How Can I Switch From Buspar To Xanax
UpdatedI was taking xanax for my anxiety disorder. My doc switched me to buspar. I don't like it and I do not ! It is helping. I know xanax works for me and I did take it responsibly. My doc doesn't like to prescribe benzos to anyone. How can I convince him that I'm more comfortable with the xanax? I'm afraid to ask for the xanax specifically because I don't want to be treated or accused of abusing them.
2 Replies
Hello, Jme! How are you? How long have you been taking the Buspar?
It doesn't work like Xanax, which you can take as needed, you'll need to take the Buspar for about 4 to 5 weeks, before it'll reach its full level of efficacy in your body, in order to see if it will help you, or not.
What effects don't you like about it? Many doctors prefer it to benzodiazepines, because it doesn't carry the risk of being habit forming.
The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness and dry mouth.
The best thing to do, if you've given it a fair amount of time to work, is to just inform your doctor that it isn't helping and see what they suggest from there.
I have anxiety and panic disorder. I First had fluoxetine 20 mgs and it wasn't working and anxiety pills 0.5 which was the worst , I began having full blown anxiety, panic attacks .Went to another doctor and she put me on Zoloft 100 mg , well this made me real bad side effects was horrid. I'm now detoxing off of this for 6 days and she said if need to take buspirone HCL 5mgs.She saw how bad I was from taking Zoloft super shaking hands till this day .ect ..I get anxiety at least once a day but it's not that bad cuz I have anxiety pills for that 1 mg but she did give me 2 mgs if needed .It is very scary going thru all this and taking this and now that im off of Zoloft I'm so tired and so sleepy ...I worry about busiprone and what it will do to my body .but she wants my hands to stop shaking first .well they are the ones that give you this stuff and then say it's too strong .I hate Zoloft ,Don't ever take it it will ruin your nervous system
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