Hydrocodone-acetaminophen 10/325 By Mallinckrodt (Page 8)
UpdatedMy pharmacy changed my meds from the yellow 10-325 v 3601 norco to the 10-325 white m367 mallinckrodt. I've been taking the yellows for years with no problems. Today I started the whites and feeling dizzy, a little weak, kind of panicky. What is different about the two meds that would cause this?
Re: ThunderHeart (# 120)
Because no one gives a flying you know what, that's why! Nothing is at it seems anymore, there is absolute corruption everywhere and there's no policing it, no accountability. There is so much corruption in government, in every city, charities - one of my biggest pet peeves are these huge charities, like the Red Cross, they take in billions of freaking dollars and what do they do in disasters? They show up and give you a blanket, toothbrush and a bottle of water. People who lose their homes in fires are put up in a motel for maybe a week. Where does all the money go?? It goes right into the pockets of the administrators of these charities, your money is going to provide them with their lavish lifestyles, do not be fooled. Where does the millions go that the government gives to cities to help the homeless??? NO one knows, NO accountability whatsoever and the money is GONE. It is being used to keep these corrupt bast**ds living in luxury. You're an absolute fool if you think the FDA is actually monitoring and inspecting your medications, not happening, they do NOTHING but collect their huge paychecks. Donations given to the Salvation Army are being sifted through by peons with a list, anything with a label, any piece of gold is put up on Ebay so they can make more money than what they would in their stores. I thought the S.A. was a place to shop for lower income people, they have NO right whatsoever to be putting the donations on a G.D. auction site. You go into those stores now and you'll see what I mean, you will not find one item of quality. Someone is getting filthy rich off of this B.S. too. I have been prescribed Norco for 5 yrs., same qty. same dose, used to get nothing but the yellow Watson and they helped my pain somewhat, took the edge off. Now, there is nothing out there except this complete trash made by Mallinckrodt. I seriously just as soon suffer than take that crap. It does absolutely nothing for my pain, I've even taken 4 at one time and nothing, still terrible pain and still could barely move. If we could have some kind of in home test kit to analyze what is really in this crap maybe we could do something. We should all be able to sue when it's confirmed of what is really in them and the lack of any authentic pain medication in them. We could all sue the company and the government/FDA for allowing this, they are negligent in protecting us from this crap that they allowed on the market.
They are negligent in ignoring our complaints about this medication. I know I have complained to them as well as many, many others. Well, sorry for the rambling rant, all. We'll keep fighting it's all we can really do, keep complaining to the FDA, maybe to our state representatives as well. I'm so sick of all of it, the CDC and their lies and then the MSM putting it out there that opiates are causing all these O.D.s, when the truth is these people had many, many drugs in their systems when they died. These people O.D.'ing are nothing but junkies chasing highs. Also, this is so laughable to me, putting it out there that you can get addicted after a five day prescription!!! Such utter B.S. I had to be on Hydrocodone for 10 days after childbirth, had to be cut and had 37 stitches, forceps and the whole nine yards, should have had a C section but I had a real ***** Ob/Gyn. wouldn't give me the epidural until I was dilated to a 9, he was a prick who was in a hurry to leave. Anyway, 10 days on hydro and when I stopped them I did feel like a truck ran over me but I did NOT seek to get more and was NOT addicted. That was 26 years ago and I actually would refuse pain meds. after dental procedures because I had a relative who was actually addicted to them. Only after I became disabled did I finally have to give in and go to a doctor for my severe pain. I worked for 25 yrs with severe pain, I fought it and fought hard. But the thing is, nowadays when you go to the dentist and have an extraction they will not even give you anything, you're told to take tylenol, this is torture in my opinion, absolute torture. I had an extraction one time and the dentist could NOT get the tooth out, it was a Fri. she called the oral surgeon in town and he was out of town so I had to go the whole weekend with a half pulled tooth that was pried on and everything else. I did not even get the rx filled when I went home. About an hour later I was screaming in pain, felt like someone punched the whole side of my face and jaw as hard as they could! I had my then-husband go get the rx. and told him to hurry as fast as he could! I'm telling you, that was the worst pain I've ever experienced in my life, childbirth was w/o an epidural was not as bad as that pain. These bast**ds ought to be prosecuted for not giving pain medication after dental procedures like this.
