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Taking Hydrocodone for Depression 508 REPLIES
Amneal Pharmaceuticals Hydrocodone 10-325 217 REPLIES
Hydrocodone-Acetaminophen 10/325 by Mallinckrodt 190 REPLIES
i need to find a doctor in fort worth texas that prescribes pain killers 188 REPLIES
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I received my med from a new cheaper pharmacy and wanted to know if I got ripped off I was prescribed norco 10/325 and given a generic pill with watson 853 imprinted on it. Does anyone know if there is such a generic?? It is yellow and oblong HELP ## oblong blue green pill with imprint of SCF found in coat pocket ## you were given legitimate medication my norcos look exactly like that ## To be exact, Watson 853 is Hydrocodone 10mgs and Acetaminophen 325mgs, generic for Norco. ## I cannot find a listing for the one marked SCF. Sounds like something over the counter. ## yes it is 10mg.. i have some in my hand right now! ## I know it's used for pain, but it gives you that bared out feeling/ drunken feeling. It's a commonly abused drug. ## NORCO 10/325 IS Watson-made hydrocodone/apa...

54 REPLIES Updated

My pharmacy changed my meds from the yellow 10-325 v 3601 norco to the 10-325 white m367 mallinckrodt. I've been taking the yellows for years with no problems. Today I started the whites and feeling dizzy, a little weak, kind of panicky. What is different about the two meds that would cause this? ## hi i take the 10-325 hydrocodone apap tablet malli and i was takeing the yellow 10-325 witch helped me i have a very bad back and spine problems the whit pills do noting but give me headackes and upset stomack i have been on vicodin for many years now that the drugs store gave me the white pills they do not work but make me sick what can i do? ## Hello, Jennifer and Don! How are you both? I am very sorry about the problems that you're having. There can be slight fluctuations in the a...

190 REPLIES Updated

Hydros say IP 109 and Naproxen says IP 190 ## Hi amanda, Thanks for clearing up any confusion between the two pills! From what I could gather, another differentiating factor is that Naproxen's tablet also has "500" imprinted on the other side of IP 190; whereas with Hydrocodone/Apap, IP 109 is the only imprint. Naproxen 500mg (NDC 65162-0190): Ref: DailyMed Hydrocodone/Apap 5mg-325mg (NDC 53746-109): Ref: DailyMed Hope this helps! ## Is "ip190" and "tramadol hcl 50mg" the same thing? ## Doea everyone remember when IP 190 was either loritab or notico say 10-15 yra ago max. So idk was just wandering how all pills keep changing. I'm trying keep up please help.

3 REPLIES Updated

Can i take 2 hydrocodone pills if i am in severe pain but only prescribed to take 1 pill at a time? ## Hello, Hank! How are you? You should not do so, without your doctors approval, since it is an opiate and doubling up could be too much for some people that are not opiate tolerant. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I have had to take another Hydrocodone 10mg one hour after taking my initial dose in order to control pain. ## Can I take one IP109 white pill and a M365 white hydrocodone pill at the same time for my pain? Is it safe? ## Yes, completely safe in my opinion, but it would ...

5 REPLIES Updated

The L374 oblong white pill is generic Excedrin Migraine. I don't understand why everyone has problems looking up drugs. (And by the way, take it from an addict - you shouldn't use, hydrocodone, or any opiates or drugs at all as these can easily cause your heart to stop. Get sober and be somebody that gives back to the world). ## @RockieAnn, Thanks for taking the time to share that pill information. And just to confirm for anyone else who might be reading, this pill is in fact a generic Excedrin, containing: Acetaminophen 250 mg + Aspirin 250 mg + Caffeine mg (NDC 0113-0374). NOT Hydrocodone. I realize with a lot of people posting for help on identifying something, they don't always know what to type in a search field and may be thinking that it's just easier for someone ...

15 REPLIES Updated

I had one vicodin the night before a drug test and this was my first time taking one in a week. Will it show up in my urine test? ## Most likely, yes. In regards to a urine test, Hydrocodone can be detected for up to 1-6 days after your last dose. In my honest opinion, if you're taking any sort of narcotic the night before a drug test, there's really no point in trying to get around the position you chose to put yourself in. The odds of getting this type of drug out of your system in less than 24 hours, to me seems impossible, whether you're a chronic user or first time user. Experienced patients who are used to random drug screenings have gotten it out of their system in only two days time (with a lot of water, exercise, etc), which is considered to be really good! As I sai...

