How To Get Methamphetamines Out Of Your System Quickly (Page 11)
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I took just a little bit two days ago, and my manager just called me saying my drug test that I took was too diluted and that I need to take another, which could be tomorrow. Is there ANY way possible it would be out of my urine and how long do you suppose it will stay in my system? I'm freaking out.

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Here's my experience:

i was a heavy daily Methamphetamine user for two years (smoking & IV, about 2-3 grams daily) but significantly cut back about 6 months ago, and I took my first probationary drug test a couple weeks ago... here's the details:

I smoked a few bowls on Thursday, and my PO showed up at my door, telling me I needed to go in for a test anytime on the following Tuesday (5 days after) BUT! I smoked two bowls around 12-3pm on SATURDAY (giving me three days before my test) ... I went in to test around 1:30 pm on Tuesday and the meth didn't show up at all. My urine was sent to the lab (because of a medication issue involving benzos and opioids) and the lab test didn't show any meth either. So within 3 days, I'd successfully flushed my system out.

HERE'S WHAT I DID: A lot of people make the mistake of binging on water the day/night before the test, with the hopes of flushing their system out/diluting their urine with enough water to drop their toxin concentration below the tolerance threshold for the test strip... This is NOT the ideal method of getting a clean test! What you need to do is, first of all, PUT AS MUCH TIME BETWEEN YOUR LAST USE AND YOUR DRUG TEST AS POSSIBLE. Time is your best bet for a clean system, however, what I believe matters more isn't how many hours and minutes between your last high and your next test, but how many pisses, s**ts, and sweats you expel from your body during that time. After using on Saturday, I began drinking water heavily THAT DAY. I'm not talking about chugging it by the milk jug, but I simply started making sure I always had a bottle of water handy to drink, and sipped it throughout the days and nights. I counted my progress by the number of deep, long urinations I had, which after the second day, began coming about 2-3x more often than usual, with about 2-3x the volume each time, which is a good thing, because that urine is carrying out the toxins that will get you in trouble. The idea is that by the time you have to test, your kidneys & bladder have processed enough water to have flushed your system out and your urine is clean, regardless of how well hydrated you may be. That way, the morning of the test, I just drank a bottle and a half of water so I'd be able to piss on command, and by the time I tested, I was fine. DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE DAY BEFORE THE TEST TO START THIS FLUSH!!! BEGIN RIGHT AFTER USE, but TAKE IT EASY... as long as you're pissing regularly (a nice long one every few hours) you'll likely carry those indicators out long before the one that counts.

If you're being tested by probation, obviously there's a lot on the line--you've got someone watching over you with mirrors all around the toilet, and a failed test means jail time or a new charge (if you're caught trying to submit a fraudulent sample) ... However, if your testing regiment isn't as strict, work with the leniences that you're given: if no one watches you pee, use synthetic urine or a bottle of clean urine from a friend (or from you, that you've saved... just be careful to keep it completely air-tight and in a completely dark, cool environment) ... If the consequences are dire (like probation or parole) your best bet is to just be honest with your PO (honesty is always your best policy with them) ... if you THINK you might be dirty (generally your gut will tell you) then come clean BEFORE the test, and they'll be much more understanding and lenient with you than they would be if you lie to them and piss dirty, or worse yet, get caught pulling a fast one on them.

One thing I've noticed about methamphetamine in the urine is that when my urine is dirty for meth, it appears excessively bubbly in the toilet after pissing, and the bubbles grow up on each other and pop vigorously... after my system has flushed out, the bubbles aren't like that... it goes back to just a few small ones around the sides of the bowl. Pay attention to how your piss looks when it's dirty, and how it looks when it's clean to get an idea of how you'd test... and finally, if you're in doubt, get an at-home drug test and take it as late as possible the night before or the morning of your big test. If it's clean, you'll have peace of mind and confidence, and if it's dirty, you'll have a little bit of time to delay the testing.

A NOTE ON BENZO/OPIATE TESTING: It's important to note that benzodiazepine medication (anti-anxiety pills, such as valium, klonipin, xanax, ativan, etizolam, and many others with drug names ending in -pam or -lam) stay in your system for a LONG TIME (up to 6 weeks!) and, if sent to a lab, the results will be returned, showing exactly WHICH OF THESE MEDICATIONS you've been taking... for example, I have a prescription for Valium, and my girlfriend has Klonopin. We frequently share pills back and forth because mine work better for her, and vice versa... well, just because I'm cleared to test positive for benzos because I have a legitimate Valium prescription, doesn't mean I can get away with taking her Klonopin, or, say, buying street Xanax and abusing those, because the tests CAN and DO differentiate between different types of benzos, so be careful! The same goes with opiates... Most heroin users (or opioid pill poppers especially) have a legitimate prescription for one opioid or another, whether it be Norco, Suboxone, Methadone, etc... the same laboratory differentiation ability applies here! Just because you can legally piss positive for Opiates because you have a prescription for Norco that you registered with the testing facility, doesn't mean you can take oxycontin as you please and get away with it... If the testing facility sends your urine sample to a lab for further analysis, the results that come back will undress your recent history more than you'd imagine.

