Hydrocodone Forums (Page 3)
Recently active Hydrocodone forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Hydrocodone and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Oblong white pill. V on one side and the 4212 on the other. What is this? ## No, this does NOT contain Hydrocodone or any narcotic ingredient. This tablet contains Methocarbamol 750 mg (NDC 0603-4486). Inactive Ingredients: - Silicon Dioxide - Magnesium Stearate - Povidone - Starch, Pregelatinized Corn - Water - Sodium Starch Glycolate Type a Potato - Stearic Acid ## Is this pill a narcotic drug? ## Is it better than a hydrocodone? ## No, it is not a narcotic.
Is a small white capsule-shaped pill marked L484 Hydrocodone or something else? ## A white capsule-shaped pill imprinted L484 contains Acetaminophen 500 mg (NDC 49348-042 among others). Inactive Ingredients: - Carnauba Wax - Starch, Corn - Hypromelloses - Polyethylene Glycols - Povidones - Stearic Acid Ref: DailyMed ## Is this an antibiotic? I have a bad tooth. Waiting for the doctor Appointment. ## No, this is an over the counter pain reliever (generic Tylenol). It might help relieve the pain of your tooth ache but it is not an antibiotic and will not help with the infection.
Does anyone know a doctor that is good about prescribing pain killers like hydrocodens 10/325 in fort worth Texas? I am a diabetic type 1 that has a lot of pain and really in need of a good doctor that can help me out and not think i am faking pain. ## Due to the new laws that have recently been put in place, you will most likely be better off seeing a pain management specialist and there isn't a very good chance of getting this particular medication anymore. The FDA and DEA are cracking down and aren't letting general practitioners or surgeons treat chronic pain that requires long-term regular treatments. They will only be allowed to prescribe such medications for a short period of time, such as for a few weeks immediately after someone has had surgery or been injured. Learn mo...
SMALL WHITE GENERIC HYDROCODONE TABLET HAS 1P 110 WHAT STRENGTH IS THIS PILL ## i have long thin white hydrocodone tablet that states on on side - 1p 109 and on the other side it is divided into two. what is this? ## The first letter is an i, not a number 1! IP 110 This contains 325mgs of Acetaminophen and 10mgs of Hydrocodone. IP109 Is 325mgs of Acetaminophen and 5mg of Hydrocodone. ## Are these the most effective prescription from my doctor to help with breakthrough pain? ## My hydricodine talent l pill has a 1p110 is this correct
I was prescribed with hydrocodone acetaminophen 5 325 for pain in my leg and back. Can I also take hydrocodone-apap 5-500 at the same time? ## It isn't a good idea to take both at the same time without talkiing to your dr first. If you need more medication, maybe your dr can increase it or give you something else. But, if you do take Hydrocodone 5 mg/Acetaminophen 325 mg And Hydrocodone 5 mg/Acetaminophen 500 mg at the same time Do Not take another one Or anything else that contains Acetaminophen before at least 6 hours are up because of the amount of Acetamiinophen. The most Acetaminophen (Tylenol) that it is safe to take at one time is 1,000 mg and that can be taken Only as frequently as once every 6 hours for a few days. ## No, APAP is medical speak for Acetaminophen, so that wou...
91 year old man, after having shingles , has been on drug for over 2 years. Before an upcoming nerve block the doctor put him on levorthanol instead of hydrocodone for 3 months. After the nerve block the doctor took him off of both drugs. He has been suffering the withdrawal symphtoms. He is most distrubed about not being able to sleep. What is proper treatment at this time? ## I am a 100% service connected disabled veteran of the Korean war. I have been on Hydrocodone 5 /acetaminophen for years. It is no longer effective, I have been in AA for 40 plus years, no slips. I took oxycoten (?) once and it made me high, I quit it. I am having another operation soon and wonder what others have done in similar situation. I have a constant pain between 6 and 9. Thank you ## I am not a Dr. but it...
