How Can I Tell If My G3722 Xanax Bar Is Real Or Not (Page 3)
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My latest script for xanax has imprint g3722 and it seems to have no taste or effects. I've been taking them for a long time and to my surprise they seem to do nothing. Have you heard of this? It is a white xanax bar that seems to be a little thick.

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Re: beans (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

If you receive them from the pharmacy I would go back and complain and ask for another pharmaceutical brand of the yellow or the green bars you can also do a urine test a test kit from the pharmacy and if it comes up negative but benzos in your system, bring that proof with you to the pharmacy. Sincerely hope you get it resolved.


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I just got a prescription of the G3722 that are white with rounded edges with sharp corners on the top and bottom of the sides. The back side also has a lifted center. From what I can tell from all I've read online they look real. They are not too hard to break but they also don’t just crumble if you squeeze them. And the BIGGEST issue I have is that it tastes chalky. And I haven’t been prescribed Xanax or alprazolam in years but I vaguely remember them tasting more bitter. Is this maybe just a new way they are creating the pills? Or am I getting 100% counterfeit ones? I took two about 45 mins ago (like I was prescribed) and I feel like I’m feeling something but not like I used to. Any info would be great in helping me out. But from all info I’ve found, they look exactly like the real ones. Stop sign type of G and there is a line on the top and bottom of the 7 like:

My biggest thing of all though is they taste kind of chalky. Any info helps.

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Re: Jessica (# 50) Expand Referenced Message

Yes re: 2 on one side, nothing on the other side. I got those from CVS 2 months ago.

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Re: Poppy Queen (# 249) Expand Referenced Message

Maybe narcotics in the sense of how the DEA defines illicit contraband (i.e. narcotics seizure) ... but the word narcotics is also commonly used as a term for opioid drugs, which are in a completely different class of medication from Xanax and other benzodiazepenes. It's tricky cause the same word has different meanings depending on the context. So you are both right.

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Re: Paul (# 148) Expand Referenced Message

They most definitely are narcotics

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If it was prescribed by a M.D. and filled by a licensed pharmacist it is real. If you got it online or on the streets it could be anything.

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Re: Reed (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

I think they're ground up .25 white Xanax footballs using a stamp/press and they're pressing them to bars.

PS. Real white G3722 are THIN and occasionally glossy; the pressed ones are thick (like green bars kinda).

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Same here. Understand that I have severe anxiety & panic attacks going back to when I served in Desert Storm, and been prescribed Xanax 2mg Bars for over 18 years & i consider myself somewhat of a pro at spotting good from bad. With that being said, it's just not Xanax - there are literally fake everything out there you can actually Google how fake pressed pills are made. Al ot of people, including myself can immediately tell by just pressing your tongue to it. Xanax has a unique bitter sweet taste but now (2018) different manufacturers do make the exact same pill that have the same imprint, markings etc but are thicker, & have no taste. Let's face it, everybody can say "well, the best way to avoid fake blah blah blah is to only get it from the pharmacy", but in reality there are a lot of people including myself that run a few days short or whatever the reason and have to do what you gotta do until you get your next script.

There are real Xanax whether White, Green, Yellow, etc that are now made by different manufacturers with no taste. They seem thicker, bloat or dissolve rather instantly. I never take a whole Bar. I at most will take half, put it under my tongue, & within 3-4 minutes it instantly is doing its work. The only advice I can give is just be careful. A real Xanax Bar, no matter what color, are 15mm long. Thicknesses & tastes depending on the manufacturer will differ. I had ones that are a 4 mms thick, and the same exact pill that are about 3 mms thick. I know a lot of people take 5-10 Bars a day which is absolutely insane. Nobody with the most extreme symptoms of anxiety or panic attacks should at most have to take more than 2 Bars a day. Any more than that and you're just eventually gonna overdose, simple as that & I guarantee it.

Try taking a piece of a Bar, put it under your tongue & give it 5 minutes or so and the feeling of a warmth calmness, mind's not racing 3000 miles a second, will let you know whether it's the real deal or not. And as of Nov 2018 there's been a huge increase of fake pressed Xanax Bars coming out of Florida that are 95% laced with Fentanyl. It's an Extremely Potent Dangerous Pain Pill, Patch, etc that is 50 times stronger than Heroin & 100 times stronger than Morphine. The artist as you all know as Prince died from this & it's nothing to experiment with unless you have no enthusiasm for life. At the end of the day all I can say is be careful.

