How Can I Get Subutex Not Suboxone? (Page 19)
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I don't know how to go about this as I am shaking and can barely focus, I need help! Please. I fear that my life is going to end from my abuse of opiates. I am currently taking 250 mgs of oxycontin per day. I have a loving fiance and a stepdaughter that I want to be here for. I sit here with cold sweats, and fear going out just because I may make the fearful turn to the meds. Any and all info on how to obtain Subutex would be much appreciated. This wasn't what I wanted my life to be, and I can not let it end this way..Please help me. I am not a religious man but I pray for help as I am at my wits end with this drug.
i hav hep c also and was doing suboxone for well over a year. one day i woke up feeling pretty run down, thinking nothing of it, i went to work as usual. when i got there co-workers were telling me that i looked like i was turning yellow. so i looked in the mirror and sure enough, the whites of my eyes, my skin, tongue, everything, was turning a shade of yellow. i immediately went to a dr. and he said that my liver was swollen very badly and appeared to be shutting down and i was backing up with bile. so i realized on my own then, that the only drug i was taking was suboxone. so i immediately quit taking them, went a few days in withdrawl, and then found some subutex which does not contain naloxone. within weeks of switching drugs, my symptoms cleared up and ive now been on subutex for the better part of 3yrs and have not had anymore liver issues. my conclusion is that naloxone is VERY BAD for your liver and i will go sick before taking any form of suboxone, tablets or strips. most drs dislike prescribing subutex because they are afraid that people will abuse it. but they dont see that by being stubborn like that is only hurting their patients worse. if i go to a new doctor i demand subutex, and if they wont give it, i wont pay them. why should i pay them if they are trying to hurt me? you can also get naloxone added to your personal list of allergies by a family dr. then take that list of allergens to your sub dr and then he has no choice in the matter. thats what i have come to find in my life experience... hope this helps you and good luck breaking the cycle!
Anybody? Really want some insight if its out there as I get sicker each day and don't want something bad to happen like relapse after being clean as long as I have...I am staying strong but it is hard and I just need the meds, at least enough to where I can taper if at worst
Hello, anyone aware of a doc in Northern IL? I am tired of having to go through addicts and high prices ntm the chance of it faaling thru now and then with getting the has been the only thing that's kept me off the needle for 3.5 yrs, and methadone was not a fun ride that's for sure! No insurance and sick and tired of being a slave to these junkies for their meds that they dire need, thanks all best of luck
Dr. Moore in Bellbrook Ohio
Is this for ohio
My son is a herion addict and I can not get any help without having ins(and truthfully, what addict has ins.) or having a good chunk of cash. Where is Columbus, ohio or Newark, ohio is help available for subutex or suboxone. Thanks
To all those against Subutex, you have obviously never been addicted to anything and have good insurance unlike the rest of us. Probably a spoiled rich kid who says they're an addict for attention. And by the way, in my state, generic Subutex is under 1/2 the price of Suboxone at each and EVERY pharmacy in the state! People without insurance can afford it and its better than killing themselves on heroin or oxy.
Hi i was looking for a place to get Subutex in Columbus and found your post. I have been on percocet 30 since i was 15. I am now 22 and i have a good man and a beautiful daughter and these pills are ribbing my life i know i could do so much more with my life i have tried suboxone and it doesn't do nothing but make me feel worse. And people told me it's because i didn't wait long enough do i did and it was the same thing and then i tried Subutex and it helped me so much i was doing it for 2 weeks and didn't touch a30 or think about touching one but then i couldn't find it and my friend was like here you want some of this and i started all over again.. I was wanting to know is the place still open? I don't know how long it's been since you posted. Please help me.
Where is this doc located? I have anxiety and I have been on subtle for 3 years and it kills me to take them, because it makes my anxiety a thousand times worse. Plus it gives me bad bad headaches and makes me sick to my stomach. Any info would be greatly appreciated. I live in ironton Ohio
Actualy, the Naloxone in Suboxone is not even absorbed by your body. It passes right on through. The reason it was put n Suboxone is to deter people from shooting it as the Naloxone would throw them into immediate withdraw. I would just tell the Dr. you cant afford it, and you need a generic. If he wants paid, he'll switch you. If not, get a new r. There are Suboxone clinics as well as G.P.'s that are able to prescribe suboxone or subutex popping up everywhere. Good luck man.
You can go to a doctor who carries the suboxone lincense.I went thru what you are dealing with for I had a bunch of surgeries all in all 7 of them and I hated my self and my life.So I went surfing and dived into the net I could not take it anymore it saved my life I found a doctor who came from France and she was a pioneer to this drug I was the first to receive this drug when most everyone wanted it and nobody could find it but now you are very lucky for they are everywhere and they understand your reason to want to change and now insurances may cover it so go for it it will change your life no looking back on it anymore.God bless and pls take care.
