How Long Will Oxycodone Be Present In A Placenta (Page 3)
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I am 36 weeks pregnant and about a week ago i tested positive for opium when my doctor drug tested me. I took what i thought was a over the counter pain med cuz my back went out but apparently my "friend" had given me a 30 mlg oxy. now child protective services are involved and i was told once my child is born they will test the placenta for drugs and was wondering how long do oxys stay present for that kind of testing? please help i dont want to lose my kids.

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Doctors prescribe pain medication all the time when there are other alternatives. I am not judging you, I've had my struggles with addiction. A few years ago i severed a tendion in my ankle, (very painful). Because I am an addict, I was not willing to take a chance of becoming addicted to pain pills, they are highly addicting. I discussed this with the doctor and he did my surgery with a nerve block and sent me home with a pack that time released the nerve block medicine. Dont believe that just because a doctor prescribed it to you then it must be okay right. Get information on how opiates and other pain medications will effect you and your unborn child and make your decision equipped with knowledge.

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Hi i dont know if you still check this but I have a question about delivering while on subutex. Can you plz write me back.. {edited for privacy}

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Hi I need any information you can give me please.

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I'm very scared.having fear, reading way to much and need to know the actual truth.plz reply..

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For all the people being judgmental a**holes about this subject... I Dont condone taking pain meds or and prescription meds while you're pregnant for an addiction problem HOWEVER there are many reason a pregnant woman needs to take them in certain situations. If the medical risk outweighs the risk of meds then they will prescribe them.. I had horrible kidney stones during my pregnancy and it was safer for me to take the meds (perc 10s) and reduce the pain than it was to stay in pain and put extra stress on the baby. Doctors will prescribe them if its needed. So everyone saying you absolutely cannot take them are very wrong. I took them the the entire 2 & 3 trimester and my baby boy was born perfectly healthy and withdrawal free. People need to know facts before they start throwing out their opinions. Even when people have an addiction problem you are not advised to quit cold turkey when you find out you're pregnant. That could also cause death for the child due to the dramatic change and withdrawals the mother will endure... Be smart and only take any meds prescription or not while carrying and be smart about the amounts some children will be effected by them some won't. The risk is not one worth taking!!!

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hi im in the same boat as you guys I m 9 weeks and I really need to stop.. Sometimes I feel like having an abortion too but I cant I need serious help I believe

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Please tell me how you made out

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I'm about 35 weeks pregnant. Been using Percocet on and off. The first 4 weeks in, I didn't know I was pregnant. I stopped. At about 12 weeks maybe, I took some percs and that was just one day. I stopped for weeks after that. Then i relapsed again at about 5 months along. The usage wasn't necessarily heavy but continued for maybe a week. Stopped again. Relapsed again and it was heavier but maybe lasted a week or week and a half, stopped for about a few days, then it went on for another week. Stopped for another couple weeks then went kinda heavy for 3 days and am stopped for good now. Dr knows about it and everything. My question is what is the outcome for the baby? What will CPS do? I heard he won't get taken away as long as I have been clean from hear on out and am doing treatment. Only catch is they are aware of only this recent incident and the incident about 4 months ago. I'm flipping the hell out right now....idk what to do. The thing is also, he hasn't stopped kicking at all. He might've gotten sleepy and slowed down. I'm currently seeking the help I need. Just wanna know what's next......

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I also have been using on a regular basis, not every day but a few times a week sometimes not at all. I took 30mg oxycodone yesterday and I'm afraid my doctor may want to induce sometime this week. I don't go through withdrawal because I space out the medications, but I am so scared my baby will be taken from me. I have been scared for months and tried to stop many times but always find myself saying this is my last one... And please no judgment!

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I am almost 38wks n my sue date is Dec 26,2014.. So I have 2 1/2 to 3 wks lft til I go in for my C-Section. I've been taking percecets daily how long will it take til its out of the baby's system? I have a O.B Appt Thursday but I'm scared to tell him about me taking opiates n drug test me and take her away from me at.the hospital after delivery!!!!! ):

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Did you babies stool show anything???

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Jazzy, what happen to your baby when it was born?

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I am 32 weeks pregnant and been taking norcos for my fibermiligia I have been tapering my self the last couple of days it's extremely hard because the pain is so intense, Iam so scared he is having withdrawls in my belly, my question is if I completely stop by next week will he be born with withdrawls this is my first baby I am so scared I don't want him to suffer or be taken away from me. Any advice please.

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your welcome :)

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Thank you

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I have been going threw the same thing I have been in pain management for about 5yrs now , May 2014 I found out I was 13 weeks , my Ob knows my medical condition , so he understood why I needed the pain meds ,now that iam 30 weeks this week we are tryn to cut me down to cut the withdrawals from the baby , I hate the situation but as long as u be honest with your OB u will get all the help u and your baby needs to help with your withdrawal, find some Xanax's it will keep u calm and help your baby to cope as well , u will sleep threw most of the withdrawal 72 hrs only 3 days physical , the less u take it will be beneficial to the baby , remember u r not alone when u think u r , GOOD LUCK ..

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So sad :-(

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No drugs are not passed thru cum.

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I am 34 weeks pregnant and i have been ob oxy 30 ml i tried to slow down and that worksed for the first 4 months but as my pregnancy progress my chonic pain os to mucj and i have been taking 60 to 90 milgrams if i slow down to maybe 15 mg in am and 15 at night do yoi think this will helpand how far back can they tell i was on the pills

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Did they test her meconiumno

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