How Many Days Before I Feel The Effects Of Clonazepam Working In My Body (Top voted first)


I have been prescribed Clonazepam for anxiety. I am to take it three times per day, one tablet at night about 30 minutes before bed time, one tablet first thing in the morning (I wake up about 6:00 a.m.) and one tablet around mid-day (1:00-1:30 p.m.). I have been taking it since Monday but do not feel any effects (though I have slept better the past two nights). How long does it usually take before clonazepam is in my system and will give me day time relief from my anxiety?

14 Replies

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Hello, Pthomas! How are you? I am very sorry about the problem that you're having.

It should have had some immediate effect, this medication doesn't need to build up in your system to have its effect and can actually be taken as needed. If it's not helping you, you may need a higher dose or a different medication. What is your current dosage?

This medication carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability.

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My current dosage is 2mg (as I said I take it 3 x per day).
I slept well again last night, but felt a strong level of anxiety this morning about an hour or so after I woke up, into the afternoon. Not "paralyzing' but definitely uncomfortable. So far no side effects! I have some issues with appetite, but I had those before I started to take the clonazepam so I think they are anxiety related.
Thank you for responding.

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I have tried rivotril 2mg thay were very weak.didnt have blue diamond on box...would need 2 at least to be somewhat ok...i ordered almus 2mg and was given audens being told of licensing..was told auden came in almus box but what ingotbis now i have no idea what i have.they are hard, tasteless pills....i major anxiety and insomnia and just want real meds.doc try to get me on prozac and zoloft or zyprexa which i will not take..prozac is worst ever.anxiety went from a 10 to 500

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I take it and it helps tremendously. CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR FIRST, but you're not really on a very high dose. I take two 10 mgs. twice a day.

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My daughter Sam has debilitating anxiety. She is 16. She started 150 mg cap venlafaxine 2 weeks ago. She added alprazolam ER 1mg two days ago. Neither has had any affect. Does it take time for the alprazolam to kick in? I know it does for the venlafaxine. I'm desperate. This has been going on since Oct. 2015

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Xanax xr no relief what so ever. Xanax to me is wonder drug not the xr. These new laws have made it so hard for people with really bad anxiety issues to get meds and function in society.. o wish u luck call the Dr.

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Re: Pthomas (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Hello, it's more accurate to say and think of it as relief of symptoms rather than effects. Good day.

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Re: Robert (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Two 10 mgs twice a day? Are you saying you take 40 mgs a day? Plus, they only go as high as 2 mgs. That's how much I take over a period of 20 days. How do you even function? May whichever deity you believe in if you suddenly can't get your meds anymore, because the withdraw factor on a dosage that high will be worse than death. I'm not calling you a liar, but I find it very difficult to believe that any doctor would prescribe 40 mgs of clonazepam a day.

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Re: That Guy Who Made That Post That One Time (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, doctors never advise dosing more than necessary... In fact, they advise dosing as SOS. Should be strictly followed.

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Should work right away, I take 3 pills but I split mine in half of 0.5 a day of Sandoz Clonazepam a day. It depends on your body's tolerance towards drugs is what I've always been told by my doctor.

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Re: That Guy Who Made That Post That One Time (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

The dosage for a person using Clonazepam for seizures and not for anxiety can start at 20 mgs. Clonazepam is also an antiepilectic and the dose for that use is much, much higher than if just used for anxiety. The most effective dose for anxiety is just 1 mg and for less than a few months. The bodies tolerance for the drug goes up fast and doesn't even work well after too long on them. There are many uses for drugs that unless you're a pharmacist you won't know about, so don't make things up if you don't really know. You might hurt someone that doesn't know better either. Good day!

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Re: That Guy Who Made That Post That One Time (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I don’t think he was talking about Clonazepam. I mean 40 mgs would kill a person I have an anxiety and panic disorder with Agoraphobia from the military and have been on Klonopin or Clonazepam for about 28 years. I was on 1mg tablets 4 times a day and the doctor thought I wasn’t getting the benefit from the medication as I should so I was bump up to 6 a day for 2 months however, that was nipped in the bud when I seen him again he told me the limit was 4 mgs per 24 hrs and said take your pick 4 1 mg tablets or 2 2mg tablets per 24 hrs. That has been a while back so the law might of changed. It looked like something was said to him for that much per day but who knows. I hope u have the best of luck.

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Re: Pthomas (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

with 2 mg 3 times a day you should have had relief within an hour.

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Was going through the messages..10 to 20 mg Clonazepam is too much. Could be fatal.. I require 0.25 mg per day only when I'm out of the house. When at home I do not take any.

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