How Can I Get Subutex Not Suboxone? (Top voted first)
UpdatedI don't know how to go about this as I am shaking and can barely focus, I need help! Please. I fear that my life is going to end from my abuse of opiates. I am currently taking 250 mgs of oxycontin per day. I have a loving fiance and a stepdaughter that I want to be here for. I sit here with cold sweats, and fear going out just because I may make the fearful turn to the meds. Any and all info on how to obtain Subutex would be much appreciated. This wasn't what I wanted my life to be, and I can not let it end this way..Please help me. I am not a religious man but I pray for help as I am at my wits end with this drug.
First off - I am an ex-heroin addict myself - and my habit far exceeded 250mg of oxy/day. Hell, the day I went to rehab, right before I left, I took 4 oxy 80s at one time, and then drove myself the 150 miles to the rehab center.
The best answer is swiss' - check into rehab, if you don't have insurance, you're cherry, Medicaid will pay for a full 28 day treatment. If you do, you may only be covered for 4 days of detox and 10 days of rehab.
Oxys are like heroin, the W/Ds take a little less than 96 hours. Check out the different places available and find one that will give you benzos (oxezapam or valium), clonidine - and some clinics will give you 3 days worth of Buprenorphine injections (24mg 1st day, 16mg 2nd, 8mg 3rd).
If you got to one of those places, you will be amazed at how easy it actually is to come off and wonder why you dreaded it for all of those years.
However, getting off really isn't the problem - staying off is - especially if you're one of those people who insists that they can do other drugs or still drink - it's just a matter of time before you return to your drug of choice.
I would suggest only getting on suboxone maintenance if AFTER you've come out of rehab and try to work a real, honest program, you find the cravings to be too great. Then it would probably be best if you went in to see an addiction specialist and talked to them about getting on buprenorphine - and I would suggest, Suboxone.
And to all those people that want subutex instead of suboxone, admit it, the only reason that you want it is because you can use it to abuse the tablets. And before you say that it's because there's a generic subutex - well, you're right, there is, but it costs MORE than brand name suboxone at almost every pharmacy in the country.
For the guy with Hep C -I had it, genotype 1a - the hardest to treat and after a year of peg-interferon and ribavirin, I've been 100% virus free for over 4 years. I don't know about why your liver levels are so high - I wasn't on suboxone - but I don't see how the presence of naltrexone in your system would cause your liver levels to rise. I know my levels were off the chart before I started interferon - like 1100 and 700 or something like that.
Are you sure you're just not looking for a drug you can get a 'high' from' by abusing it? And if you're gonna still abuse drugs, then don't even bother being treated for the Hep C, you know you can get it again - - right?
For anyone without insurance - there is a patient assistance program, if you qualify (your household income has to be less than 250% of the poverty level of the country and you have to provide tax returns to prove it. If you are accepted - and any doctor that is qualified to script bupe's (of either kind) is allowed to have 3 patients in the program at one time. Admittance gives you FREE medication for 1 year.
What you need to do is
- Get you doctor's fax number.
- Call 888-898-4818 and request that the forms for admittance be faxed to your doctor.
- Have you doctor fill out the forms and then gather the required financial documentation and fax it to the number provided (you can either have your doctor fax it or you can do it yourself).
- You will receive determination in less than 10 days on whether or not you qualify.
Many doctors don't even know about this program, but every doctor can up to 3 patients in the program at one time.
Good luck and good bless.
If you are having any sort of withdrawal from opiates of any sort... I would be happy to inform you that i have been going to this doctor for the past 3-4 years and it has truly saved my life. I was on heroin for about 7 or 8 years and would still be had it not been for my discovery of subutex. I tried methadone (160 mgs a day) and had to go to the clinic every single day and could never go on vacations with my family or anywhere else because i was reliant on my medicine and needed it dyerly. Then one day i tried subutex and have never went back and have not relapsed but one time in the past almost four years. It truly has saved my life my family life and has made me a better person. Literally one of these pills will keep you good for at least 24-36 hours (depending). So i will pass this along as can you my doctors name is Robert Polite. His practice is called the POLITE CARE. At the corner of Morse Road and Cherry Way Drive In Gahanna (Columbus) Ohio! Also there Number is (614) 476-2273 (and this doctor is the s***... Not corrupt or just in it for the money... Genuinely trying to just help a struggling addict) Plus he helps me with my anxiety as well. He is not a quack and is best in this state... If you want to get well and be normal and functional and just "well" this is where its at. Good Luck and you will not be disappointed. Quite a drive and is a lil pricey... However think about your habit and what that costs compared to one $270 visit a month plus if u got insurance... The meds are covered. I promise you its worth it and you will never look back once you discover this true "miracle drug"!!! You will be able to be the you that you once were... Just without the Heroin/Oxys/Methadone Etc.!!!!
im on subutex 2 8mg a day i was on it when i pregnant and after i had my son i told my dr. that suboxone gives me bad headachs and bad belly achs, he argured but he gave in, also you have to pay cash for my dr apt and many people dont have any insurance and pay for there script so what my dr. does, he'll write you a scrip for generic subutex (same thing just cheaper) because it cuts the cost of your pills in half. Tell your doc you can't afford your script anymore and ask about generics. good luck any questions let me know.
