How Long After Taking Suboxone Can You Take Morphine?


I took 16 mg of suboxone at 4am Saturday morning and got my morphine filled now. Is it safe to take it after 16 hours?

15 Replies

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Hello, Scott! How are you?

No, the Naloxone in the Suboxone will prevent the Morphine from having any effect, you usually need to wait at least 72 hours, before other narcotics will work, again, unless your doctor instructs otherwise.

The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I felt my morphine after 48 hours of not taking suboxone.

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I have been taking 12mg of Suboxone a day for over a year now bc I have been going to a counseling/rehab place bc I am a chronic pain patient and was on morphine 30mg 2X a day for 9 yrs and my Dr left town and nobody will accept me as a patient once they find out he was my Dr. Anyways, I have to have back surgery n 2 wks and my back Dr gave me Percocet 10's so I stopped the Subs 5 days ago. I still feel like I cannot feel the percocet. How much longer till I feel them?! I'm about to give up and stop them bc I felt better from the subs! But don't want to give up bc I'm going to need pain relief after my surgery n 2 wks. What should I do?! Is this normal to not be able to feel the percs after being sub free for 5 days?!

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Please I know it's hard but the wait will pay off cuz I've been on subs for a year after being on pain pills and fent patches for 10 and I am also in pain management and when my doctor cut me off my pain patches I went to methadone and then I was sick of that so I started the subs. But it was way too soon, I stopped the methadone and I took a sub 6 days later and then went thru participated withdrawal!!! I know it doesn't sound like a big deal but it was I was deathly sick for 3 days and once you start that process you just have to go thru it! So I urge u to at least call and get some professional advice b4 listening to anyone because our brains are all different, you never know how someone is gonna react to something especially something so delicate!!! Bottom line please wait till after surgery to try to do the sub thing, it will be worth it!!!

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I took 6mgs of suboxone and 10 minutes later I dranked methadone. I never took suboxone before and I had it for a very long time. It was a strip but the package was opened and in my wallet for a long time. Will I be ok?????

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hello everyone I know this is an old post but ive been on suboxone for a little over 2 years now.. I quit for a year and recently started back on 1mg a day for 2 weeks will I be able to feel an oxy 30 after 30 hours?

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I realize this post is 5 months old and you've probably already figured it out by now, but i just came across it and im bored so f*** it... Anyways I highly doubt it brother... I suppose there is a SLIGHT possibility but you're better off just waiting one or two more days in order to get the most out of your 30mg's and not waste it.

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Yes 16 hours will suffice. If you have a fast metabolism then you are well put with your limits. A slower metabolism I would suggest 18 hours but I know from experience 8 hours can be enough.

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Re: Martin (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

How did u take ur morphine after 8 hours without suboxone? Orally?

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Re: KuSh KiNg 509 (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Don't give medical advice bro, you're going to kill somebody will that kind of advice! Misinformation from a non- medical person can be deadly, so be careful, please!

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Re: Harper (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Why are you taking Suboxone with Morphine? Why bother with the Suboxone? Doesn't make medical sense to take a drug that has an opiate blocker in it and then turn around and take Morphine, an opiate!? This is why the government is tightening up on opiates, stupid s*** like this. Learn something about the medication you use!!!

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Re: Martin (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

hey there the suboxene I've been on 6 wks really sick from it. I took yesterday 3pm will pan forte work for chronic back dose was 32 daily. it was for pain but the side effects horrible. Please help asal

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Re: Jenn (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Right?! I agree... I've had over 10 surgeries in 6 years and my doctor just cut me off because of this kind of $h#t.. I was put on a rapid taper then just cut off and I'm still suffering a year later. Pretty sad

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Re: Jenn (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Not to sound like a know-it-all but when pain patients are prescribed buprenorphine for pain, it's usually in mcg. doses but doses in mgs are widely used. They prescribe Morphine ir for breakthrough pain. Buprenorphine is 30 to 40 times as strong as Morphine so even if on low dose buprenorphine in mcg. Like in bebuccal and since Morphine ir orally has a 4 to 6 hour half life, (iv even shorter) even if the Morphine broke through the blockage effects of the bupe (which would take at least 30 to 40mg ir for 1mg bupe and is highly unlikely) you can dose your bupe again within 8 to 12 hours and not worry about precipitated WD. Do your own research but I promise you you'll be fine as long as the dose isn't extended release or another longer acting opiate. Feel free to get back to me as I'll be glad to help you because some of the advice on these sites shocks me in how wrong it is. REMEMBER, Buprenorphine is 30 to 40 times as strong as Morphine so even low dose bupe in mcgs. will block the euphoric effects, but not the pain that you need the Morphine for. Plus, remember bupe builds up and has a very long half life. For instance: I was taking 8mgs of bupe for a week and stopped for 24 hours andc was in so much pain I took 90 mg and it did nothing but help my pain and since it never broke through the blockage I was able to take my normal bupe dose 8 hours later and was fine. Write me back for any help as people need to get the correct info.

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Re: Jenn (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

OP's question was if he/she could take a morphine after 16 and still feel the effects... My response as you obviously already know was NO you would prob be better off waiting a few days as the suboxone would dull the effects. I never claimed to be a medical personnel but I have been on this drug for 3 years and know how it works. OP asked a question and i answered it.. Get over yourself I am not killing anyone, I am not providing him with neither suboxone or morphine, his doctors are. But HE came on here to ask a question and my response whether you like it or not is fact... Suboxone remains in your system for 24-48 hrs and possibly longer there for you would need to wait 2-3 days after your last dose of sub to take any other opiate and get the full analgesic benefit of the morphine. How is that misinformation??

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