Hydrocodone-acetaminophen 10/325 By Mallinckrodt (Page 7)
UpdatedMy pharmacy changed my meds from the yellow 10-325 v 3601 norco to the 10-325 white m367 mallinckrodt. I've been taking the yellows for years with no problems. Today I started the whites and feeling dizzy, a little weak, kind of panicky. What is different about the two meds that would cause this?
Look at ingredients on the manufacturer's website.
Re: RhoRhoRho (# 3)
The manufacturer is, to my knowledge, allowed to LOWER or be off the effective ingredient by 20%. I am unsure WHY the Hatch Act in 1984 allowed this 20% discrepancy. I have never heard of any other group of manufacturers that has a special dispensation to just be "close" to what is stated on the label. These manufacturers have precise manufacturing equipment and they should easily be able to manufacturer a pill to the exact tolerances of the prescription. They seem to have no problem lowering the amount of the effective ingredients but in no case am I aware of the manufacturer raising the effective ingredient. If you have any evidence to the contrary please share it with us. Aside from the active or effective ingredient being lowered the manufacturers have removed, or severely reduced, other things from their pills (oxytocins for example) to make them less effective. These pain pills have been reengineered to make them less effective INTENTIONALLY. The manufacturers believe that if they are less effective that criminals will not take them on the street or steal them from their relatives or Pharmacies. In actuality the only people being severely affected are the chronic pain patients that have been taking their medications as directed and legally. Some for decades. I guess if they cannot get the real perpetrators of the problem then go after the "low hanging fruit" and by any means necessary.
Re: Melody (# 116)
I agree 100%.I also have taken them for 20 plus years and the yellow seems to be the strongest which is why you now have to pay cash to get those at most pharmacys whether you have any kind of insurance or not and very few pharmacies even carry them period.The ip 110's have absolutely the least amount of pain relief possible and the white ones period are about the same,with the exception of the white short fat lupins which do provide some relief.But,pharmacys now want to know why we ask for a specific kind,even if it means getting them from a different pharmacy.Nobody wants to pay for something that is completly useless to use.
Re: cliff j (# 122)
The generics we are getting from India are pure garbage and are not effective!! They don't have the same screening process like here in the US. The FDA regulates the medicines here but not in foreign countries. Why is it allowed that medicine is made in foreign countries and then given to us here in the US!!?? It is trash!! This needs to be stopped!! Our medicines should only be made in the US!! That's why people ask for certain brands. The medicine made in the US works!! The IP medicine is made by an Indian owned company and it's total s***!! It made me so ill!! Nauseous, itchy, upset stomach, the same symptoms as withdrawal. Their xanax is just as bad. Garbage!! Amneal makes the worst medicines!! Who knows what the fillers are in this "medicine" that made me so sick. Are the test kits available to test the medicine to see what is in it and how much of the active ingredient is in it? I want this garbage tested!! I am so angry!!
Re: ThunderHeart (# 120)
I believe that I replied to you on another thread about a substance that I ordered that I thought would add back in one of the ingredients taken out by the manufacturers. It just did not do what it claimed. The ingredients were not as advertised. There is one more product that I may try and if and when I order it I will let you know how it worked for me. I will keep you posted.
Re: ThunderHeart (# 119)
Please tell us which manufacturer you just picked up that doesn't make you sick anymore.
Re: cliff j (# 125)
Thank you for replying Cliff.
Re: lisa (# 126)
No generics at this point. Ive had side affects from them all except Qualitest, but they are not making Norco and more.
Generics are being made in India and other dirty countries where the FDA does not watch over the making of medicine.
This should NEVER BE ALLOWED!! This is medicine!!
Re: ThunderHeart (# 128)
My question was which manufacturer are you using - you stated the one you just picked up was fine - Im sure we would all like to know since so many of us are suffering I'm sure it would be helpful to all of us.
Re: ThunderHeart (# 128)
I am not sure that the medication in question are being manufactured in India. Maybe the company’s main headquarters is located in India. Even if they are made in India the FDA should be monitoring what they do BEFORE they send anything here. Who knows if ANY agency is doing their job when it comes to pain meds.
Re: Melody (# 123)
When I 'shopped' for non generic, name brand vicodin, I was grilled by the pharmacies about why I wanted them, etc. Just like you said, Melody. Why the hell do they think I want them? I am willing to pay, have a legal, Dr.'s script, so what gives these pharmacies the right to interrogate? I have not violated any law, doctor shopped, etc., yet I feel dirty after these conversations. Oh, and I never was able to find a pharmacy here in good 'ol California to fill the script. Mallingcrap Vicodin is garbage, yes, but I am unable to find an alternative.
'They'll' take the Norco/Vicodin away one way or another-if we provide valid scripts 'they' can't do much. But 'they' sure can control the quality. I, and you, are paying a high price for someone's addiction. I'm accountable for my actions, worked hard to live a good life, and this is my payback for doing the right thing? For being a good person? The DEA controls all aspects of narcotic production, I've read on more than one website. How many per month a manufacturer can produce, etc. Since DEA can't get a handle on the drug causing oh, so many deaths, (they'd like you to believe) and it makes them look bad to the money lenders for their budget, then why not screw with the quality. Check out the DEA's website and how they control the drug manufacturing. Tedious reading. What else have you got to do? If we were united, stood up and raised the alarm, we'd probably see some advances to our issues and causes. I think we are too diversified. I think as the aging poplulation we are, they just want us to go away, we're sucking good air.