I took subutex for almost 2 years, i was not a fan suboxone either ... and nor was it easy in the state of FL to get subutex but i told my dr that my insurance would not pay for the Subxone ... and IT WORKED! i cant say this will work for you ... & i know the hype about subutex sounds much better but really its nothing but another drug your a slave too ... hope you figure something out
I can help you. Stay off the pills and gets some subutex or bupe/naltrexone .
Hello I have 3 beautiful children and went thru the same thing I was possibly the last Paitent my dr was legally able to take on I'd be happy to ask him and if he cannot take u maybe hell know who can. Let me know if ur interested in maybe even just speaking to him alsO if u are pregnant or get pregnant an addiction dr can only put u on subutex because the opiate blocker in in the other is harmful to a fetus
Not judging but headaches upset bellies or "yuckie" tastes? Come one guys, I'm in a sub program it saved my life, please only take up space in these clinics if your serious. I'll take a headache, yuckie taste, or upset belly over full blown addiction any day. People are "dying" to get in these sub programs if your just seating don't cost someone a life thanks n god bless
Are there any of the legislators that are working feverishly to have ALL PATIENTS prescriptions for opioids taken away reading these discussions? I am truly wondering how these heart breaking stories can be read without feelings of empathy for those suffering. I am a chronic pain sufferer from multiple car wrecks (2 of which was from being a victim of drunk drivers) and I sometimes want to cry from the calls for help here. The agony is palpable.
Sophronia...Pretty soon these *****s will have us all out in the streets looking for pain relief. We need to get many petitions with many signs to Washington because even though Marijuana is almost legal and working in the positive direction, Opiates and other pain relief meds are going the other way. That is just the way government is..SO DAMN BACKWARDS. Just another thing to do to get control of the people. I'm ready to paint up my sign and go in front of the White house. Since when did the government become experts in the medical field? I think they should be in the mentally challenged association. They can't even run government much less the medical field.
If you are that desperate for help, then why are you worried about being specific about the thing you use for assistance?
There are not many doctors out there that are going to give an addict Subutex. The whole reason they use Suboxone is keep you from continuing to abuse other opiates, while you are in treatment. This is how they help break the cycle.
they say that it isnt absorbed orally..... i beg to differ. some ppl try to let the stuff under their tongues for very long periods of time and after a certain point it does absorb. just not as fast as the bupe. suboxone almost killed me taken orally.... it was shutting down my liver, my liver was inflamed an swollen real bad. not to mention my skin an whites of my eyes were turning yellow. so i switched to subutex, an within weeks my symtoms cleared up and ive been fine since then. so yes it does absorb, just slower than the bupe. and some ppl are allergic to naloxone also, it gives those ppl rashes and headaches etc. and pregnant women should not take suboxone because the naloxone causes severe birth defects, this i have also seen firsthand. some ppl just love to judge addicts and former addicts, and throw in their 2cents without knowing the REAL facts. and most drs are "ALWAYS RIGHT" like u cant tell them anything contrary to what they believe or they dismiss you right away.
kkh, yes I tried Withdrawal Ease for 89.95 and it did absolutely nothing. I was so upset that I spent all that money and no help. I've talked with you before, I was on suboxone for about a year before my money ran out. There was a man who posted a rather lengthy post on how he got off, with the help of God. Well, I did exactly what he said, taper, taper, taper. I finally got down to 1/8 of a strip for about 3 weeks and jumped. It was probably the hardest thing I've ever done, but I wanted off of everything. I was sick for a while physically and mentally but now a year later I'm doing fine. I just pray for everyone who wants off suboxone can do it. It's hard, but it can be done. My dr. did give clonodine, I didn't take any supplments or anything, but I'm free now. God Bless all of you who are suffering.
I must agree w/ Swiss. The best way to get off opiates of any sort is go to a clinical in-patient rehabilitation center. They give you meds to help w/ the withdraw symptoms(although not til atleast the 2nd day you've been there) and they have staff that know how to help you deal with your issue.But, if you really need to get some now Google "suboxone doctors in ***** area code, a list of Drs will appear call one make appt. show up w/ $150 cash and they should get you started
Thanks for all the information for all here. I hope everyone here finds the help they need to keep their lives together, if not for themselves, then for loved ones.
