there are others out there, willing to give "MEDS" like this a shot....yes, considered vitamins, but as my pdoc says, they are very much a part of the pharmaceutical industry...contained in many meds, or mimicked by other chemicals.
Thanks again for catching this. I hope this may encourage another, to try, if feeling at last ditch.
Thanks for the encouragement. Those of us with treatment resistant depression are trudging a long road and all of the "helpful" suggestions of friends and family add to the burden. I know that if you have tried that many medications that you are pretty desperate. I think that I would have to stop all meds to figure out my baseline for depression, but even switching them gets me down. I wish you luck. I have had some luck with Standard Process supplements and a chiropractor who does acupuncture. Usually by the time we get to alternatives we are pretty messed up. I wish you luck and feel that it is a good sign that you are willing to keep trying. I know that there must be an answer out there somewhere. I wish you the best and appreciate your response.
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