Re: ThunderHeart (# 119)
Same here, that stuff is pure trash! I have written to the company and the FDA. I've been on this medication for 5 years, I take 3 to 4 per day and the yellow Watson always helped my pain and I never had any side effects. This crap is the only thing on the market and it's all I've gotten in the past year and a half and I now have gotten non stop ringing in my ears, like crickets singing and I can barely move and scream in pain sometimes. This stuff is absolutely worthless. I finally, after 5 years, got my doctor to change mine to oxycodone and it works so much better! I'm afraid the ringing in my ears is permanent, it never ever goes away. I seriously believe they are only putting about 2 to 3 mgs. in each 10 mg. pill. I believe someone within their mfg. facility is gouging the codeine or whatever the active ingredient is. They must have some lax practices is all I can say because something is definitely going on. I am sure that stuff would be big money on the black market or on the streets, someone, if they are doing this could easily make themselves a millionaire. Either they're gouging the main ingredient or they're switching the good pills out with blanks, they can easily be made to look exactly like the authentic ones. All one would need is one of those pill presses and someone with a machine shop or access to one could easily make one with the same imprint, very easy. I used to own a CNC machine shop and engraving that imprint on a pill press would be nothing. I, myself, have read hundreds of messages on these boards with people all saying the same damn thing that we are about this brand, Mallinckrodt. How can we all be wrong? Answer: WE CAN'T. Someone please, if you know someone who works in a lab or is a scientist, please get these pills analyzed! I hope someone investigates this company and it comes out all over the news. We will all have a class-action lawsuit against them for the serious pain and suffering they've caused. Disclaimer: This message is just an opinion by the writer.
Re: cliff j (# 139)
Cliff, I agree, that law needs to be null and void stat! We need a show like Dateline or 20/20 to get involved/investigate. They would then advertise for the participants, like find patients that actually get the pills prescribed and then follow them from the point of pick up at their pharmacy to the lab. This is the only way as it would be too difficult for us lay people to do it.
Re: ThunderHeart (# 133)
Wow, empty capsules! See, someone on the inside is getting their hands on them, OR someone at the pharmacy. I used to get prescribed 30 mg. oxycodone years ago and one time after I picked up my rx. I thought it looked light so I counted them, 20 short!! The pharmacist took them! I called immediately and he never asked me anything, just told me to come right back up and he'd have them ready! SMDH, unbelievable! I could have called their corporate office and his ass would have been fired on the spot! It was a Walgreens! People, count your pills!
Re: madashell (# 131)
From my life experience I have learned that living right, doing everything by the book and being a good person gets you nothing but crapped on. No good deed goes unpunished, every person I ever helped out only crapped on me and when the tables were turned I couldn't even get a hello, how are you? You get more ahead in this world by being a crook.
Re: Ty Dollar Sign (# 143)
Unfortunately, because of the political climate BOTH democrat and republican, it is extremely difficult to get anyone to help out the chronic pain patients. No “class action” Attorneys Office will even consider a case because of all of the backlash an Attorneys Office would probably have to take. Chronic Pain patients are being grouped in with all of the street drug addicts and thief’s and we are in an awful position right now. The public has been taught that anyone that takes ANY pain medication must be an awful person and they will excoriate anybody that tries to help us.
Re: Ty Dollar Sign (# 142)
You said you got your meds changed from hydrocodone to oxycodone and it works much better - but which manufacturer of that oxycodone are you now using. I have also found that percocet/oxycodone is also inferior just like the vicodin because of the manufacturer which is usually mallincroft now at most pharmacies including Walgreens. So please let us know which manufacturer you are using that actually works I'm sure we would all like to know so we can get a bit of relief from our pain.
Re: Ty Dollar Sign (# 144)
Same thing happened to me a year or so ago. It was a Riteaid, and oh, twenty pills were gone. I checked for some reason when I got to my car, took them back in, didn't get a dime or pill back. Said I shouldn't have left the store. It was the 'girl' up front at the register. Not much I could do.
Re: Ty Dollar Sign (# 145)
and that is why I am a (almost) hermit. I don't want to be the sarcastic, fatalistic, sour-faced, unhappy hater as I know some people to be. I'm just much more careful who I am kind to. Mostly, old folks like me, small children, and animals. It's hard to trust, let alone love.
Re: Ty Dollar Sign (# 140)
I have found an analyzing kit available online. I don't know if I can put it here on this site, but as soon as I find it, I'll post it here. Bear with me all, as I've misplaced the website, deleted history, etc. But this appeared to be a kit you could purchase to test what was in a pill. Will that help us? When we find out what's in it, what will we do with the results? I'm hurrying....
Re: cliff j (# 122)
The American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) reports that in 2016, there were 1,826 total exposures, 832 single exposures, and 2 deaths associated with hydrocodone in the U.S.
[1] Source: "DEA Proposes Significant Cuts to Opioid Production in 2018". Medscape.com. Web. Aug 10, 2017.
