How Long Does It Take For The Withdrawals To Go Away After Taking Suboxone (Page 3)


Hi, I was put on the 8 mg. strips at 3 per day in Oct. 2012..I used 3 per day for a couple of month's.. I quickly tapered down to 1&1/2 of the strip's per day..I got so tired of being on it so I began to stock pile it to withdraw on it at home.. I got down to 1-2 mg.s per day for about the past month and began yesterday (Monday) withdrawing..It's now Tuesday (July 9,2013) and still feel like I did yesterday.. No vomiting nor the big "D" but sweating, lethargic, chilling, feel achy, etc.. How long will it take for the withdrawal's to completely go away..PLEASE answer ASAP & THANKS....Oh, don't scare me about it because I'm all ready an emotional wreck..

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Hi, ive been on 8/2s for almost seven years and i take xanax once in a while from doctor. I was on opiates for 20+ years so this has saved my life. But im terrified to quit. I got down to a half of one for a while then i just said f*** it and im back to 1-1/2 a day. You are not alone and i know yours is old too but if you have any questions, holler at me.

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My name is dan. I have been clean now for almost 400 days from vicodin. I took suboxone from my first 6 weeks after getting off of the Vicodin. if I could give any type of guidance to you I would tell you this, get off the suboxone. It is bad stuff, it's just a substitute for vicodin. that's all it is. I know it makes you feel good and it eases the pain but you gotta remember drugs going into your body is harmful chemicals. you put the harmful chemicals in your body so you gotta deal with the consequences. life on the other side is a hundred times better than any type of Suboxone high, feeling or day can give you. Gabapentin is a doctor prescribed medicine that you can get that is not a controlled substance, can be given right from your own doctor. you don't have to do anything special to get it and it helped me get off everything because I wasn't trying to get a sneak high. I have been through the withdrawals. I know exactly what you're going through because it first suboxone did not help me in any way shape or form. All of the sudden after like the first week of Suboxone finally started working maybe it was two weeks, I don't remember but it was hell and I will never go through it again. I know you feel terrible right now and nothing feels good on your body or you know whatever get out and exercise man. Go for a run go work out it sounds terrible but after you will be so glad you did it. Guys I'm on this forum all the time talking to people cuz I've been through it and I know what it's like if you haven't been through it or someone that you're around hasn't been through, they try to tell you that you just should be better, they don't understand and you know that because they've never been through it. reply to me right here. {edited for privacy}.

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Hi thanx for the message. Ive been on a dose of generic suboxone 8/2 for almost 7 years. Im fighting with myself to stop asking doc for xanax because i went though cold turkey withdrawl from and it was the WORST! But anyhow, i was a junkie hardcore for 20+ years and the suboxone has really saved my life but but i think its time i get off them. Im going to taper down like i did before. I was down to 1/2 a day! With no symptoms at all. Then like i said i screwwd up and now am on one and a half. I just want to get clean for real. I dont the suboxone at all buzz at all. Just makes me normal. Now the xanax yes i do feel, and they are very bad. Kinda freaks me out that my doc even gives me them knowing my addiction history. But its up to me to take the proverbial bull by the horns and get myself together. Thanks for your imput, I really appreciate it!

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A lot depends on how old or young you are and what kind of shape you are in. I think you can count on a couple to three weeks before you begin to start feeling like you're coming out of it. Stay with it. Warm to hot showers can help take care of the symptoms for a short while, but the best advice I got was to keep moving. My first 2 weeks I could barely walk more than a few steps. The thing is to push yourself past what you think you can do, and I mean simply just walk around as much as you can. The restless leg and sweats will start to go away. My big problem was I was unable to sleep the first few days when the symptoms started. After the second week I began to sleep 2 or 3 hours a night. By the fourth week I was sleeping through the night. Best of wishes to you.

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You can do this. You truly can. Taper slowly dont rush it. Ive seem so many people rush it and when you go to fast it shocks ya. I really would ask your doctor to get you gabapentin so you can quit the subs. Xanax is a slippery slope. Yea with us being addicts you dont want to get hooked on those. I got hooked fast. Then you are back in the hole. Do some research on gabapentin. It truly helped me. I know it can help you.please keep in touch.

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Wow! Good for you! That is a lot of codeine. Stay strong!

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Hi dann, i wanted to know if you know anything about subtex vs. suboxone. I know the subtex dont have that 2 mg of whatever that stuff is called. The pharmacy gave me them last month instead of suboxone for some reason Unknown but i did a little research and was thinking about switching to them from subox. Seems like that would be better with the less ingredients in it. I did not feel a difference at all and i only get generics cuz my insurance. Thanks very much and im cooling it on the xanax. I cant do that withdrawl again. Btw im 53 years old and in very good shape as far as i know...just have no energy which sucks.