48 REPLIES Updated

I was given a different brand of hydrocodone/acetaminophen 10-325 by MFG AMNEAL, instead of my regular brand watson 10-325 I was told that my pharmacy wouldnt carry watson brand after the fact of giving me the new generic brand. Even though the label on my new brand states oval white tab.watson 853 not letting me prior of refilling my prescription. And I need to know if both brands are equally the same? I read most of people complain about this new MFG AMNEAL generic brand. I want the facts and truth about brands being the same. When i asked one of the pharmacist, she said, "watson my regular brand is the same as my new brand". But i would like an outsider professional opinion who doesnt work for my pharmacy. ## No not the same! Same thing happened to me, so I did my research! F...

39 REPLIES Updated

I got a prescription for generic norco and it has watson 853 imprinted on it. I was wondering if I am getting the correct medication or if I am being ripped off at this pharmacy? It is yellow. ## white round ww 2410 ## What is a round, off white or very light yellow pill with M 89 imprinted on it? ## Watson 853 is indeed a generic for Norco. It contains Acetaminophen and Hydrocodone. No listing for WW 2410, sorry. M 89 is Meloxicam 15mgs, a generic for Mobic. This is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory. ## Is watson 853 indeed 10mg hydrocodone with 325 mg of tylenol? ## Is an oval small red pill with the markings KALI 083 a norco? ## Ron, KALI 083 is Acetaminophen 325 mg + Tramadol 37.5 mg, which is generic for Ultracet. ## Watson 853 - Yes, generic Norco...I have been getting it for a few...

105 REPLIES Updated

Hello, I take lorcet 10/325 every month my General physician just changed my script to allow me to take every 4-6 hours as needed with the quantity of 150 pills for chronic pain on 9/9/16 and I was wondering when i could get them filled if I took 6 a day on my really bad days where I would wake up at night and could not fall back to sleep without taking that 6th one from time to time. This is the first time it was filled this way and he also wrote me a second one to have filled this month. I figured this would be ok but now realize I might come up a couple days short. So what would be the earliest I could get them filled? Thank you for your time ## Hi, most pharmacies will fill your script up to 3 days early from the date your last script was filled. For example if you filled last month...

2 REPLIES Updated

My pharmacy just switched to the Avkare brand of Norco 7.5. The imprint on it is IP 115. I feel like these do not work at all for me. I would like to know if anyone else that are on these or ever have been on them can let me know how it works/worked for them. ## Hello, Maria! How are you? Has there been any change? As permitted by the Hatch-Waxman Act of 1984, there can be fluctuations in generic medications. They are allowed to differ in the amount of the active ingredients by as much as plus or minus 20% of what's in the name brand, additionally, they do not have to measure against each other, only against the name brand. Thus it is possible that this one is a little lower than the prior one you were taking. However, since the differences are slight, most people adjust within a we...

73 REPLIES Updated

What is the best over the counter or home remedy for the nausea caused by hydrocodone tablets. ## Are you eating with the medication? Taking it with food will help also you may want to snack on some crackers or toast. As a nurse this is what i do for my patents that get an upset stomach while taking pain medication..i hope this helps:) ## What DAR has stated is correct, with most medications, nausea, and stomach irritation can be avoided, if you make sure not to take them on an empty stomach. Hydrocodone is an opiate analgesic, which the FDA warns carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause other side effects, such as dizziness, dry mouth, headache, and constipation. Ref: Hydrocodone Information If the nausea persists after taking it with a snack, or meal, you should consult ...

2 REPLIES Updated

I am wondering if anybody else out there has taken Hydrocodone and noticed that symptoms of depression are alleviated? I find that many of today's anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs come with unpleasant side effects, whereas while taking Hydrocodone they aren't there. The caveat to all of this is that yes, I know that Hydrocodone and opiates in general can be addictive. So long term use would result in withdrawal symptoms. I'm just wondering who else might agree with me on this? ## I have taken dozens of antidepressants as well as been prescribed antipsycotics and other meds for off-label usage, and nothing has worked effectively over the past 15 years. I will take hydrocodone for a chronic pain condition, and, YES, oh my goodness, YES, it seems to make me immune to a dep...

508 REPLIES Updated

I live in northern ky and walgreens quit carrying watson brand and their new brand makes my whole body hurt. I want to find what pharmacies carry watson? ## I am also looking for the Watson 10/325. All the Walgreens & every other pharmacy around here are out. They said they use a different distributor. If they order them they still can't guarantee that they will get the Watson brand since it all comes from the same warehouse or company. I can't take the substitute brand that everyone is using, it make me so sick & my body just aches from them. I live in Phx,Az. If you know a place that carries Watson Brand please let me know. I can't believe that an entire city of this size can be completely out. ## Yes Watsons are good usually small family pharmacies still carry the...

