How Long Will It Take For My System To Get Used To Urbanol
UpdatedI have been using Pax for a few years for anxiety. A month ago I was told Pax wiil not be available in Sout Acrica untill middle 2017. The dr subscribed Urbanol 10 mg
Twice a day. I only drink 10 mg at night. Been drinming it for 2 nights . How long will it take for by system to get used to the new pill to work?
1 Reply
If you aren't taking the dose your doctor has instructed you to take then that is likely why your body is not getting used to it, yet, you likely aren't taking an equivalent dosage. Taking the amount your doctor has prescribed will likely help.
The U.S. FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and irritability.
Are you on any other medications?
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