I Just Need Someone To Help Me Find A Doctor In Ky That Will Write The Oxy 30s And Xanax Something For Breakthrough Pain Whatever Else Do
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Just want to find a doctor in KY that will write something preferably the oxycodone 30 for pain and 15's for breakthru, plus I've been taking xanax for around 5 years to try and help with the pain and anxiety which they do to a certain point. But I say the oxycodone because I went to a pain clinic in GA 3 months ago and they wrote them for me and I thought I was in heaven as far as the pain was concerned but due to the pain I can't make those trips.!!! Someone PLEASE HELP!!!!
Re: swj (# 12)
Where are you in GA?
Re: Lou (# 5)
Good job. I agree 150%. I have taken Xanax since 1982. I have a MAJOR anxiety disorder. I don't take Xanax daily but when I have a panic attack I need it. I am not an addict just have medical conditions and NOTHING else works.
Re: Lou (# 5)
Hey dude, u do understand that a lot of drug addicts got started on them because they suffered from true pain! U can be in severe pain and be an addict! I've been battling this s*** for 18 years. And unless ur 16yrs old, u would see from their posts they're looking! Now they maybe in pain as well but come on, if u take these drugs long enough, ur body will get highly addicted to them! Not one person on here can deny that! Once everybody will admit ‘hey, I got a problem' & chances are u already know. The quicker U can start dealing with ur pain & addiction one day at a time! But pretending like chronic pain patients and addicts are separate is foolish. They go hand in hand! And it’s manageable!
Re: RxIfAppropriate (# 4)
Michael apparently you never had nerve damage before, so it's easy for you to say that. He you had pain the way i do ,o by the way I have sciatica. My only choice is a operation on my back, would you be willing to do that? Don't be so quick to judge if you don't know the whole story. I have pain 24 hrs a day every day from my lower back to my foot ,and believe me when I say you would do anything just for 5min of comfort. Signed Pain Forever. 1Love
Re: DrJoeyMDPhD (# 18)
Where is your office at? I’ve only had 1 doctor that was understanding and willing to help and he retired and since then I have not been able to find a doctor that treats me like a human being with a real condition.
Seriously! Go to a methadone clinic! If someone has a doctor that actually prescribes pain medicine, do you really think they are going to share that information and have 500 ****s seeking pain meds bombarding that doctor?!! That doctor will then throw out every patient they have on pain meds for fear of losing their license!
I bet you are a dry drunk 12 steper who spends more time judging others than the supreme court. How do you know how much pain these people are in. some people are even suicidal because the pain is so great and because of the DEA and the other hypocrites in government some peoples pain is not addressed, but their obituary is.
Evidently you have never experienced pain before. It's not a ghost just because you can't see it. It is very real!!!!. I know first hand. I'm 68 and I have been in chronic pain for years. My back is so bad I can't even sweet, mop, make a bed and on and on and on. I don't enjoy being this way. I was always a very active person. My heart goes out to anyone that has to go through " True Chronic Pain".
After my auto accident they were giving me high doses of Seconal in my I.V. to help keep me sedated. Anyone that thinks Schedule I.V. benzodiazepines are strong....good Lord, those Schedule II Barbiturates are BRUTAL...especially when combined with high doses of Hydromorphone :'(. Course, 29 fractures including 4 total joint replacements kept me in MISERY!!!
That's EXACTLY what I was thinking.. Driving from Kentucky thru to Georgia, and specifing Oxycodone 30s....and 15s for breakthrough pain. Man, if they go to any Pain Management Group, and tell them that that's what they prefer..they'll ask them to leave...
not one dam person answered the question that was asked
if you do not have an answer to these posts stop wasting our time
are you hard up to talk to someone
Klonopin (clonazeoam) is a better anxiolytic and can be take BID/ TID. Xanax is the shortest acting other than traizolam (Halcyon) and real Midazolam (Versed) syrup. Generally, the horror acting an effective sedative is the greater the chance for abuse and addiction, (Seconal was #1 in that category audit left a bloody swath throughout thev50s, 60s, and 70s.) Now, I'm not perching. I occasionally prescribed one of then-unavailable non-barbiturate hypnotics. Nodular-300 was a fair choice because no one hd heard of it as a possible drug of abuse. Doride (glutethimide) worked very well, but any doc who ever worked on a Doriden OD where the pt. survived, wished thug would disappear. It's still listed in Schedule II but it not to be found manufactured by any major drug company.
Well said from one who has been there!
You're absolutely right! I'm a psychiatrist with a PhD in Pharmacology and I HAVE taken pain meds (Percocet 1-/325 - 4-8/day x five years) for an almost impossible to pin down chronic headache syndrome. Power Ball, and the headache syndrome disappeared never again to be seen. I had plenty of oxycodone to treat withdrawal symptoms, but didn't need any at all. I keep anon minds about patients in chronic pain and so should other MDs/DOs.
Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.