150 REPLIES Updated

My doctor has approved the name brand for generic Hydrocodone, but I cannot find a pharmacy that will even try to get a brand other than Mallinckrodt, Lupin, or Amneal; the generic brands that are sent to them. I was doing great when Watson had the yellow oblong 10/325 and am at my wits' end. I am in bad pain every day of my life. I don’t know how much longer I can take this pain. Not everyone with chronic pain is just a drug addict but we are all treated that way. Got to change soon or I can’t live this way. ## Have you tried any alternative opiates, since you can't find one of these that works for you? Some other choices are Hydromorphone, Oxycodone, Morphine, and Demerol. The FDA warns that they all carry the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects...

4 REPLIES Updated

Hello, how long does Hydrocodone stay in the urine? I have a prescription for 10 mg - 650 mg Oxycodone/APAP. I took 1/8 of one pill due to pain I had in my back. Twenty hours later I had a random drug test by my company. Will it still be detected? Thank you. ## If you have a prescription, then you do not have a problem whether they detect it or not. They cannot deny you the use of legally prescribed medications that treat a medical condition, even if they are narcotics, unless you are a pilot. All you have to do is make sure to tell them that, though they do have the right to ask for proof, such as a statement from your doctor. It usually takes 24 to 48 hours for narcotics to clear your system for a urine test. Are there any questions or comments? ## How long does it stay in your blood?...

44 REPLIES Updated

What is the difference between the 325mg and the 7.5/325mg tablets? ## Hello, Pat! How are you? There should be 2 numbers listed for anything that contains Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen, for instance, in the second one you've listed, that designates 7.5mgs of the narcotic Hydrocodone and 325mgs of Acetaminophen. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Thus, you've not listed the complete information for the first one, since that only lists 325mgs of Acetaminophen. Can you please double check your information and post back? Thanks! ## All that is listed on my bottle is 7.5-325MG TAB MALLINO ## What is the difference between 5/325 mg of hydrocodone/aceta...

4 REPLIES Updated

I have been taking ten mill hydrocodone 4 times a day for the past 20 yrs now I have chronic pain with a torn liberal and they make me go off on without pain meds because I took a Percocet I had from along time ago. I am 65 and not a addict I need pain for my back that they couldn't even operate on. I need help to function. Can you help me? I live in brownsburg indiana. ## Hi. I have a degenerating disc disease in my back and neck. I also had 2 Rotator Cuff surgeries this year that was no good and tore my bicep muscle. I also have fibromyalgia, IBS, was on pain medication and doctors took it away. Now I'm looking for a pain management doctor that prescribes any pain medications. I am allergic to morphine and can take hydromorphone. Can you help? Please let me know. ## Need to fi...

10 REPLIES Updated

When does the hydrocondone 10/325 lose its effectiveness? How long can you keep it? ## Hello, Hank! How are you? There isn't actually any particular time when it will suddenly totally lose its effectiveness, it is actually a gradual process that's caused by things such as heat, light and moisture, because they cause degradation. That is why they are tested to see how long they can be sure that they maintain maximum effectiveness. That's what the expiration date on the bottle designates. When you get them from your pharmacy, they have to be good for one year from the date you receive them and that is the longest their full efficacy can be guaranteed by the manufacturer, under optimum storage conditions. Once past that date, they gradually lose effectiveness. They don't ge...

2 REPLIES Updated

We are on vacation and I fell and broke my foot. I was prescribed hydrocodone and had it filled at a Mexican pharmacy. But the marking on the actual tablet is odd to me and neither I nor my husband can find info about it anywhere. Can anyone tell me if this is the actual medication? They are white oblong, scored, and have like a FL or like a half square doubled over print, it’s more like a symbol. Just leery after things you hear. Just have 5 more days till home. Any input would be appreciated. The resort said it was a reputable pharmacy. But still…


Having dental work in 4 days. I take 10/325 hydrocodone, but will need to also take a valium that a.m. due to severe apprehension at dentists. Is this a problem? ## They can be taken together, if prescribed, but you may experience more severe side effects than usual, such dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, and sedation, as reported by the FDA. Thus, please make sure you will not be driving or operating dangerous machinery. Is there anything else I can help with? ## can I take hydrocodone and 5mg valiuum within 2 hrs of each other ## Took half of 5mg valium two hours ago. Can I have 7.5 hydrocodone now or wait ## I took hydrocodine/acetaminophen this morning can I take diazepam tonight ## I think this depends on whether you have a Pain contract or not.

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