How Long To Wait Before Taking Suboxone After Metadone


took methadone for 11 days start at 40 milligrams went down to 20 stopped two days ago and started vicodin now I want to take my suboxone but I'm not sure how long to waittook 9 10 milligram narco at 12should I just wait till tomorrow and start suboxone when I wake up?

4 Replies

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Hello, Dawn! How are you?

You have to bee in full withdrawal from everything else, before you can start Suboxone. Otherwise, the Naloxone in it can throw you into dangerous precipitated withdrawals.

The FDA classifies this medication as an opiate that is most commonly used to treat drug addiction, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

What instructions did your doctor provide?

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Wow, don't take anything else or your sub will go to waste. You need to wait 72 hrs before feeling that after all those drugs you just took.

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For Methodone users! Just be sure to check your eyes if you are still pinpointed DO NOT TAKE THE SUBOXONE. I waited 4 complete days, luckily I was at a treatment center because it put me in a withdrawal from hell! I had all the physical signs of withdrawal. With this being said they should be dilated to a 3-4 not 1-2. TRUST ME ON THIS. I was on M-Done for 3 years. It took total of 6 days. Just be warned, listen to your eyes! Percocet and so forth next morning is okay. Methadone is tricky and the worst thing we ever got on!!!!

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I've taken opiates for almost 4yrs n needed at least 4-5 doses a day just to not feel wd symptoms n sumwut "normal". I'm now on suboxone strips 8mg 2x's a day and it still isn't helping. Others have told me to try methadone to see if dat would help. Can someone please get back to me as fast as possible on whether I should switch to trying methadone or just continuing strips in all hope it will start to work, and if it's safe going from strips to methadone, how long should I wait after taking a strip to try methadone if that's what u suggest? I'm sick n tired of being sick n tired. I have da willpower to stop. It's just the w/d I can't handle to have with my health issues which makes them all extremely dangerous. Please sumone help me asap!?

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