How Long After Taking A Suboxone Can You Take An Opiate? (Page 8)


I have been on 8 mg/2mg Suboxone strips for 1 year. I am having a tooth (back molar) extraction in the morning. I used my Suboxone strip this morning & the tooth extraction is at 9:30 am tomorrow. If I don't use another Suboxone strip before the extraction, would I be able to take Hydrocodone after my surgery? I don't want to get sick, but I am terrified of going through this surgery with no pain meds. Please help.

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24-72 hours so 1-3 days if you are taking 8/2mg a day. So lower end for lower doses 8/2mg= wait 24-48 hours, 16/4mg or more= wait 48-72 hours at least.
I have been on Subs for 5 years so have some good experience....

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So you have no problems getting the pain pills filled at the pharmacy if they see you have a suboxone prescription?

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If I have been taking 1 8mg strips for 7 weeks now how long would I have to wait before I could take my old recommended dose of hydrocodone which was 100 milligrams? I have not taking any sub in the last 28 hours.

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If I've been taking suboxin for 2 weeks but only one strip per week so that's one 8 mg per week how long will I have to wait to take an opiate ???

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CODY, SUNSHINE: Again, you can take opioids AFTER taking Sub with no problem. You just won't feel the opioids if you take them too soon after the Subs. It is when you take Subs AFTER taking opioids where you can run into trouble. From what you both described, you should be able to feel your full-agonist opioids at this point. Just don't switch back to Subutex or Suboxone too soon AFTER the opioids.

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If you are on suboxone and you take a dose of another opiate besides suboxone you should be fine depending upon the dose and the drug you took. One should be careful because one can die from taking to much to soon after taking suboxone. And If you are on other opiates besides suboxone and you switch to suboxone before coming down off the other opiate or opiates, you can go into what they call precipitated withdrawal. So either way you go you should be careful because one, you can die, and two, you can get very sick.

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No ma'm i take methadone a little different but even with the methadone i take alprazolam i did speak with my doctor first

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Assuming you are taking suboxone because of addiction to opiates your tolerance is already way up and even though you haven't taken it while it's still pretty high. Try to stop taking the suboxin AZ soon as you can in time for the surgery. it's going to take 24 to 36 hours to get out of your system enough for you to start feeling pain medication, depending on how much you take. There is a medication called soma which helps with pain and also can relax you but you may wish to this speak to your doctor there might be better medications that you can take that this suboxin won't interfere with. Just be careful you do not want to go back to taking pain medication I can tell you you will regret it forever if you do you gotten a chance to get away from it and you made it. I know people who didn't best of luck God bless.

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PEOPLE! The issue here is not how long to stop taking the Suboxone so that the pain meds will work. The BIGGER ISSUE IS THAT IF THEY ARE TAKEN TO CLOSE TOGETHER, IT WILL THROW THE PERSON INTO SEVERE, SEVERE WITHDRAWALS. If you are going to stop taking the Suboxone, you have to reverse what you did when you started it.

1. You have to stop taking the Suboxone long enough that you are on the brink of full withdrawals, (this insures the Suboxone is out of your system)

2. Then carefully start taking the pain medicine. But be careful, the protocol is that you DON'T take opiates while on Suboxone, and the Dr that prescribes your Suboxone will know that you were prescribed an opiate, no matter where you get it filled.

3. I would strongly encourage you to stay on the Suboxone, it does have pain relieving properties, though not as strong as hydrocodone. And make sure your dentist knows you are Suboxone, just in case something goes haywire and your dentist feels the need to give you an opiate, or has to send you to the ER and they give you something.

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I've never went into severe withdrawal from suboxone taken too soon. I take 4 30 mgs a day sometimes more of oxycodone. Wen I run out I will take a suboxone. Within 3-4 hours. No problem. There is no reason to suffer and wait till your in withdrawal. That's just plain crazy.

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STACEY: You can take full-agonist opioids soon after taking Suboxone. You just won't FEEL the opioids because your receptors will be fully coated with the Suboxone and the full-opioids won't be able to attach. It is when you take Suboxone too soon after full-agonist opioids that is the problem. You have it backwards.

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I disagree with this point of view because it doesn't take into account the underlying psychological causes of addiction. There is more to a human being than brain and nerve structures. With every physical symptom there is a psychological component. Counseling with a competent clinical psychologist and group therapy can greatly increase a person's chances of staying off any kind of addicting substance. The problem in our society is that addicted people are left to fight alone. They are stigmatized and ostracized. Instead of being gently encouraged, they are made to feel like they have an incurable disease; like they are an incurable disease. They are told that withdrawal is so horrible that nobody can get through it. The so-called professionals who perpetuate this negative, self-defeating attitude are, IMHO, ignorant, mean spirited and unprofessional. It's like they want to be able to point the finger at somebody else and say, "I'm better than you."

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Wow there really is so much bad information out there. Stacey. You are totally wrong. Read what you Said. It's not the way it works. Stop giving out bad information please. Thanks.

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TONY: Why on earth would you be taking an opioid antagonist along with opioids? That makes no sense. Basically you following opioids with a drug made to BLOCK opioids. Seems counterproductive.

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TONY: And if you take enough Suboxone, too close to those oxys, you will know what we are talking about. And you WON'T want it. Oxys are very short acting, so they go out of your body fairly quickly. And then you say you "take a Suboxone", which I assume is 8mgs. So if you want to check that theory about Precipitated Withdrawal, take a couple of oxys, wait about an hour, and then take a couple of Subs. And then hold on, because I guarantee you will not like the ride. I have been there.

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KKh. The only way I can answer you is our bodies are all different. I think people read too much on the internet. And based off that. They have all the answers. What doesn't work for one might work for another.

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TONY: I am involved in medical research. So I am asking from a purely scientific point of view. You are taking something that completely covers your opioid receptors, and then taking opioids that now have no receptors to attach to, so they are being wasted. Or the other way around, you are taking an opioid that attaches to your receptors, and then following it up with a drug that knocks all the opioids OFF of your receptors. This is counterproductive for ANYONE. So no, I don't "have all the answers" because I "read something on the internet". No reputable doctor would prescribe full agonist opioids along with opioid blockers. That makes no sense. Although by being on this site, I realize that the term "reputable doctor" is completely relative. No offense, but any doctor that would prescribe those things together? I would be VERY WARY of that doctor.

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no the withdraws only work the other way if you take a sub to soon after taking a opiate

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Um. Ok. If you say so. I understand how it works. Thank you very much for your input. And I've met doctors that should have read information on the internet, because they were compete *****s.

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TONY: Oh you are right about the clueless doctors. It blows my mind, at least going by what people post on here, how many doctors are actually prescribing full-agonist opioids along with an opioid antagonist. Totally counter-productive. In order for doctors to even be able to prescribe Bupe, they have to take a special course and get certification. Apparently many of these doctors were asleep in class. Good luck to you.

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