If you're gonna use and you're being tested, THINK OF THE CONSEQUENCES, and THINK BEFORE YOU USE. There's plenty of research and answers out there, freely available online, for you to make a well informed and documented decision on what & when it's safe for you to use and what & when it isn't, so do your homework before you get high if you think you might have an impending drug test!

-One last tip: If you are really in a bind (trapped at the clinic with a bottle in your hand and you're guaranteed dirty) the best bet is to politely tell them that you cannot make urine at this time, and request a saliva test... This type of test is much more expensive, time consuming (no immediate results--must be sent to the lab for analysis) and often, won't show as many drugs for as long as urine samples will. If they agree to take saliva, don't argue... give them their sample, then go home and DON'T USE... be prepared to get a phone call telling you that it's positive; at least if you've been clean, you can offer to provide another sample (of urine) that day to prove that you're back on the right track... but many agencies don't have the time or the money or the means to conduct saliva testing, and after asking you once more if you're sure that you can't pee, they may just have you come back in another day (whew!)

Best of luck!

Was this helpful? 20

Hey I wasn't an iv user, but I smoked it for three yrs. When I got pregnant I wasn't strong enough to quit, by God's good grace my daughter was born at 38 wks, she only weighed 5#10oz, but was perfectly healthy. She's a year old now a still no problems. Hope this alleviates some of your worries.

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Wow ur smart, i didnt know that....;)

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I have been taking meth by eating it, smoking it and injecting it. I have a urine test one week from today and i have used today. Will i pass my urine test if i stop useing tomarrow? I heard that it may stay in system longer depending on its used. I am also a daily user.

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I got a drug test
on Thursday I used today its Tuesday how can I make sure im clean

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Im a methamphetamine smoker. i smoke everyday.i have to have surgery on the 28th of may. can anybody help me or give me some ideas how to get it true vitams can help clean ur system.plez help asap

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I have taken meth today,but would like to know desperately how I can be clean from urine detection by tomorrow 11.00am. Yours faithfully Paul. PS I've taken meth today and been told today to be tested tomorrow morning

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Ive been smoking meth the last 3 days and i have to take a drug test tomorrow at 830 am. What can i do so i dont fail the drug test??

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U r all out the gate !!!u got the hole word in your life the hole wide world dum dum

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Im late on most of these but the best thing to do is drink nothing but water. Stay away from sugar foods a dairy BC it sticks to your fatty tissues. Eat lots of protein. If you like me its hard to eat the first couple of days after but start small. How long does it take the sores to heal and does the itching ever stop.

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Hi I was wondering if this really works I have a test tomorrow and I have to come out clean plz reply bk

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Tons of Cranberry Juice, and Water, my friend gives blood every month and he is a 40 bag a week smoker, he sucks the cranberry and water starting a week before he donates and he does home testing and is clean in 5-7 days.

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What are some home remedies to get meth out my system asap

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No. I'm sorry.

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Just wanna let everyone know I passed my drug test Tuesday at probation using synthetic urine that I had shipped in over night so for all the peeps sayin they check to see if it's synthetic now your wrong trust me I'd know cause my PO told me when I went in that things were personal now that if I looked her the wrong way she was locking me up QUICK FIX it's a life saver

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Yeah really kitty kat we all know we have f***ed up dont need a I'm better than goody too shoes acting like her s*** don't stink! In reality everyone f***s up in different ways .... just so happens we like to learn from our own mistakes meaning eventually enoughs enough ... you are on the wrong page we need positive feed back not I'm better than we all know right from wrong were! not idiots! Just people learning from there own mistakes. Find something better to do !

Was this helpful? 5

Sup erey one I IV'd about a gram of meth throughout the course of Friday, 2nd. last shot at 5:30 2 hours later my probation officer pulls up wanting an at home random apparently someone snitching I told her that I just got out the shower and drained it while I was washing I said I can start drinking water if you might be 1 to 2 hours for I gotta go though since it was 7:30 his lazy fat ass wasn't gonna wait so he says I'll see u Tuesday the 6th at 3:30 for u.a will I be clean by then or should I get synthetic urine I don't feel the high nomore as of 6:00 pm today and I haven't done any for 2 weeks till this Friday so do you think the gram will be out by Tuesday the 6th

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Your on drug court and it reallllly worked????? Like for a lab screen or for dip stick? And could u do that on the spot of they knocked on the door and wanted to screen at home? And does it keep it out of your system? And r u 100% on that? I am also on drug court that y I wanna know.this would be amazing if it was that easy lol

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Though nasty an will make u sick without a doubt 3-5 tablespoons of baking soda will work least has for me i smoked days leading up to ua an stopped three hrs prior to sample im 6'4" 230lbs an have passed for doc and drug court only givin my personal experience the easiest way is just put it down but if in a bind definately try ill take sick over prison anyday GL

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Drink alot of water alot alot

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