I Am Scared Of What Has Happen To Me From Taking Oxycodone 15mg For The Past Five Years (Top voted first)


I have been under a doctor’s care for the past five years. I’ve had ankle surgery, as well lower back surgery. Started off with Hydrocodone 10mg. Then another doctor, which I have to date, switch me to Oxycodone 90 count, 10mg three times a day. Then to Oxycodone 120 count, 15mg, four times a day. Then to Oxycodone 180 count, 15mg, six times a day. Then to Oxycodone 210 count, 15mg seven times a day. I don’t know if what I’m feeling, going thru is related from Oxycodone? I have lost my sex drive as of today. Doctor has given me Viagra 100mg back about two years ago to help me get my sex drive back. It help at first, now two years later, No sex drive at all. My wife thinks I’m not happy with her anymore, because of my sex drive. We fight a lot of times because of this. I have lost some of my teeth from the past year or so. I have no energy what so ever, unless I take another Oxycodone 15mg. I have anxiety every day. When the night falls I lay in bed scared out of my wits. I have alot of fear. Thinking something or someone is breaking into our house. Alot of times, I lay in bed feeling my chest getting very tight, breathing feels very hard to do. Pains shooting up and down my leg and arm. Advise the doctor of this, Doctor gives me Buproion, advising me it comes from anxiety. I have ask the doctors many times about testing my organs for anything that be caused from Oxycodone. Have pains in my lower stomach area and cheat area. Doctor advise me to get with my family doctor because of what I’m feeling as of pains in my chest, lower stomach. I’m to the point of I don’t care. I don’t care to go anywhere, About to lose my family. I feel deep down inside, that my body is in need of extra care and I could die from anything, all because of taking all the medication over the past five years. Please help, Did some, or all this could of came from taking Oxycodone 15mg over a long period of time?

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What tests has your family doctor done to determine the cause of the other pain?

Yes, some of it may be due to anxiety, but there are also other reasons, which they should check for to see if there are other problems.


I was on Oxycodone and Morphine for about 6 years and one thing that I later ended up with was Gastritis. My stomach was injured in a car wreck, but they never checked for that and the medications helped it to continue getting worse. The pain from it can radiate, because it hits the nerves in your spine.

Have you tried any types of antacids to see if they help?

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.....Also, and I know I'm a bit late to help but I hope I'm in time, but you really need to care if you lose your family to this. Again, I'm speaking from experience because I actually did lose my family to this... My wife left me for a friend I was letting live with us and took my daughter with her. Once it didnt work out with my buddy she moved back to AZ to be closer to family. Now she's happily remarried with another child 3,600 miles away and she absolutely despises me because she blames me for all of our troubles. I don't get to see my child and it's absolutely devastated me to the point that I'm a completely different person. I know you've got plenty of problems but can you imagine throwing a divorce and all the awful things that go with it on to the pile? As a stranger whose been in these shoes let me say this (and I hope you get this and it's not too late)... If I had one piece of advice I could shove down your throat and force you to take it would be to fix your family before its too late. If you think you've got problems now just wait and see what its like to throw the guilt, shame, and sense of loss that comes with losing those closest to you... those who have been with you throughout these obviously painful trials. Man, I thought I was strong and it broke me like a f***ing pencil lead. I have no problem admitting that I wake up most mornings with tears running down my face because my first thought most mornings is of all I had and how I lost it because I didn't see the need for wholesale changes until it was far, far too late... and it's also not an easy thing to find another love with so much baggage. A divorce, maybe even kids, injuries serious enough to warrant a pill regiment powerful enough to cause these problems in the first place...it's definitely not an easy sell. Mostly the women I date end up trying to get into my medicine cabinet because these b****es find out that I've had all these surgeries either don't want to date somebody with a serious health problem or do only because they assume that something fun's GOTTA be in there and split the second they know you're not slinging pills. Do whatever it takes to keep the ones who were there before the pills for God's sake before it's to late or if I didn't find you in time and she's gone... well, good luck bro. If you DO find a decent woman willing to take you as you are with no other incentive but to love you for you.... please return the favor, reply back and tell me how the f*** you did it because I've been looking since she left 4 years ago and got close precisely once. She just died of an accidental overdose two weeks ago... Turns out that she wanted into the medicine cabinet too and after moving in September 1st she found the keys. After my first refill with her in the house she insufflated about 300mg of oxycodone and ate five xanax bars while I was at my mom and dads house for dinner, I was gone less than two hours. I hope you get this in time, if not I seriously hope it helps the next guy to click on the link you made on the site I stumbled onto. Good luck and God bless...Chris in Fla

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I sympathize. At one time I was taking a Fentanyl patch: 100 mcg per hr/ q 48 hrs (instead of the usual 72 hrs.) plus, for breakthrough pain, 360 10mg. tabs per month. My new doctor told me that with narcs, sometime more is not better & I was to the point of hurting because of too many narcs. Of course, the little person in me, who was afraid of more pain, revolted but I said I would try the new regimen & my pain has decreased. I tapered down to a Fentanyl patch of 50 mcg/hr q 72 hours & 140 15 mgs per month for breakthrough pain. I'm still tapering & tho I did experience some mild withdrawals, my pain levels are better than when I was taking the much higher protocol. I know this sounds counter-intuitive but, after consulting w/ several pain mgtmt specialists, I concur that the doctor's advice was sound. Chronic pain has taken away my motivation & yes, it has ruined my sex drive. But, after years of being somewhat of a sex addict, I welcome a reprieve from the compulsion. I'm over 65 & I realize this report doesn't address your concerns. However, until I got Medicare AND a gold insurance supplemental plan, I went to low-rent doctors who treated me like a criminal dope addict. I had been successful in business until the health crisis that almost killed me. I now live on SS & I'm not used to being economically disadvantages. However, I have been married for 37 mostly wonderful years &, after finding a good team of doctors who treat me w/ respect, my pain levels, are, for the most part tolerable. Chronic pain is a b**** & the narcs (which are the only thing that works for me) do have long-term side effects, e.g. it lowers testosterone which, in turn makes bones more brittle, necessitating hormone supplementation. I hate Big Pharma, the greedy bastards! I don't like being dependent on the narcs, but what choice is there? If I seem to be rambling, it seems to me to be a product of my age-related cognitive decline not the meds. I'm really trying to commiserate w/ your situation but don't know if I've succeeded. Regardless, good luck to you. Perhaps, you need a 'good' pain management doc: I've had some crappy ones & some really intelligent, non-egomaniacs.

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I sincerely hope you can get help with this and work this all out. It seems your dr needs to work on alternative treatments but if he did this in Ky he would first of all be visited by the local drug task force every week to "request" that he adjust his treatments to minimize his prescribing quantities and strengths and ask him to closely monitor all patients using narcotics or risk "investigation. Basically, treat patients like we say or else. I don't mean to imply he is right or wrong in his treatment, only that treatments are between doctor and patient and should be agreed upon according to each case and not controlled by an organization only concerned with numbers, statistics and it's own agenda. If medication is called for and used correctly it can be the difference between a great life or depressing existence. Doctor/patient confidentiality and a doctors responsibility to help his patient have a better quality of life should far outweigh any other factor including an agency's agenda to stop drug abuse.

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