I am thinking about turning to Suboxone. I use to take Percs, Oxy, whatever. Now I have been taking about 20 mg of Methadone. I don't want to stay on this and know withdrawals can be horrendous from the Methadone. I started taking it to even myself out and to not waste money. It has helped, I just want to be free of it all soon.
God bless everyone.
I would really like to know what you said to the Dr. you argued with? (to Kaylee) because Suboxone makes me nauseous and does not do anything to curb my cravings for roxys.. i just do subs for my daily activities then do my other stuff at night so im saving a little money but it is doing nothing to get me off pills. I want to go to the Dr. to get Subutex because the same person I used to get subs off of get prego and got Subutex instead so I tried that and it helped so much more I didn't feel sick (which btw when I do those rocys later after doing subs it does not make me sick so the blocker is not the issue I am usually going into withdraws by the next day but doing some roxy a few hours later doesn't bother me so don't say that's why I feel nauseous the blocker doesn't bother me but anyways it's like if I do enough ti stop being sick then I feel dizzy light-headed and like I'm going to puke but other withdraw symptoms gone then after the nausea subsides I feel okay for awhile until I do my pills later or just normal until later when I start feeling withdraws again then I try to do more sub and feel the same stomach issues again?) but I didn't get a buzz off the Subutex or anything (and trust me I don't shoot up or even want to mix these things not that mixing the subs did cause like I said it didn't curb my appetite or stop me at all) but it didn't make me sick and I didn't even think about roxys so if I actually go to the Dr. about this so you think I can really get Subutex instead of Suboxone because I don't want to even bother if not because I just trade withdraws for a different kind of sick. I've just always heard only prego people get Subutex and it's really disheartening and I don't know what to say I'm kind of chicken to argue with him and the withdraws cause me enough anxiety as it is.. Can someone help and I really don't want to hear any judgmental s*** about abusing them because that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid with the subs because again I just do my roxys a couple hours later and with Subutex I don't want to.. okay thanks!
I'm not trying to argue with anyone because I know for a fact many things said are true, but I also know for a fact some are not. Yes, people like subutex because they think they can get higher off them or that they can take other dope on top of it without getting sick. That is totally correct. BUT, subutex, generic or not, is extremely cheaper than suboxone. Whoever says different is either very misinformed or they should share their pharmacy information with the rest of the world so we can all get our scripts filled there also. Also, as anyone who is using it to get high already know, you very much can get high off of regular suboxone just the same as the subutex. You can also crush, snort, and inject suboxone, and no it does not throw you into immediate withdrawals. As with any other program, the suboxone/subutex program will only work for you if you do it right and not worry about getting high from it, but it is also a fact that many people do have adverse reactions to suboxone which is more than likely one of the reasons they made subutex to begin with. Just wanted to clear that up! :)
If herbs worked for you then that's wonderful but we aren't here to tell people what to take. We are here to lend an empathetic ear and to answer the persons question
PATTY: Yep, as a 30year+ opioid addict, I know ALL ABOUT that pesky PAWS. You get over the worst of the physical symptoms of withdrawal in about a week, but with PAWS, they just drag and drag and drag on. I NEVER feel right without opioids. I was off of all opioids for 90 days, STILL felt horrible, and ended up using again. My addiction specialists say that I will probably have to be on some sort of ORT for the rest of my life, even if it's just a small amount. I am currently on 80mgs of tablet Methadone a day, and am attempting to lower my dose 5mgs, once every 4 to 6 weeks or so. I would like to be on at least a lower dose of Methadone, but probably won't be able to go completely off.
KKh....Withdrawal Ease??? C'mon. When has anyone ever detoxed off opiates with vitamins and herbs? Whoever put out this product should be sued for false advertisement. This could kill a very heavy opiate or benzo addict if it hasn't already. This product is probably made by a greedy money grubbing scammer trying to get rich off of people's misfortunes of having addiction disease. I haven't read the whole label but there should be a warning stating that it should only be used as a supplement along with detox meds and to consult with an addictionologist before attempting to use this as the only treatment of withdrawal detoxification. If someone hasn't already reported this i**** to the medical board, I will see to it that it is.
I'm in Hampton Roads VA / VA Beach and I have no problem getting it filled. Almost every pharmacy here either has it or will order it just for you. And you can download prescription discount apps to use for a discount to get it even cheaper if your insurance doesn't cover or if you have no insurance
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