Hydroxyzine Forums (Page 4)

Recently active Hydroxyzine forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Hydroxyzine and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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Hi. Can someone tell me if there are any possible side effects from taking these two medications together? ## Hello, Nefer! I didn't find any problems or interactions listed between these two medications. However, according to the MayoClinic, Hydroxyzine is on the list of medications that is usually not recommended for use alongside Bupropion, even though it may be required in some cases. They go on to note that if both medicines are prescribed together, your doctor may change the dose or how often you use one or both of the medicines. Ref: MayoClinic Hydroxyzine is classified by the FDA as an antihistamine that is also used for its sedating properties. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and drowsiness. Ref: MedlinePlus (Hydroxyzine) Bupropion...

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I want to know if my pharmacist gave me the right pill. They are for my itching and they don't seem to be working. ## Hello, Sonya! What do they look like and what are the markings on them? This is the information needed in order for the medication to be identified. Can you please post back and clarify? And being that this medication is an antihistamine, it will only help with itching that is due to some type of allergic reaction, according to the NIH. Do you have any idea why you are itching? The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including drowsiness, dizziness, and sedation. ## It is Hydroxyzine. Hal. 25. MG tab. Dark green. With logo. ( 160. Round

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Will taking hydroxyzine hcl 25 cause me to test positive for SUBOXONE on my drug screen for probation? ## Could I test positive for a UA after taking vistaril ## The FDA doesn't list this as being a common occurrence, but there is really no way to be sure how any given medication might affect anyone that takes it, since we are all different. Has this happened to either one of you? Do either of you take any other medications?

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my doctor prescribed the above pills for iching but y forgat haw ofen teken and hameni ## Hello, Jazmine! How are you? What are the directions on the prescription or bottle? It's usually 25mgs orally 3 to 4 times a day, but you should check to be sure. Side effects may include dizziness, drowsiness and sedation. ## it be a pill u use. if u take too manny it makees u hav bad penmenship. ## Been diagnosed with eczema and have severe itching. Had 3 steroid shots and am taking hydroxyzine. Itching still. Any suggestions?

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What is this medicine used for? ## Hydroxyzine Pamoate is commonly used as a mild tranquilizer in dentistry. Hydroxyzine can also be used for the treatment of allergic conditions, such as chronic urticaria, atopic or contact dermatoses, and histamine-mediated pruritus. To view more information regarding Hydroxyzine and it's clinical uses, please follow the link below... If you have any more questions or concerns, please post back so I can further assist you. ## Will taking barr 323 25 cause me to fail a drug panel? I was going to take them to see if it would help me sleep at night but don't wanna lose my job over a failed drug panel. ## Hello i have been prescribed tramadol 50 mg and have been itching and breaking out in rash all over my body so i went back to my doctor and he p...

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how much dosage should i give for my 5 years old son on iterax syrup? ## What has his doctor advised? Iterax contains the active ingredient Hydroxyzine, it is an antihistamine that is most commonly used to treat allergies. The suggested dosage for children is usually around 1mg for each kilogram of body weight, given in equally divided dose over the course of the day. Therefore, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist for an accurate dosing regimen. Learn more: ## I don't have an iterax syrup now, what I have is an iterax 10mg tab. My 3yr old son has an allergy. How much can I give him for the tablet? ## how many times do ihave to take iterax in one day? ## how many ml should i give iterax syrup to my sone, 6 yrs of age, weighs 39kg

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My Rx hydroxyzine pamoate says to take one capsule three times a day as needed. It's 50mg, does that mean I don't have to take it at a scheduled time? Please clear this up for me. Thank you. ## That is correct, that means that while the dosing should be at least 8 hours apart, if you don't need one at the next schedule dosing time, you do not have to take one. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and dry mouth. Is there anything else I can help with?

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My medication will be expiring soon. What is the best and safest way to dispose of this medication? ## Hello, Tori! How are you? The FDA states that you can take it into any pharmacy and ask them to dispose of it for you, or you can mix it in some undesirable substance, such as used kitty litter, or coffee grounds, seal the whole mess up in a container and dispose of it with your regular trash. Is there anything else I can help with?

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I take gabapentin (Gralise) max dose daily for nerve pain. I get breakthrough pain at night. I have taken A muscle relaxer and hydroxyzine and seems to help some with the nerve pain. Any clues about why as well as if hydroxyzine would work alone for the nerve pain? ## It has some sedative like effects, which is why it is often used for anxiety, so it can cause some relaxation/sedation. That might be why it helps. The FDA lists its other typical side effects as possibly including dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, and headache. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Hello. I also take Gabapentin for Nerve pain and I take Hydroxyzine HCL 25mg at bedtime for sleep issues and anxiety. I take the Gabapentin at 8pm and the Hydroxyzine at 11pm. I take one and a half Hydroxyzine. I have noti...

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My boyfriend was prescribed to take (2) 25 mg tabs of hydroxyzine at night but it doesn't work that well and when he takes (1) of my 50 mg tabs it's more effective and works better. Does the higher dosage of the same medication absorb differently or quicker than the lower dosage? ## No, there should not be any significant difference. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, hypotension, and dehydration. What issues is he experiencing that makes him feel that taking 2 of the 25mg tablets isn't working as well? Has he consulted his doctor about prescribing the 50mg dose? ## He was originally prescribed it when he had hives last year and i think he started taking 2 because 1 tab wasnt really working for the i...

