Hydrochlorot 25mg Side Effect What Will Happen If Im In The Sun
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why does it tell you to stay out of the sun? and what will happen to me if I am out in the sun. it is summer time and i am not one to stay in the house? so i want to no what to look for if i am out in the sun to much.

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I am taking hydrochlorot 50mg and have this hacking cough, Is this a side effect from this medication I also have a tight feeling in my chest, like i can't breath

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Thank you very much for your help. that helped me out a lot.

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Hydrochlorothiazide is a diuretic, which is used to help remove fluid from the body.

The reason you are warned to be careful of sun exposure is due to the fact that it may make you much more sensitive to the effects of the sun, such as sunburn, dehydration, sun poisoning and etc.


Therefore, it would be advisable to minimize the time you spend out in the sun and to use sunscreen and protective clothing, when you are out in it.

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