Re: madashell (# 131)
The reason a Chronic Pain patient should say to the Pharmacist is:" I am willing to pay for the name brand because the generics have been reformulated to the point that they are almost totally ineffective. I want to have the name brand because it is my understanding that they have not been reformulated and are consistent in quality". It is important to talk to your Doctor FIRST and make sure they are onboard and check off the box that says "no substitutions" on your script. Pharmacists should NOT ever get involved in your treatment plan but they do because they have been allowed to do it. Pharmacists DO have a medical background but it is in knowing which medicines are not made to mix with other medications. Even then they can be wrong if they would just ASK: How are these two pills being taken? They may learn something. Pharmacists do not FIRST OF ALL have your permission to discuss your treatment plan with your Doctor. Yes, if they see a combination they question they can ask about that but thats all. They do not have your medical records, they are not trained to examine you and they surely cannot write any scripts. However, Pharmacists are getting more and more involved in your treatment plan and they are not trained to do that. They are mainly trained to fill legitimate scripts. Pharmacists have entered into an area that, even though they have been allowed to get away with it, they are not supposed to enter into.
Re: Cliff J (# 130)
It is Amneal. I just found an empty capsule. Now I know why I'm riding such a roller coaster if I'm not getting the same dosage every day!!
Re: lisa (# 129)
As we know what might work for one person, doesn't for another. There is NOTHING out there that is good. It's all s***. The one that caused me the least complications is Mallinckrodt. Ive seen other people here saying its crap, and it is, but it gives me the least side effects. Amneal is the WORST for pain relief (norco), alprazolam (xanax) and gabapentin. ALL ARE S*** MADE BY AMNEAL!! Ive experienced horrible side effects, no pain relief and empty capsules. Now I know why Ive had horrible days. I take this medication every day but if there is no medication in the capsule it has really messed me up. Im going to be squeezing them from now on. AS FAR AS MY EXPERIENCE HAS BEEN, all generics are s*** from Amneal. And its through personal experience. Walgreens dispenses this crap. Ive had capsule progesterone capsules that leaked. Safeway has the best quality but not the best made generics.
Re: Cliff J (# 130)
It is Cliff. I looked it up. India is a cell pool.
Re: cliff j (# 132)
I had had it with that damn worthless Mallickrodt hydrocodone so I even changed pharmacies AND had my doctor put "Name brand ONLY, NORCO. Well, I was told that they'd have to order them and it would take 7 to 8 mos. and that is IF they could get them. There is something going on with this crap, w/o a doubt. The yellow Watson's actually were genuine pills, they took care of the pain, the Mallinckrodt and the Aneal are pure effing crap. I believe someone is changing out the real ones with blanks at the point of manufacture or distribution or stealing the codeine or whatever it is in them and only putting like 1% in the pills. I've complained to the mfr. itself and also to the FDA, so I don't know if they're investigating it or not. What we need to do is have someone who has access to or knows someone who works in a lab, analyze this junk. Hundreds of people on this thread cannot be wrong. We all used to get nothing but the yellow Watsons then suddenly after all this fake made up opioid epidemic they are no longer available and the ONLY ones that seem to be everywhere are the damn Mallickrodt junk. After 5 years of the hydrocodone I had my doctor change to oxycodone w/ 325 acptmn. and low and behold I am getting this junk by Aneal, it seems SO weak. Something is definitely going on.
Re: Melody (# 116)
That's the brand I take by Lupin and they work fine! When I was taking the mauve colored one's they made me sick but I'm assuming that was the red dye I'm allergic to!
Re: Cliff J (# 130)
The drugs that are being made in India are really not being monitored by the DEA or FDA because every time they go back there to look at the facility, the facility has moved and usually to another location over and over again to where they really can't be monitored. There is a book out about this I will have to try and remember the title and author but it is saying we the consumers are being deceived into believing our drugs are being made pure and not in violation that is totally wrong. They put cat litter, glass, powder, salt in all of these narcotics now that come from India.
Re: Ty Dollar Sign (# 136)
Getting the pills from the different manufacturers analyzed is the real rub. First, it is expensive. Trying to get someone to pay for all of this “analyzing” is just one of the rubs. To get an accurate picture one would have to get one of every pill, like hydrocodone, for example analyzed. If one wanted to find out what the breakdown is on any manufacturer like Amneal, one would need to have a 5 mg, 7.5 mg, and a 10 mg analyzed. Who would donate the pills? Then you would need to do the same thing for Mallinckrodt and any other manufacturers to get an accurate analysis. It would be important to get pills that were actually served to a retail customer. If the manufacturer donated any of the pills they could easily donate product specially manufactured for the test. If one was to do more than one manufacturer at least one could argue that it is an accurate sample. This is a big mess. For me, personally, Mallinckrodt is better than the Amneal product but they are all crap as far as that goes. With the precise manufacturing equipment available, it is incredible that a 1984 law is still allowed to stand giving the manufacturers the approval to only put in 80% of the active ingredient. As far as I am concerned when you say 7.5 mg of hydrocodone. That is what should be in the pill. NOT 6 mg as allowed by this archaic law.
Re: ThunderHeart (# 124)
Someone needs to create an at-home evaluation where we can analyze our medications. I have been damaged beyond repair from these drugs. My ears started ringing about 6 mos. ago, like crickets singing non-stop. If we had an in-home diagnostic we'd know we're not crazy, this stuff is pure junk. People don't get it, most every facet of big business and government is corrupt. Wake up, we're effed!
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