And if you are a frequent patient of Xanax, there is a pill testing kit you can order online. Different kits test different pills. If I'm not mistaken, the one for Alprozam (Xanax) only costs $29.99, and as long as you take care of, it will last forever. It's basically a 3 inch long by approx 1/4" wide strip. You dip the very end of it in a little water, and just hold it to one end of the pill. If it's good it will turn a light Blue. If not, it will stay white. The instructions are simple to understand.

Hope I could help. If this helps just one person well than it was worth a half hour of my time & hands down well worth it. Wish all of you the best, God bless.. Anxiety, Insomnia, panic attacks can be very very severe, using large amounts of Xanax, Valium, etc is only putting a temporary band-aid over the problem. As your tolerance builds, the more you will abuse, & the more you will take ... & this process here unless you get a grip, only goes one direction & accelerates from 0-140mph within 2-3 months. So as I did because in my mind along with all the anxiety, etc I get severe migraines, nerves causing me to throw up, shakes, and so on.

You have to get in to see a Psychiatrist - not because you're psychotic, they are who you need to get on board with this. It's nothing to brush off, sweep under the rug. It's real and it's a mofo. Those of you that suffer know exactly what I'm talking about & I'm quite sure will tell you the exact same thing. Again, stay strong, my prayers are with all of you & God bless.

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Re: Confused (# 244) Expand Referenced Message

Well ya know when you have a real beef. More important why would the O/P continue to take these if they have no taste and no effect? I mean a Xanax without taste is potential poison

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Re: Wendy (# 243) Expand Referenced Message

I'm just curious why would you take steaks to the pharmacist. :) And I do believe this person was looking for a legit answer to their question. I didn't read anywhere where they asked about steaks. You're rude.

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Re: Defazio (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Seems to me like you don't know what the heck you're talking about I've gotten steaks before and they look completely real and I took him to a pharmacist and they said yeah they're fake so you need to get your crap straight

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Re: chech420915 (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

Seems to me like you don't know what the heck you're talking about. I've gotten these before and they look completely real and I took them to a pharmacist and they said "yeah they're fake", so you need to get your crap straight.

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Re: Belle (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

My xanax G3722 barely has a bad taste to them and seem much harder.

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Re: chech420915 (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

Agree about getting info correct before giving any type of medical advice. Prob should leave it to the professionals. But I have to disagree about a "xanax is a xanax". Different brands from different parts of the world can have different effects.

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Re: Lilbit (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Hey are your real ones really hard?? Aslwaell

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Re: Tony (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

No. They should contain a certain percentage of active ingredient. This is required by FDA law. I have these also and they do nothing. There is a little wiggle room on the percentage to be contained in each but these have no feeling and bring zero relief. So I guess since there are so many fakes on the streets they figured they would just put benedryl and maybe some trazadone or Ambien. Who knows... It's almost impossible to get a prescription for them and then I get this junk. Ridiculous unregulated system. Probably made in India by 5 year olds using chalk and ...chalk. No taste though. Nice fakes big pharma

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I have them also. Something is definitely not right. They look very real but no feeling whatsoever from them. How could they possibly be fakes from a pharmacy. Terrible for someone with anxiety disorder to get them. Not happy.

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I got the white ones with one G 3722 they work OK but not as good as others but some are strong some aint but in this business it's all a game of chance that's the way it's always been until you find an honest dealer the show goes on

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I’m taking Xanax 2mg bar, with Xanax on one side and the other side says the # 2. I was not sure about them so I contacted Pfizer Canada and sent one to them to their lab to tell me if it’s been tampered with it not. Takes 45 days to do this. I was actually helping a site I was on cause people didn’t know what to think about this place. I ended up getting banned from this PR place and I have no idea why. They banned me for life due to helping. There has to be more to the story but they won’t tell me. They won’t email me back on anything. I sent about 30 emails as to why I would be banned for doing this so others wouldn’t be wasting their money with this vendor. 10 years I was with them helping people and they were helping me and they just banned me and that was the end of it. Not fair, cause now people think I was a shill for this company and they have it all mixed up. It’s very sad. Anyway, I’m the type of person when I do find out the truth if these Xanax are real or fake I will have to figure a way so they know. Anyone dealing with PR and want to know about this place if they are fake bars, I’m sure I will find out hopefully soon and then you will have your answer to this. Thank you.

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Re: Tony (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry dude the white G3722 are way strong. Just because a medicine is generic doesn't mean sh!t.

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