Was told that it was a generic hydrocodone 10/325 - any ideas as to who makes it? ## Hydrocodone-acetaminophen Strength(s) 10 mg / 325 mg Imprint(s) 176 Manufacturer / Distributor Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories Color(s) White Shape Elliptical ## I have been taking norco 10/325 for quite some time due to back injury. I always got the yellow pill until I went to another pharmacy. Now it is a white oblong pill w/176 and scored on other side. Per research this is generic for vicoden. Why does this medicine not work as well as the yellow? ## the pill shuold be just as strong cuase its got that same look. the generic ones thqat are not as strong and will be shapped different and say either ip110 or m367. i taqke those their same thing. no dif. their just generic. generif got smart and mad...
Hello everyone, I'm trying to find out what manufacturer makes the best (as in best pain relief) 8 mg hydrocodone. I've been taking 8 mg Mallinckrodt hydrocodone since December 2017. I take the medication for breakthrough neuropathic pain (I also have intrathecal pump w/ hydromorphone). Prior to Dec. 2017, I was taking Actavis brand 30 mg oxycodone but getting only minimal pain relief which is why my doctor switched to the hydrocodone. I had tried a few different brands of oxycodone but in the end, stuck with Actavis as it was MUCH better than the others. I posted a similar question here about oxycodone back in 2015, check out the link below. Anyway, any info on which brand of hydrocodone provides the best pain relief is greatly appreciated! Thanks! 5/4/2015 Post Re: Best Oxycod...
I thought I was going nuts until I googled this strange and worthless new pill. Definitely NOT the same and I will be calling my pain management doctor and have something else prescribed if this is how it's gonna be. I wonder if walmart has the "real deal"... gonna give walgreens a talking to too. How dare they try and trick bag the public like this! Chronic pain is nothing to take lightly. ## Hello, Madkatt! How are you? I'm very sorry that this tablet doesn't work for you. However, no one is trying to trick the public. Under the Hatch-Waxman Act of 1984, generics are allowed to differ from the name brand by as much as plus or minus 20%, in the amount of the active ingredients. They also don't have to measure against each other, only against the name brand. This...
The smell of Homatropine is so bad my dog coughs from it. Why would it be included in a Hydrocodone syrup for my dog's collapsing heart condition and heart mural valve problem? ## There is a cough syrup, called “Hycodan” that is prescribed for bronchitis, pneumonia and the like for severe coughing.. it’s only two ingredients or hydrocodone and homatropine. One teaspoon is equivalent to one 5mg Vicodin, or more known now as Norco. The difference being is that there’s no acetaminophen in the liquid versus the pill.. I know allot about this because I have C.O.P.D. from childhood asthma.. There’s even a pill form of the “Hycodan Syrup” (Well there was a pill form 25 years ago so I’m assuming that it’s still on the market however I do...
Anyone know any pain management doctors in Yankton South Dakota? I have fibromyalgia, arthritis, DDD, spinal stenosis and two bulging discs in my back. In winter the pain becomes unbearable due to the cold. My GP prescribes me 30 x 5mg hydrocodone a month. My old pain doctor gave me 4 x 10 mg a day, but I am no longer close to her.
UpdatedI have a white oblong pill with watson 780 on it. I was told it was hydrocodone. What is it exactly? ## Hello, Morgie! How are you? Watson Pharmaceuticals actually lists this tablet as containing 1g of Sucralfate, a medication that is used to treat gastro-intestinal issues. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including dizziness, headache and bloating. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I don't know what a white oblong pill with Watson 780 on it
I am taking Hydrocodone/APAP10 mg8/325mg (8 a day) muscle relaxers, Topamax for headaches and Prozac after breaking my neck at an accident at work. I had surgery and a metal plate was put in, and I was very lucky. I still have the pain, I am in pain management and have tried shots epidurals etc. and they are all short lived. I am grateful I can still walk and be mobile. Is there any chance I might find some relief some time? I feel greedy asking this since my problem is really of so little consequence when others are suffering with really catastrophic illnesses. Thank you, Loretta ## Thank you for your help! This is just a quick note to thank those volunteers on these boards that provide helpful answers to those of us in need of information. I, and many others, truly appreciate your tim...