I'm inclined to agree. Such strange and different requirements "needed or I will die"-type logic never fails to bring out the skeptic in me. I've been in chronic pain several times and I never felt the need to advertise for a doc who would wrote Schedule II scripts as if this were eBay. Trust a good, experienced doctor's clinical experience and years of training. I once had a bottle of Ambien 10mg (#90) swiped by my cleaning lady's son's pregnant girlfriend and my own doc, said, "You're hemming and hawing so much that if I didn't know you well, I might assume you were trying to scam me for another script! You need another script for Ambien 10mg #90? Three qHS? 5 refills? Fine. I'll call it in it." Hearing me expel my breath, Doc said, "Joey, if you were going to scam me for a script it would be for Dilaudid, or Methedrine!"
As far as you saying that this person doesn't need Xanax, you are not a doctor. Xanax is the only medication that helps me fall asleep and stay asleep. I have been on it 16 years along with a time release medication for my many pain issues. My doctor does regular drug panels on all of his patients because of all the new laws that have been put into place. Every one's situation is different.
Its horrible how we are treated by those who made a oath "to do no harm" to patients and so harm! I thank God I have a wonderful team now and are even willing to test me for the cyp450 enzyme which causes fats metabolism. If I do have it, they will increase my dose. I think the worse part is when a nurse practitioner treats you like crap and cause you to cry every day due to stress AND contemplate suicide to not have to deal with any of it and then when ur one pill short she fires you. You cant even explain things to the doctor, they are guarded like fort knox. Funny how in 2012 when dea really started interfering with doctors, od's increased, then prescription od's increased, then opiates increased, then suicides increased and now opiates have increased again. All could have been avoided by allowing doctors to treat patients without govt interference. THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTAL OVERDOSES! They are suicides from being sick of being treated like crap and not getting the relief they deserve. Why does govt think states are trying to get the compassionate death act allowed? Take away my meds, ill go in the streets, arrest pill sellers, there's always opiates, take that away we can all just die...jeepers give us something for pain? If our doctors don't, we will find it!
My pain doctor is rude and mean to his patients and his staff. It's awful, I have to Ty's Xanax prior to each appointment he make me so nervous. He has a great reputation for helping those in need but he also is all over the web regarding his nasty demeanor. My husband was referred to him and he started screaming at him because our PCP had my husband on a high level of Oxycodone. He told my husband if he didn't agree to have extremely costly injections then he needed to not waste his "The doctor's" time and to get the F out of his office. In the meantime he was screaming at his staff members saying that they were all incompetent and he has to do everything for himself. Geez it's no wonder he is on % 4 wife. Good luck to her. As for myself and many other people who are patients there truly have no other choice but to be seen by him as the pain doctors have become so scarce thanks to those abusers.
I'm quite sure this doctor knows he has the upper hand as he is the one who holds the scripts and the magic pen per say. He walks / struts around with a grandeous cocky attitude and berates his patients who are his bread & butter. I've overheard him kicking people out leaving them in a real predicament with saying as they are leaving "I don't need your money there's plenty of others on a waiting list to see me". I have an appointment this week and I am a wreck every month thinking am I on the chopping block this month? He as well sees many of us Bi-Monthly and on our off month we have to pick up our Rx for the month at his office. Before it is handed over an office visit fee must be paid in lew of receiving your monthly Rx. My pharmacist said that is totally illegal but I know speaking for myself I would rather pay than risk being berated or have no place to go. That happened one time with a doctor who swiftly retired and I will never forget the detox pain I endured. I strongly believe no one will turn him in for fear of being kicked out and going on a waiting list for another doctor. This man is not stupid he sure knows he's got us pain ridden people right where he wants us. It's all about the $$. I've waited up to 4 hours to be seen on a few occasions now. Always expect to sit in the waiting room no less the 1-2 hours. With my back issues its horrible to have to sit / stand for so long not to mention how rude that he quadruple books.
I do have a real problem with the u/a he gives and the default rate or possibly human error? I don't know. Regardless I and a close friend who has a pain pump implanted were both wrongly accused about a year ago and I still reside on a watch list at his office. As for my girlfriend with the pain pump she was sent away as he calls it ( he fires a patient like a boss would do to an incompetent worker) It's quite humiliating for me as my name remains on his list. It's so unfortunate that the government had to step in due to this "Drug War". It is no doubt hurting those of us that truly need the help. My PCP told me that many of today's doctors feel helpless to their patients needs due to new laws that are dictating how they can or cannot treat. There needs be be a happy medium somewhere before we start seeing a decrease in our medical caregivers.
To the dude in KY LOOKING FOR A DOCTOR - I have a monstrous tolerance and have safely in the past taken 450- 600mg of oxycodone a day but even I think you are requested too many meds for your pain. My problem was a hyper metabolism due to Phenytoin taken with the oxy. You DONT NEED OXY 30's plus oxy 15's plus xanax. Yes there is anxiety once you become a pain patient, mainly due to the stress caused by pill counts, surprise UA's and being treated poorly by doctors. But once you get an almost adequate (because they never truly are) dose, you should not take a benzodiazepine, THATS how folks od, not just from opiates. I also happen to think most of the overdoses are due to suicide from not receiving adequate pain relief. You need an extended relief and a breakthrough, not two breakthroughs, and anxiety pills.
What Dr.and clinic in GA.wrote that.I live in KY u help me I help u.
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