How Long Does Clindamycin Remain In Your System After Finishing Treatment (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I am finishing a 7 day dose of clindamycin 300 mg taken once every 8 hours on Friday, which leaves me with no weekend coverage if dental infection isn't gone. My dentist told me yesterday that it can remain in my system for awhile, is this true? If so, for how long?

31 Replies (2 Pages)

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I took Clindamycin for 7 days in June 2017. I had blood work done in oct and my kidney function dropped dramatically since my last test in may. Could Clindamycin have caused kidney damage.?

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Re: Laz (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

My name Nelp I took clindamycin and it start off by turning my hands red and painful then whole body start doing the same thing so I'm taking bendral how long it take to get a relief plus doctor got me on prednisone

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Re: SUSAN (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Excellent suggestion. ENT's are specialist in this area.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Well, add severe joint pain to that list. I've been prescribed it too many times I think now time to take something else. Maybe this is why I am needing to have this infected tooth extracted and why treatment failed. Maybe they should never have put me on this antibiotic to begin with. Maybe that's why the origin of infection same area never went away, even after root canal treatment.

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I stopped Clindamycin after taking 4 -300 mg pills -two a day
I am having throat pain and having difficulty swallowing 3 days after stopping
Also feverish spells but no fever Will never take this again
Has anyone else experienced these symptoms?

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Re: Nancy (# 28) Expand Referenced Message

I’m in the same boat as you. I took 4 300mg over two days and have been very ill for two weeks now. Flu like symptoms, muscle weakness, dizziness and terrible joint pain (I’m 33). Doc wants me on prednisone but I’m hesitant.

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I took 300mg 3 times a day for 7 days. I was supposed to take it for 10 days but had to stop because it messed up my mouth something fierce. Swollen bumps on the back of my tongue and made my tongue turn white with horrible cotton mouth. My mouth is still not right and I have been off it for about 6 days now. It’s drivi g me insane. Nothing taste right and my tongue burns and the saliva in my mouth is kinda foamy. HELP

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I had a severe headache with flushed feeling after taking clindesse vaginally.never again bad drug

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Re: Lee (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

i am 30 year old female . I have been on clindamycin for 14 days . For folliculitis let me say i was fine for a while then afew days ago i had bad chest pains that were also in my upper back . I flipped out thought i was having a heart attack . Followed by shortness of breath . sisnt think anything of it cause my symptoms lessened so i remained takingbthe pill . Now i feel muscle weakness my joint ache ex wrist and neck . Lets say im not taking it anymore i really thought about goung to er but dont want to at all . I just hope i feel better soon

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

i had to stop my clindamycin because of bad reactions, i got a rash, i got blood in my Urin my red blood cells were up in my Urin and my thyroid level was thrown off, i was on it sine last Wednesday the 20 stopped it on Monday would it be out of my system by now and will my other stuff clear up, am taking generic Flagel now

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Hello, Jana! How are you?

Yes, that is correct.

However, how is the infection doing? If the antibiotic is working, there should be no worsening after being on it for a full 24 hours and you should start to see some improvement after taking it for a full 3 days.

The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea.

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