Because I have dementia, I am having trouble understanding if the L374 white oblong pill still has any opiates in it? Is this pill a narcotic? ## Hello, Sam! How are you? No it does not. This is a medication that is available over the counter. It is listed as containing 250mgs of Acetaminophen, 250mgs of Aspirin and 65mgs of Caffeine. It is most commonly used to treat migraines (NDC 0113-0374). The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, increased risk of bleeding and stomach pain. Inactive Ingredients: - Carnauba Wax - Crospovidone - Hypromelloses - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Povidone - Propylene Glycol - Saccharin Sodium Dihydrate - Stearic Acid - Titanium Dioxide Ref: DailyMed ## I have a white oblong pill saying L374 on one side & nothing ...
I have advanced psoriatic arthritis and have had 4 major spine surgeries. Without the drug I the pain would be intolerable. I have taken Hydrocodone for many years yet I don’t feel like I’m addicted. I don’t have any of the symptoms I read others are having. I have had some constipation but that’s controlled. Nausea is controlled easily by just eating before taking the med. No other issues. I’m prescribed 5 a day but only take 3 most days. Most likely unless the government outlaws the drug i’ll be on this the rest of my life due to the pain associated with this and other diseases. Because of this drug I am able to lead a fairly active lifestyle for a 72 year old. From what you read on the Net if you take this you have to be addicted and I just don...
A Dr prescribed this to my husband in Mexico for a hip pain that he's been having, but he's been working for a year at a company that gives drug panels. He had a prescription given to him here which is hydrocodone. Will he have any issues with his employer? ## Hello, Mar! How are you? No, Ardosons doesn't contain anything he'd need to worry about. The FDA lists the active ingredients as including Indomethacin, Betamethasone and Methocarbamol, which in order are a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, a steroid and a muscle relaxant. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding, weight gain, acne and drowsiness. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Will I fail a drug panel (hair follicle or a U/A) while taking Ardos...
Male 210lbs - takes whatever whenever, but is taking over a dozen hydrocodone-apap 10mg/325mg pills in 24 hours. Is that bad? What's bound to happen?...What if he takes oxycodone 15mg also? ## Hello, From what I am seeing, daily consumption of hydrocodone should not exceed 40 milligrams in patients not tolerant to opiates. The PDR from 2006 states that Norco 10, containing 10 milligrams of hydrocodone and 325 mg of APAP (Acetaminophen) can be taken at a dosage of up to twelve tablets per day (120 mg of hydrocodone). This restriction is only limited by the fact that twelve tablets, each containing 325 mg of APAP (Acetaminophen), puts the patient right below the 24-hour FDA maximum of 4,000 mg of APAP. Some specially compounded products are routinely given to chronic pain patients in ...
I read that the yellow norcos have dye and the white norcos don't. One is fat soluble and the other is water soluble. What's the difference? ## What pharm in chandler az still carries the white 7.5 hydrocodene ## Hello, Linda! How are you? Are you asking about the ones that were yellow, but are now white? If so, then the only difference is the removal of the dye, nothing else. Nik, I saw your other post and I'm sorry, but the ones with the higher amounts of Acetaminophen in them are no longer being manufactured, so you can't obtain them, anywhere. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## YOU ARE WRONG V...
"Here" is the link to a picture of mine (left hand side) and the same one I found online next to it. The one I have is on the left. The one on the right is a picture I got off of the web. Every single picture I could find online looked the same shade of yellow and had the same font as the one in the left. Besides the different appearance, I can tell a difference after taking the yellow V (on one side) 3601 (on other) versus taking the white "Watson 853" (all on one side) which I have both of at the moment. I posted on photobucket the one I have and one from the web side to side. When you compare them mine is a slightly darker shade of yellow. It is also very lightly speckled with dark spots. The spots on them almost look like they got there from being in someone's po...
Can medication listed in title cause liver (Bilirubin) increases? My Bilirubin labs have been coming back at at 1.6-1.9. Can it be harmful in the long run? ## The APAP is medication speak for Acetaminophen and it is very well known that long-term use of it can have detrimental effects on the liver. Have you spoken to your doctor about it? If you require a narcotic analgesic, you may need to switch to something that doesn't have the Acetaminophen in it. ## Get off that crap. Acetaminophen will destroy your liver. You're getting 5 mg hydro & 500 acetaminophen. They make percocets in low doses and with no acetaminophen. It is in the oxycodone family... but it is usually not teamed with acetaminophen. ## What are the long term implications of taking Hydrocodone? Has anyone taken...