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I am taking Busprione Tab 15 MG and Hydroxyzine Caps 25 MG for depression and anxiety. What is the purpose of taking both of these medications? It seems like Hydroxyzine makes me tired. I use to take Xanax and I never felt tired as a matter of fact I had much more energy. Please let me know what these two perscriptions and suppose to help me do. I'm still depressed. ## The Hydroxyzine is an antihistamine that is also often used for it's calming/sedative like effects to relieve anxiety, so it's causing drowsiness is a normal side effect. Learn more: Buspirone is an anti-anxiety medication and being that this calming is the very intent of it, it can also cause drowsiness. Learn more: Generally, when someone suffers anxiety, it involves their getting worked up, so calming is ne...

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Found this tiny round white pill, either K11 or Kll on one side, blank on other side. No idea what it is? Anyone? ## Yes, the marking is K11 and the tablet contains 25mgs of Hydroxyzine, which is an antihistamine that's used to treat allergic reactions, nausea, anxiety and for its sedative like effects. That said, most of its prominent side effects are due to its sedative like properties, so anyone taking it may experience severe drowsiness, dizziness and sedation. Are there any other questions? There are more Hydroxyzine details available here. ## What other properties an uses for k11 ## I was looking up stuff on my phone and found this pill on my floor. Really curious as to what it is n how it got there ## I needed this app to find meds I ldidn't know who they were

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Hi. My husband has a toothache. Can hydroxyzine 10mg syrup stop the pain from the toothache he has? Please let me know. It's bad. ## No, this medication is an antihistamine that is also used as to treat anxiety, and insomnia, but it will not do anything to alleviate pain. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including dizziness, drowsiness, sedation, and somnolence. Has he consulted his dentist? Does he typically experience dental issues?

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I have a bottle of HYDGROXYZ PAM 25MG and the pharmacist has written Take 1 capsule every 6 hours as needed for pain. I got this from a PA a week after having surgery on my shoulder. So, I'm confused as why it says on here not for pain. ## Hello, Colleen! How are you? No, this medication is an antihistamine that is most commonly used to treat allergic reactions and for its sedative like effects that can help with anxiety. I've never heard of it being prescribed for pain. Even when used for anesthesia, sometimes, it is combined with other medications, not used alone. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including dizziness, drowsiness, and dry mouth. I wonder if there was some mix up and they meant to prescribe Hydrocodone, which is a narcotic analgesic? Have you ca...

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Has anyone else had a hard time lately getting this medication from their pharmacy? The last couple/few times i've needed it, i've had to call around to different CVS's. My regular CVS hasn't had it for at least the past couple of months. Last month, i got it filled at another CVS downtown, but this month they only have 3 in stock, so i called yet another CVS and luckily they had them in stock. What a hassle to get my medication. I live in Lowell, MA. Thank you. ## I'm not finding any shortages listed for this medication. Have you considered trying a pharmacy other than CVS? It seems unusual to me that they wouldn't have it in stock, or get it in stock, if they know they have a regular customer that needs it. I know several pharmacy chains here in Washington that...

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I am trying to find out what this pill is that has H 501 on one side and is plain on the other side? ## This tablet is manufactured by Heritage Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 25mgs of Hydroxyzine, which is an antihistamine that is most common used to allergic reactions, but also for it's sedative like effects. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including dry mouth, dizziness, and drowsiness. Is there anything else I can help with?

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This Capsule is half light green with 25 mg on it and half dark green with Watson on it and another marking under Watson that I can't read. ## Yeah, some of them are very hard to make out, since the print is so tiny. However, I believe what you have found has the marking of WATSON over 800 and the 25mg on the other half, Watson Pharmaceuticals lists its as containing 25mgs of Hydroxyzine, which is an antihistamine that is also used for its sedative like effects to treat anxiety, and insomnia. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including dizziness, dry mouth, drowsiness, and somnolence. Is there anything else I can help with?

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I found a little white pill with 7 1 on one side. I cant tell if it's A N or A H on the other side! Can someone plz help a sista out? ## Yeah, Sista! I am happy to help you out! :-) This tablet is manufactured by Harris Pharmaceutical and they list it as containing 25mgs of Hydroxyzine, which is an antihistamine that is used to treat allergic reactions, as well as for its sedative like effects. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, sedation, and dry mouth. Is there anything else I can help with, gorgeous? (Happily married and just being playful, so please don't take this wrong, I just think we ladies need to build each other up more, rather than tear each other down!)

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My wife took 10 tablets of 25mg hydroxyzine. Is that ok? She is suffering from anxiety and she said this helps her to go to sleep. ## No, that is a dangerous amount to take and she should seek medical attention. It is never safe to take more of a medication than one's doctor has prescribed. Did she experience any adverse effects? The FDA warns that taking this amount could be fatal, due to it's sedative like effects, which can cause issues breathing, as well as lowered heart rate and lowered blood pressure. How much has her doctor told her to take?

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I have a prickly, burning, deep itching on my upper arms that started about 1 month after a deep sunburn. If I touch it, the itching becomes relentless and VERY uncomfortable. I have used cortizone cream, fungal cream, Vicks (as per suggestion on Internet), aloe; but the itching continues. There are also skin-colored bumps that have appeared. A pharmacist mentioned it could be a yeast infection. I have a prescription from 10/12 for hydroxyzine when I had shingles. Could I use it for this? ## Hi, Nanner! Sorry about the problem that you're having. Hydroxyzine is an antihistamine that is also used for its sedative like effects. Learn more Hydroxyzine details here. Thus, if it is a yeast infection, this medication isn't going to help. You need to see your doctor so they can look at...

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