I'm replying to the post about getting Subutex more specifically Buphernorine (my insurance-Humana will only cover the generic/non formulary), I'm in SD now & very worried because my family is moving to Winter Park, FL in a few months so the hubby can go to the film school there. Are the Dr.s in FL really that strict on prescribing it even if I bring my medical records & forms from my ins company stating the won't cover the Subutex or Suboxone? This is one of my biggest fears of moving to FL. Any help is greatly appreciated :-)
i also need help with finding subutex. I am currently taking suboxone and its side effects r awful. i saw some blogs on how subutex doesnt give u the side effects like he headaches etc. If you can help me please. I also read subutex helps pain better also. I have med recs. where i have a bad back L5s1 and live in cronic pain
Im taking 750mg of methadone, no rehab or detox facility will help me, i heard subutex works, PLEASE HELP.
Thank You Corey. I am going to call them tommorrow. I just have been snorting percocet 30mg and they are 30 dollars a piece, and it is ruining my life. I am spending way too much money on them and it is making me struggle with my bills and as an addict to opiates I never have any energy to do anything. I want to get my life back. I have never injected thank god...but all the people I know have started to and They are not the same people anymore. They have ruined their lives. But I am going to try your doctor tomm....they are open. I have the medical card will it cover my medicine?
I would really like to know what you said to the Dr. you argued with? (to Kaylee) because Suboxone makes me nauseous and does not do anything to curb my cravings for roxys.. i just do subs for my daily activities then do my other stuff at night so im saving a little money but it is doing nothing to get me off pills. I want to go to the Dr. to get Subutex because the same person I used to get subs off of get prego and got Subutex instead so I tried that and it helped so much more I didn't feel sick (which btw when I do those rocys later after doing subs it does not make me sick so the blocker is not the issue I am usually going into withdraws by the next day but doing some roxy a few hours later doesn't bother me so don't say that's why I feel nauseous the blocker doesn't bother me but anyways it's like if I do enough ti stop being sick then I feel dizzy light-headed and like I'm going to puke but other withdraw symptoms gone then after the nausea subsides I feel okay for awhile until I do my pills later or just normal until later when I start feeling withdraws again then I try to do more sub and feel the same stomach issues again?) but I didn't get a buzz off the Subutex or anything (and trust me I don't shoot up or even want to mix these things not that mixing the subs did cause like I said it didn't curb my appetite or stop me at all) but it didn't make me sick and I didn't even think about roxys so if I actually go to the Dr. about this so you think I can really get Subutex instead of Suboxone because I don't want to even bother if not because I just trade withdraws for a different kind of sick. I've just always heard only prego people get Subutex and it's really disheartening and I don't know what to say I'm kind of chicken to argue with him and the withdraws cause me enough anxiety as it is.. Can someone help and I really don't want to hear any judgmental s*** about abusing them because that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid with the subs because again I just do my roxys a couple hours later and with Subutex I don't want to.. okay thanks!
Thanks for all the information for all here. I hope everyone here finds the help they need to keep their lives together, if not for themselves, then for loved ones.
I am thinking about turning to Suboxone. I use to take Percs, Oxy, whatever. Now I have been taking about 20 mg of Methadone. I don't want to stay on this and know withdrawals can be horrendous from the Methadone. I started taking it to even myself out and to not waste money. It has helped, I just want to be free of it all soon.
God bless everyone.
Hello I have 3 beautiful children and went thru the same thing I was possibly the last Paitent my dr was legally able to take on I'd be happy to ask him and if he cannot take u maybe hell know who can. Let me know if ur interested in maybe even just speaking to him alsO if u are pregnant or get pregnant an addiction dr can only put u on subutex because the opiate blocker in in the other is harmful to a fetus
Can doctor make me go back to supervised subutex8mg daily or unsupervised suboxone weekly, I am employed and find it so time consuming if not imPossible gettin out everyday
If you are having any sort of withdrawal from opiates of any sort... I would be happy to inform you that i have been going to this doctor for the past 3-4 years and it has truly saved my life. I was on heroin for about 7 or 8 years and would still be had it not been for my discovery of subutex. I tried methadone (160 mgs a day) and had to go to the clinic every single day and could never go on vacations with my family or anywhere else because i was reliant on my medicine and needed it dyerly. Then one day i tried subutex and have never went back and have not relapsed but one time in the past almost four years. It truly has saved my life my family life and has made me a better person. Literally one of these pills will keep you good for at least 24-36 hours (depending). So i will pass this along as can you my doctors name is Robert Polite. His practice is called the POLITE CARE. At the corner of Morse Road and Cherry Way Drive In Gahanna (Columbus) Ohio! Also there Number is (614) 476-2273 (and this doctor is the s***... Not corrupt or just in it for the money... Genuinely trying to just help a struggling addict) Plus he helps me with my anxiety as well. He is not a quack and is best in this state... If you want to get well and be normal and functional and just "well" this is where its at. Good Luck and you will not be disappointed. Quite a drive and is a lil pricey... However think about your habit and what that costs compared to one $270 visit a month plus if u got insurance... The meds are covered. I promise you its worth it and you will never look back once you discover this true "miracle drug"!!! You will be able to be the you that you once were... Just without the Heroin/Oxys/Methadone Etc.!!!!
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