How Much Sugar Is In Methadone? (Top voted first)


I REALLY need to know how much sugar is in 120mgs of the red (cherry) liquid methadone?

14 Replies

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Hello, John! How are you?

Who manufactures it? I need more information, in order to answer your question.

This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Is it from a clinic or pharmacy?

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Re: DrLomberg (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

The claim that methadone causes weight gain has been consistently disproven. There is no causation in medical studies on the subject, of which there have been multiple. To prove my own counter-claim as fact, please search "methadone weight gain study" online to find studies, all supporting what I've just informed you of.

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Re: Joy (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Per 10mg there is 0.9 grams of sucrose.

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Re: Comments (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you so much Dr. - apparently the only one who has answered the question directly and completely. I have gained an intense amount of weight since starting and knowing that it has more to do with the suppression of the mechanism you mentioned is immensely helpful. It at least gives me a place to start. I also have an extremely rare endocrine disorder that means my body can neither produce nor uptake any form of testosterone and does not produce sufficient estrogen on its own. I’ve also started HRT w/estradiol and I’m combo with anti-depressants I think they’ve formed an unfortunate trifecta. The methadone is only helpful at allowing me to feel motivated or stay active for about 4-5hours and then I am not just horribly unmotivated, but also have more difficulty with coordination and moment. It literally feels like I have ankle weights & wrist weights on where each movement requires more effort than it should. Antidepressants have been completely ineffective at helping with motivation or activity at all.

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There is 4 Calories in 10 mg of methadone! So Your dose has 48 calories

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The 120mg of red (cherry) liquid I get is from my clinic. The maker is Malinkrodt, and I also found out that instead of sugar it has sucralose. Can this cause headaches and any other problems?

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Oh yes, most sweeteners can do that in people that are sensitive to them.

My fiancé gets dreadfully sick from anything other than just regular sugar and has been told to treat it as an allergy and stay away from all sweeteners.

So, it very well could cause headaches. However, there is also a chance that it's due to the Methadone itself, since narcotics can cause headaches in some people that take them.

You might want to try something else with sucralose in it, under the supervision of your doctor, to see if it causes headaches, as well.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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0, it's sucralose (splenda) the weight gain comes from a suppression of the hypothalamus (hpta axis).

Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.

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I’m diagnosed with diabetes melitus, so how much sugar is in methadone is important to me; per 10mls of methadone to what part sugar?

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Re: JOHN (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

As the person above replied the name of his manufacturer Mallinckrodt..i too need to kno the amount of sugar or grams of "sucrose" per 10 milligrams of "Methadose" same maker. Bottle does not say sugar free. Looked all over and can not find out. Nurses cant tell me at clinic. Please fill us in...ty

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Re: Sandee74 (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Where is your information from?

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I had heat stroke 4 times in '99. I researched electrolytes and various other things. In mt research I came across these artificial sweetners that yoyr body/brain makes naturally. In using diet products you are messing with your brain and inviting an imbalance. I had a boss who only drank diet sodas. The sweetners can cause menstrual and stomach problems and terrible mood swings. Her sister and I saw this in her. I showed her my research. The sister quit the diet stuff immediately and het tummy problems disappeared and her menstruatation problem went away as well. But her sister to this day still diet everything and suffering badly. I have bought some of the books I got from my local library. 2 I remember well were on amino acids and the electrolytes. But I'm sure you can google srtificial sweetners and similary naturally made brain chemicals. Good luck.

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At the methadone clinic in S.C.(Crs rds), they give the red liquid form of methadone. Same type they've given for years. I do not think it's the metha"dose", I think it's done. Not sugar free. Anyway, trying to see if it raises blood sugar in diabetics, as to cause higher readings when one takes their readings in morn & evening.

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Hi, i would like to know how much sugar is in 50ml of methadone? someone i know told me something that i dont believe, so i would just like to check to see for sure how much sugar is in 50 ml, or how much sugar per 1ml? thanks, Suzanne B

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