How Long To Wait After Suboxone To Take Oxycodone?


I've only been taking subs for the last 2 days roughly at maybe 8-10mg for those couple of days. How long should I wait until I take oxycodone to make sure the effects actually work. I have no other history with suboxone and the last time I took any oxycodone was a little over 2 weeks ago. I would say my metabolism is above average. However, I just don't want to waste the 15mg of oxycodone that I do have. Also, do i have any risk of randomly having withdrawals from the oxycodone after taking it this one time?

18 Replies

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Also, I forgot to mention that it has been almost 2 days since the last dose of suboxone(which was about 3mg).

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I'd like to know the answer to this as well as most cases have people who have been on sub for years.

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Finally the question I need answerd... and no answer. Bummer!

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Wait 3 days should be enough

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I can take 4-5 30 mil perk in a 12 hour period... and I take 1/4 of a 8mil sub 12 hours later... and I'm fine also I have takin perks as soon as 9 hours after a 1/4 of a sub and been just fine but don't get as high but still feel good.. the longer u wait after the sub the les it takes... everybody is different tho but I call bs on the ppl that say wait 3 or 4 days after even a full sub

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Agreed. You can take a piece of sub or a painpill after 12 to 24 hours of one or the other, whenever you start withdrawal symptoms. My early symptoms are stomach cramping. Watery, runny nose/eyes and sneezing usually occur after 12 hours for me. After taking the sub you want to wait for it to wear off or else it will just block the pill. Subs will keep you normal but you will withdrawal if you stop taking them as well

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So I've been on suboxene for 3 years and I just had surgery and in order to have the anaesthesia to work and pain meds it had to be at least 24 hours..atleast!! Subs last a lot longer than pain meds so be careful

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Yes I would wait twnety four hours just to be safe, but you're probably ok with twelve.

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Get your story straight, Juhani. Another post I wish I saw sooner. So funny to me how transparent active addicts are, even though THEY don't seem to know it, thinking they are smooth and coming off sounding so indifferent and nonchalant. At 8:37pm you were taking 8-10 mg suboxone for the last 2 days. At 9:17pm it had been over 2 days since you took 3 mg suboxone. Just another loser f***ing up suboxone for those it was, is, and will be intended. I would LOVE to come face to face with even ONE a**hole out there who has the sick nerve to be selling suboxone to ANYBODY looking to buy it who has never taken it before. It is just criminal & beyond dangerous & absolutely why it is regulated the way it is, making the rest of us jump through hoops & how devastating it is for people without insurance and/or prescription plans who have to pay out of pocket or at best use a discount card for a reduced price, which of course still makes it insanely expensive. In the state of Delaware ONE FILM IS $24.19!! I am lucky to have insurance & could just bawl my eyes out for any man or woman out there desperately wanting to give sub a shot but not having the means to do so. Do the country a favor, when you are out of your illegally purchased recreational habit/addiction opiate of choice, suck it the hell up & be a man & SUFFER...stop using suboxone to coddle your baby a**!!!

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I take suboxone everyday right when I wake up, and take 5 10mg of oxycodone right after. I only take 2mg of suboxone though and I feel the oxys still. I'm running out of oxys though and was wondering if I could take morphine instead after the suboxone?

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I have actually taken a 3rd of a 8mg/2mg sub and a oxycodone 15mg as early as 6 hours between while the percocet did relieve my back pain the sub still worked as well. I don't recommend you to do it because for 1 you could overdose, go into coma, etc. 2 everyone is different what might be alright for me may be different for you.

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Re: Dani (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Not to mention this post was over a year and a half old before you posted your bulls***. It's extremely easy to get suboxone in NY. Go to a counseling facility, set counseling appointments, see the doctor, take drug panel, and get suboxone. Takes three days, and I don't believe you when you say it's $24 a strip. It's $4.50 a strip without insurance. I think you are exaggerating just to try and make a valid point.

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Re: Dani (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

And i just did the research the most anwhere that a month script of subs cost without insurance is at Rite aid, for 226.26. Which divided by 30 is 7.54 a strip. 24 dollars my ass you lieing piece of garbage

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Re: Dani (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Wow what a poet. Speak the truth much lol. Love your attitude. Wish we could chat. I'm on suboxone now 5 days. I've been on oxycodone 15mg 3x a day and Fentanyl 75mg patches for 3.5 years. It was always a never ending saga out early. I finally asked my dr for the suboxone.....toook it too soon and i thought my life would end. Now its working the way it should. All of this started in 2014 when i was diagnosed eith stage 3B colon cancer and had surgery. Wish i could do it all over and ot take the pain meds it it was so terrible and chemo was no vacation. I don't know if u will read this, but I hope you do if not Good luck and God Bless.

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I'm stopping suboxone on Wednesday and have to start up on oxycodone. How long should I wait after stopping the subs on Wednesday before taking oxy? Thanks.

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About 13 hours ago I took a quarter of a suboxone just to get through the night without feeling sick. I never took suboxone before and I know I took a very low dose. I have been hooked on opiates for a while but the suboxone was my last resort 13 hours ago. The amount I took was so small and since it was over 13 hours ago I was wondering if I took my oxycontin whether it would work? I have about 60 mg of oxycodone. I know suboxone has a blocker but since I only used it once and it was only 2mg would it be safe to say that if I took my 60 mg oxy if I would feel it? Remember, this is the first time I took a sub so I have no suboxone built up in my body???

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Re: illedout (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Please I’m just asking I was taking Suboxone for the past four days and we take a piece from one so it’s like you know I get for pills at a one Suboxone but I do take oxycodone today I want to spread it out so I took a Suboxone for the past four days but it only equals 18 mg pill how long do I have to wait to go back on the Suboxone from taking the oxycodone tonight

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Re: Dani (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Bollocks you insensitive novice!

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