How Long Should Use Urimax 0.4?
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I want clear reply as I find it good at present as I switched from contiflo. An unbiased reply from you will be very much appreciated. As on today I am continuing the same.

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I am taking urimax4 for last4month how long will it be taken

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The urine flow is slow inthe morning after awaken from bed. After that it goes normal. Urine outflow is not much as expected.

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I had a sudden drastic slowing down of my urine stream. If not fully stopped. I went door to door to different urologists. Some diagnosed its structure & recommended surgery, some BPH; although the weight of my prostrate is only 18gm. Ultimately one doctor prescribed only urimax .04. My urine became completely normal and I continued treatment for 7 months as per my doctor's recommendation. Then I stopped & 6 months elapsed without any problem. But now my urine has again slowed down to a near stoppage and I don't know what to do?! I'm 68, non-diabetic & have controlled cholesterol. Can anybody suggest what to do?

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I am 60 years of old suffering from enlarge prostrate problem. Dr. has advised me to take Urimax D.My problem is in 2nd grade. Should I continue the said medicine or should go for operation. Also I want to know the period of continuity of the above medicine.

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Sir, I am a patient of BPH and according to USG report my prostate is of 24.52 gm. In this condition what should I do. Whether my treatment is possible by using drug like urimax or surgery is the only alternative. Please suggest me.

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i have a prostate enlargement, urine flow was restricted. GP prescribed urimax 0.4 twice a day. i am a diabetic 63 yrs old is it recommended. please advice.

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Am 58 year my urine flow is slow sometimes I should wait for few seconds before it comes and pains mild prostate problem checked no further problems I take urimax .4 mg at bed time sometimes my bowels get activated while going to urine

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since a long time whenever I go for urinating,Before start of urinating I have to wait for 2-3 minutes.Then starts urine with a thin & slow flow. Some time it has burning sensations inside of my penis. Recent past my general physician prescribed me urimax 0.4 mg / day. But I did not start yet that medicine. I am 65+ years old and till date I am not a diabetic patient but I am a chronic bronchial asthma patient since a long time. I am taking seroflo 250 and livilin inhaler.

Since a long time since I was 42 years in age it has been observed that there is erectile dysfunction. A general physician advised me to take tadalafil 20mg i,e Taxxle20 and zydulis MD 20mg,one tab/daily. In total I took only 14 tabs.That time I felt that in the morning only for a few minutes peni got hard. My question to you that is Tadalafil 20 group medicines get some benifit for BPH patients ? If so,should I take tadalafil 20 tabs as wel as urimax 0.4mg at a time ?if so.then how long should I take both the medicines?


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