How Long After Taking A Suboxone Can You Take An Opiate? (Page 11)
UpdatedI have been on 8 mg/2mg Suboxone strips for 1 year. I am having a tooth (back molar) extraction in the morning. I used my Suboxone strip this morning & the tooth extraction is at 9:30 am tomorrow. If I don't use another Suboxone strip before the extraction, would I be able to take Hydrocodone after my surgery? I don't want to get sick, but I am terrified of going through this surgery with no pain meds. Please help.
I have been taking opiates for like 18 months. Whenever my cannot dose for more than 24 hours i take a half of a 8/2 film. After a MINIMUM of 12 hours, I can take some opiates and feel the effects but that's prob because i take a half every other month. A lot of you are on subs multiple times a day for days / weeks at a time taking the full 8/2 each time. I could see having to wait at LEAST 72 hours before feeling a opiate again, but for me if I take half at 3am and around 6pm i'll feel the effects, which is exactly what's happening right now.
I went cold turkey for 3 days but last night was the worst with the RLS bothering me so i took half a film to hold me over until tonight. I think last night bothered me the most. The insomnia and RLS is prob the worst for me. I hate being up all day but then not getting a break at night. The last 3 days I prob slept a max of 4 hours. It sucks, however...i'd rather take opiates than be sick any day. I know it sucks to think like that but it's a reality and a lot of you know what I mean. I do it so I can feel normal, which is what it's all about for me now.
Take care
I took a 1/4 of suboxone earlier this morning but tomorrow I have to take Halcion for a root canal but I'm not taking my sub. Could I have bad side effects from this? HELP!
STEVE: Whenever I have relapsed in the past, it is mostly because of not sleeping, the night time stuff. That is the hardest time for me as well, so I fully understand what you are saying. Can you get a doctor to prescribe you some Clonidine? It can help with the RLS as well as sleep.
LOLA: Sorry I didn't reply sooner. Halcion is not an opioid, so taking it with Suboxone will NOT cause withdrawal.
I don't know you but I'm happy for you tat you stuck to your program. I ran out once on vaca in another state and no way to get more till a came home. An er Dr gave me methadone because he said nothing else would provide me with the relief I got from my subs. I still regret having to take it but I would have been sick as a dog other wise! Good job.
I found that definitely is a way to detox using 2 mg sub & right after to do a 30 Roxy and only deal with the urge but no sickness for 5 days works
This is true. Subs change your tolerance for a long time. I'm off then now but it took me a year before my tolerance went to normal. I was given 8 Lortab 10's after an ER visit & not one helped with pain.
You know you're f***in wrong as hell right? Methadone is a full agonist and bupenorphine/naloxone (suboxone) is a partial agonist. Well the bupe is the partial agonist, naloxone is an opiate blocker that doesn't really do anything anyways.
SLOPPYJOE: You have to actually address your comment to someone. Just hitting "reply" doesn't do it.
And no matter how many times you write it, there will still be SOMEONE who will say "As long as there's no Naloxone in it, you're fine blah blah blah..." Which is bull. People are putting things in their bodies when they have NO CLUE how these things work. Sad.
I was on pain med 3 days after being on subs 6 months going threw getting teeth out I'm done with pain meds can I take my sub 4 mg will I get sick it's been 4 hours I never felt the percocet please help
MARIE: Sorry, I just saw this. You will probably be ok to take your subs now. I would take 2 mgs, wait about 20-30 minutes, and if you are ok, take the other 2 mgs. been on methadone oxycodone, oxycontin, hydrocodone and currently 8/2 suboxone for pain. I keep telling my doctor THE SUBOXONE IS NOT WORKING FOR PAIN RELIEF! i'M SO TIRED OF FIGHTING WITH DOCTORS AND WITHDRAWALS AND SURGERIES I'VE HAD ALL I CAN TAKE. FOR ME SUBOXONE SIMPLY DOESN'T HELP WITH MY PAIN. I am at the end of my rope. All these people want to make opiates illegal and so hard to get well i wish they could live with my pain. They would have a much different opinion on all this stuff.
Try finding a source of Subutex whick dosnt have the nalexone in it (not Soboxone!) without the opiod antagonist thats in Subutex then the switch should be "relatively painless. Its. still possable to find Subutex if u look hard enough. The subutex has NOT got that lemon-type taste...just so u know the diff. U DO NOT WANT TO take Soboxone wit op8's, especially methadone.......This is hell on earth! All the best from Scotland.
DRDOUG: You are wrong. It doesn't matter if there is Naloxone in there or not, because it is the BUPE ITSELF that causes precipitated withdrawals, not the Naloxone. The amount of people who don't know how these drugs is staggering, even doctors and pharmacists.
I am taking Suboxone for pain throughout my body. It doesn't help much, if at all! My doctor keeps upping the dose instead of putting me on something that works. Medicaid denied my prescription for pre-approval reasons. What can i take if i start going into withdrawal from the Suboxone? I am scared and DO NOT want to do anything "WRONG" because of this mediciad ####! If a person can't cut down (ween) off Suboxone what can I do? I am not going to go through withdrawals, because these doctors and medicaid people are not telling tghe truth,and preparing us. I was told there would be NO WITHDRAWALS from suboxone. I am in a panick and don't know what to do (legally)!
MICHAEL H: The withdrawals will come when you try to decrease the Suboxone. If your doctor told you there would be no withdrawals from stopping or reducing your dosage, he/she straight up LIED to you. ANY OPIOID will have at least some withdrawal symptoms if taken regularly.
The other issue is the fact that you say it isn't helping. Why get physically addicted to something that isn't helping? I assume you have told your doctor that it hasn't been efffective, which is why he increased your dose? May I ask what milligrams you are currently taking? I do have experience with this drug, but need a little more info. You might also ask if he can put you on tablet Methadone instead of Suboxone. I have been on both, and Methadone works better for me. So let me know what milligram level you are on and I will try to help.
I took 4mg of suboxone this morning around 8am. I have a cracked tooth and got some 10mg hydrocodone for pain relief. I was wondering when I can take the hydrocodone and actually feel them? Thank you in advance.
QUESTIONS: Sorry I didn't see your comment sooner. You will probably be able to get pain relief from the Vicodin at this point. And 4 mgs isn't that much. Just make sure to give it time before starting back on the Suboxone.
Ty. This is EXACTLY the question I had...i took 8mg suboxone at like 7am and just my luck i smashed my toe into my end table n could feel the bone move had someone take me to urgent care and i fractured my toe. I havent been on suboxone everyday for almost two months. But now i have this injury n I'm in ALOT of pain n on crutches the whole 9 yrds. But i wanted to feel the percocet but not get thank you!!!
LIZ: Depending on how much Percocet they give you, you may be ok to just take the it and no Suboxone. But yes, if you take Sub too soon after the Percocet, you could be in some trouble. I would talk to my doctor and see what the recommend, which they would rather you take. It's kinda pointless to take both, not to mention the danger of Precipitated Withdrawals, which is the LAST thing you need with your injury.
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