How Long Does It Take Valium To Work (Page 4)
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Please respond. I have never taken it and it was just prescribed for me. I have taken other benzos but they don't help my extreme anxiety. Hoping this will.
I usually take 10 mg of diazepam. It doesn't work as well as I hoped. I have tried up to 25 mg with not much result. What should I try instead of diazepam for anxiety?
I became addicted to xanax unintentionally, when I ran out my husband thought I was having a stroke. I was making no sense. Not to mention could not sleep, it was very scary, be careful with any benzo.
I took Xanax for anxiety for about three years..I managed to keep it down to about three tables.. But the addiction wanted more, so decided to get off it best decision and worse decision... I slowly started to decrease the amount by half tables every two is the only way to get off this devil I had withdrawal symptoms for about a year worst thing I ever went through please this drug is no joke the withdrawal symptoms is the worst thing imaginable..I read a book called panic away that help me a lot good luck...
Yes you can take 10mg at one time.
I totally agree with you. I was prescribed ativan in july. 1mg once daily for anxiety. It has ruined my life. I am still on it. I tried to cut back and felt like death for about a month and a half. Had to go back to docs and get more just to feel normal again. Now I'm not feeling normal. My body has built up a tolerance. My life is hell right now. I have a doc appointment tmrw with my psychiatrist. I'm going to beg her to put me on valuim so I can taper down and be off these damn things. I do not recommend benzos to anyone. I have took them a few times in the past for alcohol withdrawal. I'm a recovering alcoholic. But had no problems with them then. Due to only using them for the detox.
Oh my word! How sorry I feel for all of you here wanting to be on Benzos because you suffer with anxiety. That stuff CAUSES anxiety in the long run. You have to take more and more to get the same effect and then you decide one day that you do not want to be on it anymore because the side effects are too much. And THAT is where your hell starts!! Trying to come off a Benzo is PURE HELL! Just Google Benzodiazepine Withdrawal. I had the pleasure (NOT) of coming off it cold turkey because I did not know that you cannot just stop using it. PLEASE do not use Benzos! PLEASE!
Valium 10 is what I take but I have severe anxiety. It takes awhile to kick in but it remains in your system longer where as Xanax it hits u faster but gets out your system alot sooner. I prefer valium. But if need something to kick in right away Xanax is better. I think u will like the Valium tho. I take one soon as I wake up and on empty stomach cause hits faster. Hope this helps Hun.
Valium is one of the hardest drugs to overdose on. But if u don't have a tolerance it can be done easily especially if drinking or if taking a different way but if just taking both 5mg orally you will be totally fine and definitely calm and ready. But your dentist is right also I believe Valium remains in your system for a long time you don't feel effects the next day maybe a Lil grogginess but not just taking 5mg but it's still in your system so when u go to take the one before your procedure I'm sure u will be just fine. I'd rather follow drs orders tho if I were you
Diazepam will help. I'm prescribed 2mg bt also have been on 5mg and when the were prescribing 10mg so I think diazepam are very helpful with anxiety x
Sometimes people do not respond to Valium the same way they would with Xanax. I would suggest trying .5mg of Xanax next. Just rhought
For me I feel the effects of Valium within 20-30min. I take for anxiety and acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome. I take 10mg four times a days, sometimes does make me a Lil sleepy but if slept well the night before it just gives me a calming affect. If it makes me sleepy I just take a half a loratab or percocet and it levels me out. Don't know this helps anyone. I was put on librium for alcohol withdraws but when take with the volume I just get really groggy and want to sleep and can't function. I'd rather take the volume 4 times a day. But can honestly say the librium did help. I don't know what I would of done without it the first three days of my detox. Hope this helps.
I will be going to dentist for procedure. He prescribed 2 5mg Valium for me. One to be taken the night b4 & the other 1 hr b4 procedure. I want to know if it's okay to take both 5mg tabs of Valium 1 hr b4 my appt.
I've been taking a 5th of Valium a day for like four months or so and they don't have any effect. I just take them orally. If u had any suggestions feel free to email at {edited for privacy} plz and thank u
I am having a epideral inj. and they gave me a valium because of my fear of needles to take prior to coming to get inj. I need to know how far in advance do I need to take it if my inj. is at 10am cause I need it to be in full affect. Please answer me quickly I need to know. I am freaking out.
The above is correct. I usually start feeling mellow fifteen to twenty minutes after swallowing a 10mg Valium.
These medications typically work within minutes of taking them and don't need to be taken regularly to have their intended effect. That's why the are usually prescribed to be taken 'as needed'.
Generally, they should start to have some effect in about 15 to 20 minutes of ingesting it and 45 minutes to an hour for the full effect.
Learn more Valium details here.
The only way to see if it works for is by trying it.
It does have the potential to be habit forming, just like other benzodiazepines and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability.
Is there anything else I can help with?
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