[2] Source: "The CDC Opioid Guidelines Violate Standards of Science Research". acsh.org. Web. Mar 25, 2017
[3] Infographic: How state-by-state policies affect opioid prescribing rates...
[4] Drug Scheduling - DEA: dea.gov/drug-scheduling
[5] Justice Department, DEA propose significant opioid manufacturing reduction:
[6] parpharm.com/products/product-catalog.php
A company called LabMax is one that tests, I think. They offer a semi-quantitative test which allows you to estimate the amount of the active ingredient in the sample. It contains everything you need, instruction and color codes. I'll continue to look for other sites that test.
Informative, but tedious. Hope it helps...
Re: madashell (# 148)
Please be advised that if you leave the counter or the store BEFORE counting your pills you will probably be all done as far as getting a refund or replacement pills. Of course the thought behind this is that you must be a drug addict and went outside and removed 20 pills and went back inside to get more pills. Chronic pain patients are, as far as most people are concerned, liars and addicted. This thought process precludes the Pharmacy employees from EVER taking your word for it. If you need to hold up the "line" then do so. Count your pills before you leave or you will be done.
Re: Ty Dollar Sign (# 136)
Amneal is s***!! Even the xanax and progesterone is s***!! It is the worst drug manufacturer and should be put out of business!!
Re: RhoRhoRho (# 7)
St. John’s pharmacy on 20th (or 21st) and Santa Monica or Broadway in Santa Monica used to fill everything without a problem. They’re on the northwest corner of the office building to the left of St. John’s. Sorry I don’t remember the address but they used to be good. Worth a try.
Re: madashell (# 150)
“What will we do with the results”? THAT is the real question. There is no monitoring of the manufacture of any opioids as far as I can tell. The old 1984 Hatch Act that allows manufacturers to only put in 80% of the active ingredient is obsolete but no one cares about holding the manufacturers feet to the fire. With today’s precise equipment there is no need to put in less of the active ingredient but they still do it. My guess is they probably put in less of the active ingredient but no one is testing the pills so the manufacturers can get away with whatever they want to. If they are caught they say “I’m sorry” and maybe pay a small fine. We used to say “it is a easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission”. No one is willing to test any of their pills because they would rather take them and take their chances or they will not pay (or cannot afford) to have them analyzed. That leaves us where we are now. No one will (or can) do anything except whine as far as chronic pain patients are concerned. We KNOW that the manufacturers are cheating us intentionally but no one will even attempt to hold anyone’s feet to the fire. Ever. We are stuck where we are because of many factors.
Re: madashell (# 148)
One just cannot leave with their pain medication without verifying it first. Once you leave the store you are screwed. They can come up with many excuses on why you are trying to screw them and just get more pills.
Re: lisa (# 147)
Hi Lisa, it was Amneal and it was crap! I had my doctor switch me back to the Hydrocodone but it too is crap. The Mallickrodt are blanks, there's nothing in them. My doctor told me the Oxycodone was stronger so it should work better, so I went from 10 mg. Hydro to 7.5 Oxycodone well it did nothing for my pain. Went back for my next appt. and they upped it to 10 of the Oxy. well again, nothing, felt like taking a sugar pill. They should have worked much better but they did nothing. Last mo. was the first time in a year that my Hydrocodone seemed legit and actually helped my pain so I thought, great, they've finally gotten the junk off the market. Just got my new script and back to the junk, nothing in them. I was so still and hurting so bad this morning that I took 2, nothing, took 3 more, nothing and took 4 more, NOTHING. That's almost 10 pills and NOTHING. How in the heck are they getting away with this? If these pills were legit with 10 mgs. of medication in them I wouldn't be sitting here still in pain, no, I'd be in a coma. I am done with this crap, I just as soon take nothing and suffer anymore instead of keep trying to these blank sugar pills that do nothing. My daughter just had to go to the ER over the weekend for an absessed tooth and they gave her 6 of the 5 mg. to take home because it was in the middle of the night, she took 4 and they still did nothing, she was in the worst pain of her life and got no relief. The ER gave her a script for 8 of the 5 mg., she ended up having to take a total of 6 within and hour and still NOTHING. She has never taken a narcotic in her life before this so it's not about tolerance this is about people in pain being fleeced by these crooked companies and our government NOT doing ONE damn thing to stop it. I've recently had 4 MRI's and 3 Sonograms and I go back to the neurologist on Weds. to find out the results of them, all due to ringing in the ears and I truly believe it's from these junk pills. They have damaged my body and my life and I will not sit by any longer and do nothing, they will pay for this through a lawsuit that I will WIN. Game OVER, MALLINCKRODT.
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