I Need To Find A Doctor Indianapolis In That Will Prescribe Methadone For Chronc Pain (Page 2) (Top voted first)
There is a petition to get some people in power involved with us keeping our medications and being able to get medical care. It was originally addressed to the state of AZ and the federal government. The states of the people who sign are being added, along with the federal government.
Please click and sign. Every signature is so important. If we don't get something going for ourselves, we are going to be without our medications that we depend on.
Omg I'm still crying from reading your posts. I have lived through pure hell and torture thst would make any morbid disfunctional childhood seem like paridise.. I won't go into detail on that. Your right everyone says their story is the worst by far and are always or at least most of the time looking for sympathy handouts. I too have fallen victim to addiction in past, unfortunately mine is everything I ever try. Pain pills being the worst though, I'm still fighting that and alcohol off. I pray for you and all other addicts out there and always will. Look into a shot thst lasts 3 months called vivitrol it is suppose to keep withdrawal off for 90 days. Good luck, I know you need it, as do I and the rest of recovering addicts. God bless and good lucky on the no insurance thing too.
It is extremely hard (almost impossible) to find a doc that will actually prescribe it. So if you really need methadone your best bet is to go to a methadone clinic. There's 2 in Indianapolis, midtown and ITC. if you take that route midtown is the better of the two but be careful and do your research, methadone is a b**** to come off of.
VERWON,,,,I'd like to know if you have any comments for Demi? You always always always have given me the best advice.....I think she does need some guidance
Demi--When I talk to my mom about all the issues I am dealing with (although not quite as much as you have on your plate today& in your past) she always tells me that someone else always has it worse than me.That works some time,but not very often.I am feeling so much anxiety,depression and really bad thoughts throughout your posting.I am concerned about you although I do not know you. I gotta tell you though,I had a son,at the time 17 yrs old,who was suffering severely with OCD,germaphobia(?) and several other psych issues.After 3yrs of trying to find help for him,&HE HAD INSURANCE BUT MOST FACILITIES wouldn't take him because of the complexity of his issues,,that of course is my opinion.He was also very very very violent.I have a younger son that got the brunt of his anger few times,but me I got it the worst.Without getting into details,Today I suffer from seizures because of multiple head traumas and scar tissue that has built up,lost partial hearing in my ear,lost partial sight in 1 eye and a few other minor issues. WHAT I WANT TO TELL YOU THOUGH IS...I wrote a letter to Dr Phil about my son and all the issues I was dealing with,my younger son and just our family and everyday struggles.Do you know,,,1 of the producers called me at home within 2 wks of sending that letter.They wanted us on the show.They said they would cover our identity to the cameras (but it wouldn't be covered with the audience). I would like to suggest to you that you write a letter,just as you did on your last posting,to Dr Phil Show and see if he can help you.You have had so many struggles in your life already (you sound very young for that much already) and if after 3 days you went back to the Methadone,then I would recommend that you get that help thats out there.I know you have no insurance,but is there anything like HUSKY Insurance available where you live? In most states they do have 'free' ins that covers just about everything for low and no income families. Altho your baby is only 19 months,believe me, she feels your discomfort and pain. I will pray for you daily and if you need to post back&forth I'm here. I've been on pain meds of some sort since September 1995 ALMOST 18 YEARS NOW and I'd be willing to try anything to get off my meds too. Stay strong,I know,stupid comment, most of all STAY SAFE
Demi, I truly hope you get the help you need. Healthcare in this country is a joke, and needs to consider parents like yourself who just don't have options. It's not ok to leave any addict who wants help by the wayside. I would not only email Dr Phil's staff, but any other television show that may end in your getting a chance to enter a highly recommended rehab. I believe Steve wilkos also sends some guests to these kinds of facilities. In the meantime, do you have a sliding scale or free clinic near you? If not, google "free clinics" and "sliding scale clinics" in the nearest big city. There are usually at least a few. A doctor could help you with a weaning schedule or possibly get you into a methadone clinic where you would be giving a small dose daily, which can be weaned down safely. Also, try Medicaid or other programs like it. I truly wish you luck and God bless.
