How Late Into Pregnancy Is It Safe To Stop Taking Suboxone? (Page 7)
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I am almost 14 weeks pregnant. I want to stop taking my Suboxone completely, but have heard it can cause premature labor if stopped too far into pregnancy. My doctor also said that withdrawals can not cause miscarriage or hurt the unborn baby in any lasting ways. I have been taking 2mg of subutex (now Suboxone) for the past week. Am I okay to cease all Suboxone use, or should I wait another week or so?

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Ok, i know a lot of Posts were from over a year ago, but for the more recent ones: I'm currently 21 weeks pregnant. First time mommy! I was on 8 mg of subutex daily for about 7 or 8 months, found out i was pregnant. I wanted to completely come off the clinic i went to Lied, saying it would be harmful to my baby if i came off. I am high risk because of this and I'm epileptic. I see a perinitologist, who specializes in addiction medicine. He switched me to suboxone, cause strips are easier to wean off of(easier to Break into small pieces). Im now down to 2 in the morning and one mg at night. Being pregnant your metabolism is quicker,and medicine leaves faster,so it's better to split your dose. I hope to be off in two to three weeks!!=) and honestly I've felt pretty ok. AFTER 20 weeks is when You harm CAN HARM YOUR BABY. SO BE CAREFUL,WORK WITH YOUR DOCTOR. Before 20 weeks my doctor said the baby will be ok. I hope this helps someone. Good luck.

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I just went to see my doc on Monday. I'm down to 1mg of Suboxone a day. She said it's best to get off before the 3rd trimester because that's really when the baby will get addicted. She said that at 1mg a day, I should be able to stop taking it without any issues. I'm still scared. I don't want to lose my little boy! But I don't want him born addicted so I think I'm gonna try and drop to .5mg a day and then quit altogether. Good luck!

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I know exactly what your going through because i'm going through the same thing i'm 10 weeks and this is my second baby and i'm scared to tell my dr. because i dont want to get into trouble but i've been taking about 2-4 mg. everyday for about 2 months and i'm scared to b sick but dont want to harm my baby either. I want to stop so bad but dont want to have a miscarriage from the withdrawls. please let me know if you found out any information because i'm dealing with the same thing and know what you mean how your crying writing this.

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I'm pretty sure anyone that takes Suboxone thru the whole pregnancy is just gonna have to do the birth natural. The pain meds aren't gonna help much. You'll live, tho! I'm down to .75mg-1mg a day but it's really hard this low. It hurts! So far the baby is great, tho. No issues at all! I'm 14w5d.

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Hello, im curious what happened with some of the pregnancies of the women who didnt tell their drs. I am a little over 15 weeks pregnant, taking 4mg of suboxone once or twice a week...I havent told my dr, nor am I prescribed the subs. Any info would be great

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If you're only taking .5-1mg daily, it really shouldn't be that big of a deal for the baby. I'm taking 1-2mg and trying to get down to .5-1mg in the next week. I just found a study done on pregnant women comparing Suboxone to Methadone. All the babies had to be treated for withdrawals but the Sub babies were better withing only a few days. I am going to try and quit altogether. I don't want to be high risk because I'm having my baby at a birthing center with midwives. My baby is coming home with me right away! I'm going to try taking 1mg every other day, then every two days, then every 3 days until I can just quit. Hope this works! So far my pregnancy has been super easy! No symptoms at all! I'm almost 10 weeks.

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I am currently 8mos pregnant and on 6mg of Suboxone daily. I went to a rehab program which got me started on suboxone right after I got pregnant (but I didn't know I was until over a month later!). I told my ob/gyn at the first visit that I was on it and also told my first suboxone doc that I was pregnant and they both recommended I stay on it for the remainder of my pregnancy. I have been pregnant 6 times before this and miscarried every single time bc I quit taking pills cold turkey each time. So I feel like communication is key and I pray that everyone has as easy of process as I have through this. They didn't increase my dose when I really felt like I needed it. But my baby has been healthy the entire way so far!

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I am reading all these stories and though they are all very helpful and non-judgmental, I am still very discomforted by the thought of going through my whole pregnancy on subs. I am 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I've been on subs for about 3 years, getting them off the streets as I have no insurance. I am hoping to get it soon, obviously being pregnant, its pretty important. What I am wondering was how did all of your births turn out? Were your children born addicted? Healthy? Did the epidural work... I have been scouring the internet daily since I found out. I am very excited to have my first child, but also very, very scared for the poor baby... Pleaase any response or advice will help, I worry myself sick, and that is not good for us either!!! THANKS IN ADVANCE!!

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I'm pretty sure you don't have to worry about .5 mg. I'm hoping I can get that low before my baby is born

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So I have been doing one mg of suboxine each morning for three years. I have just leaned I am pregnant and u am scared. I don't wantvtovtekl my doctor and ve forced to take a higher dose of the two milligram subutex then risk my child being removed from me or put through a methadone detox after birth. Is that my only option? Could I slowly wean myself off of the one milligrams a day I have been doing, little bits per day without causing discomfort? Foes anyone feel this may be better than the how the doctors and systems may handle it? Any advice pleaseclala me at {edited for privacy}. I am so nervous to cause harm to an innocent child

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I am currently 39 weeks pregnant and have been on suboxone for nearly 3 years actually am currently on subutex fo r the pregnancy. This is the second pregnancy i have had while on the program. My 2 year old daughter had no withdrawls what so ever and i was on 16mgs at the time. I was afraid for her health but was so relieved she was fine. I used to worry about the stigma of being on the program but then i thought what's worse? to be addicted to pain meds and keep destroying my body and my mind. or to take a medicine that keeps me on the straight and narrow. Easy choice. In not sure the differences between here in Australia and the states with the law but I know us women are praised for being in control of our lives and off drugs because we chose to join the program.