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My first though is dont. Subutex doesnt block opiates. So thats bad right there incase something happens. Suboxone has red flags on that if abused will cause bad withdraws. Are you having open conversations with you regular doctor. Tell them you dont want anything with the word subs. You need to get gabapentin. It is not a controlled substance. Get on it. So you can start feeling normal again. When is the last time you were clean

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Do not take Tramadol! This is pretty much why I'm taking subs. Lots of docs think they are ok, but w/d from them are worse than opiates! They are the devil in disguise. I've noticed more docs are becoming aware of the horrible effects of Tramadol, but it's still being prescribed even sometimes for sub withdrawal. Not a good choice to make you feel better unless you want another worse addiction. Believe me, Tramadol is not a drug to get involved with.

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I've been clean for these past 7 years off opiates and crack. But im on that pharmaceutical s***. I dont remember the last time i was totally clean. Probably my last jail bit...?? Im going to investigate that stuff you are talking about. I am not around drugs/addicts so im not worried about relapsing if i did get on subutex. Im just thinking one less ingredient would be easier to kick.. I appreciate your support!

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I agree. I was going through sub wds and thought I couldn't take any more of the pain etc. I was just about to go back to my sub dr and get back on them when I came across an old bottle of gabapentin that had been prescribed to me about a year earlier. I hadn't taken any of it so I googled it and found a few (very few) threads saying it helped. I took some and it was a life saver! Gabapentin is the only reason that I didn't go back to my sub dr. It calmed my restless legs, helped me sleep, helped boost my appetite and my mood. I used it to get through the worst of the sub wds. About a month total. No wds from the gabapentin and I was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I have now been sober for 10 months. I would really suggest to anybody to look into gabapentin.

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How do I get gabapentin? I figure the only way to get off subs is to take something else until the worst withdrawals are over. Something like Clonidine or gabapentin that's not addictive. My sub doc is not helping for coming off. I already mentioned Clonidine and he dismissed it. Not sure what to do. My other docs (psychologist and my regular doc) won't deal with it. As in , won't prescribe me anything to help me off the subs. I am on a low sub dose(2 mg now) and have tapered, but I know the withdrawals are not good no matter what you jump from. Any advice would help. Thanks

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Yea that sub doctor is a piece of trash. It seemed like mine never wanted me to get off. Everytime id ask he would switch topics. As long as he gets that $50 up front charge. You need to be in communication with your regular doctor. You need to have open dialogue too.

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That blows my mind because i am on suboxone and my doctor gave me a big bottle of tramadol for a bad back. I still have a whole bunch in my cabinet, and me being a long time dope fiend, that would not have been the case if i even felt them!but i took them a few times and felt nothing! And also I noticed last time i was at the docs theres a new sign on the wall that says michigan just categorized tramadol as a controlled substance! So they must be something heavy but i swear i felt nothing from them! Im going to check out that stuff that starts with a g to get off the subox. Its really nice to be able to chat with other folks that know what you are going through and dont judge you, so thanks everyone!

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Do you see a regular docot or a suboxone doctor. I hate to see you still on soboxone. Have you thought about teying gabapentin to get off the bad stuff?

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I'm glad you did not feel anything from tramadol bc it will get you. The evil little suckers. Withdrawal is absolutely the worst pain I've ever been in. Toss them!

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I agree. Tramadol is what landed me on suboxone to begin with. The problem with tramadol is that it is completely chemical based synthetic opiate with anti depressant qualities as well as pain relieving. So when you withdrawal from tramadol you get a mix of opiate wds, anti depressant wds and also some weird other affects from all if the chemicals. When I went through wds from tramadol I could not even get up to brush my teeth. It was by far the most intense wds I have ever gone through. I'm REALLY surprised they're prescribing it to get off of suboxone! Truthfully using one opiate to get off of another is just keeping the cycle moving. I would really suggest gabapentin. It will ease a lot of the pain of wds without filling your opiate receptors with just another substitution.

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Just a regular doctor hes a internist actually. Hes really busy and hes from syria and hes cool but sometimes it blows my mind the stuff he lets me have, being such a long time ex addict. I am going to check that gab.. Stuff you mentioned. Do i need a script? Thanx

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my family member just quit opiates and started suboxone. He took 24mgs of suboxone the first day. The second day he said he took too much and did not need any the 2nd day. Is that possible? Did he use again? He only has 8 suboxone. How should he taper off them so he can get in a drug free rehab?

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So im not a doctor. I know soboxone has a long half life like i could go 3 days with out it. I had built a tolerance though. Usually what happens with a suboxone is whenever you take a suboxone that blocks the opiates from giving you a high and I have heard about people that have taking suboxin and then like a day later used an opiate and it has made them go into withdrawals and made them really sick.

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