That's amazing news, Demi!! I'm so happy that you can finally get some medical help that won't put you deeply in debt (I'm familiar with this as a med student with no insurance), and it may just be the answer to your prayers. If you let them know your problem, they may be able to use the pain medication they'll be giving you after the surgery anyway to put you on a sort of taper schedule. At least you will be in a hospital setting with round the clock care and access to doctors who can monitor you and help with withdrawals the right way. In the meantime though, the high dose loperamide has been a miracle withdrawal treatment for hundreds if not thousands of people, even really severe heroin addicts. I wish you the best of luck and God bless!
I am very concerned about your child. Is there someone who can help you with child care until you get back on your feet?
You sound like a very kind and caring person. You have every right to be concerned about the children. I hope there are resources to help with the children too.
have you had any luck finding a doctor? if so please let me know {edited for privacy}
Thank you so much to those of you, who have signed the petition. Every signature is so important.
Post 28 is the link, those who haven't signed yet, please take a minute, click and help us fight to keep our medications.
Looking for doctor in Indianapolis who prescribes methadone besides a clinic. An actual doctors office. If they except Medicaid even better. Thanks
I agree I was on 9 10 my tabs a day for my chronic pain. Now I'm at 2 a day and I can't move I hurt so bad. My Dr is worried more about his license which I understand but this is my life. I could write a story but I'm in to much pain to at this time. I do know one thing I'm sick of being judged. I will die without help soon. Please help me my name is Rosa. I understand, I wanna live, they put Dogs down for less what makes me different? Just cause I'm human I should suffer? Methadone isn't a bad medication an the people who need it should be able to get it. Regardless
Hey bud this is probably really late but 1 thing that helps u relax is pot. But the thing that will help you get thru the first week is kratom. Taken in measured doses you can find on internet you can curb and even stop the withdrawal with kratom. But you must only take for a week or 2 at most in lower doses till nothing because it is addictive too. But make sure you taper to a low dose as low as 1 mg of methadonev over time a month or 2s time. Depends on how comfortable u want to be.
Hello, I too have had RSD since '91. Have been tring to find people that have this monster of a disease. My husband an family are a god send, but don't know my pain. We moved to Ind 5 weeks ago, an to my surprise I can't find a Dr that will give me my meds. So far no kinds of opioid medications at all. I have been on my meds all these years an these Drs here let me go cold turkey, I have been sick..which I know anyone that has been through it understands. Does anyone know DR's or clinics that will help me. I'm in 3rd stage an hurting so bad. I'm in Ind, but only 25 mins from OHIO. Anyone that can help me, is appreciated. TY
Go to any Methadone clinic at 5am any day of the year and you will see Tens of thousands of Demi's.. If our government gave a Damn about reducing the phenomenon known as the never-ending pattern of undesirable people who multiply or reproduce.. as she proves, Demi grew up in tragic circumstances and was never given a sliver of hope or opportunity to due to her parents deviant nature... Most likely demi didn't graduate high school, and instead ended up having kids by random undesirable males out of wedlock without any way to care or nurture the poor things, and the cycle of tragic waste of humanity evolves.. MANDATORY HYSTERECTOMIES FOR ALL ON PUBLIC ASSISTANCE, MEDICAID, WELFARE, CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM, HOMELESS ETC.. THIS WOULD MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE AND THE minimize the case of a Demi and the TRAGEDY OF EVOLVING CYCLE REPRODUCTION OF Undesirable generations breeding
There is ZERO help in Indiana for the clinics.Zero they are the biggest drug dealers in the city.
I know exactly about a Dr that will prescribe methadone for pain. His name is Dr. Lee Tynessen his practice is through " my ortho team " by U.S. 31 & stop 12 by movies 8. He prescribed me 60mg a day until I lost him
Hi, my name is Steven could you please share the name of the Doctor in Indianapolis. So I can schedule an appointment with the doctor. Thank You
If anything wrong with baby aue the person who abandoned you
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