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I am in the same boat as you are or were...idk if you had your child yet or not. I am takin Suboxin while pregnant to and i take about 1 mg a day probably. I used to be hooked on painkillers really bad so i switched to Suboxin to get off them and now i have the addiction to Subs. Idk what to do and i dont want DFS taking my child away from me or anything. Iv been told its bad for you to quit while pregnant cuz it can kill the baby and iv also been told it can cause withdrawl. I really need some input and help on what to do. Will they take my child away from me after i have the baby? Will the epidural not work? And how do i quit when im pregnant or do i quit at all? I just want a healthy baby to go home with...i thought to myself oh i dont take much a day so i think ill be ok, but then again i stress myself out crying wondering whats gonna happen. Im scared to death to talk to my OB about the situation, so what do i do? If you can help msg me back PLEASE!

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Hi i have been on suboxone for 3year & i started with taking 3 but now im down to a half as of 2 weeks ago. I just found out 2days ago that iam only 2 weeks pregnant & i have been worried about my meds my doc is putting me on subutex as of mon, but i figured i would tapper myself to a 1/4 a day soon but the question i need to know is should i stop all together before my last few months & when?

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You will be fine and don't beat your self up.. things will work out, promise. I was in same boat about not sharing my situation and being prego on sub. But I finally got tired of holding it in. I realized actually being honest and sharing what I'm going through ended up being easier and less stressful. Everyone ended up being right there for me and understanding.I hope everything works out for u and 85% of the stories about people on subs n prego end up being perfectly fine :-) good luch

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Hey, Were in the same boat girl! Please write me back!

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I am about 2 months pregnant and on suboxen but mine is prescribed. I'm just finding out tonight that I am pregnant. I can tell you Suboxen WILL come up, I see my family DR monthly and he does drug exams and for a while my suboxen wasn't coming up, but the last 4 months it has every time.The baby's first stool goes back 6 weeks. I have a 4 year old and was addicted to pain pills, and my OB knew the entire time what I was taking I was scared so I told him. He told me to lower my dose each week, and I did but my son had withdrawals and yes CPS got involved and took my baby after he was able to leave, I couldn't take him home. I'm not trying to scare any of you, BUT GET A PRESCRIPTION AND TELL YOUR DR. That was the most painful thing having to leave the hospital without my baby and not being able to pick him up after his 7 day stay in hospital. I went to treatment and got my son back, actually we went to a place together it housed 12 moms and 21 kids but I didn't want my baby to go his first year without me. Today he is a very healthy 4 year old not a thing wrong with him, but to all moms to be not prescribed, I'd def tell my ob. You do not want a CPS case opened and you sure don't want them in your life, be HONEST. Hope this helped

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Ok so I'm jus gonna tell you guys my deep dark secret.. I am almost 9 months pregnant with my lil girl and have been on 1mg of suboxine the whole time give or take and now am on prolly .5 mg and NO ONE knows but me and my dealers... Not my doc not my family not the babies father.. Everyday I wake up and think about how much a peice of s*** I am! I should have been stronger I should have stoped when I found out I should have told my doc but now it's to late I have went a day Invetween but once I hit that second day and I'm hurting so bad I'm scard that's what my lil girl is feeling.. I wanna take a tiny peice sooooo bad rite now I'm like fighting myself telling myself o ill jus try not to do any tommro I will start tommro.. Yea ok first thing when I wake up subs is what I think about and then I spend my whole day searching online for people like me and there stories.. My plan was to be done in my second trimester yea didn't work out that way for me and now I'm terrified my baby is gonna be born addicted, my pain meds won't work when I go to deliver.. And everyone is gonna find out about my deeeep dark secret.. No one will ever forgive me and ya kno what I will never forgive myself for doin this to my poor unborn child.. I am a true f***ing loser! My old self would KILL this person I am today.. Well thanks had to get that out been holding it in for 9 months.. Pray for me and my babie girl please!!!!

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I am currently 38 weeks pregnant and on Subutext. I stated out at 16mgs a day now i'm up to 20mg. I have wanted to stop taking it many times and asked my doctor about it.Withdrawls can harm your baby don't try to stop. The milagrams I am prescribed are just that I go by how I feel I start my day with a half a one and if I start to feel icky I will take half to a quarter more. My baby is very healthy she is around 8lbs already and constantly moving. If you do have to take something during pregnancy subutext is way better for you then methadone. So if it the effects it will have on the baby that you are concerned about just realize your baby is a lot weaker then you are withdrawls for the baby will be way worse then the effects the subutext has.

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Hi Im 17 weeks ppregnant and im anxious to stop takimg subutex, this is my first pregnancy. Tha ive taking this.. im scared to stop and hurt tha baby but I want to stop taking them nor do I want to lower tha mg I justwant to be done completely with it! As anyone plz help

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hi i was recently looking through this blog what ended up happing with your situation?

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