How To Find A Doctor To Prescribe Xanax In Tennessee Who Take Blue Or Tenncare (Page 5)


My Girlfriend is 26 years old and she suffers from a huge anxiety problems and panic attacks on a daily basis. However because of her age we cant find a doctor to prescribe her xanax because so many people her age do abuse prescription drugs and sell them. We know its very addicting but she been on them for seven years and we move for about a year and was having to get them off the streets and moved back to Tenn and there a huge difference in how she reacts to daily life without them. She isa different person when she get them and keeps better control of her self when on them. We feel that she should be on xanax for the rest of her life. So if anyone knows a doctor that would prescribe her xanax around Chattanooga or anywhere in bradley county TN, Please let us know we would really appreciate it thank you

105 Replies (6 Pages)

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Re: Paula (# 80) Expand Referenced Message

Xanax has some very concerning side effects. While it should work as designed, discontinuing Xanax has side effects which can kill you, or make you very sick. Aside from potential tolerance problems & cognitive issues sometimes showing up in your later stage of life, with the lack of dependable providers these days, I'd avoid this medicine unless you only need it for short term use

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Re: Tryingtohelp (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

I go to the methadone clinic for pain...but I have bad pannick attacks and PTSD and depression

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Re: Adam Maynor (# 82) Expand Referenced Message

Well that is not good. Going untreated aside from your pain is not healthy

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Re: j (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

What’s his name?

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I'm trying very hard to find a doctor in Chattanooga who will prescribe Xanax for me also. I'm not able to find one. I just moved here from Cleveland and I would like to get into a psychiatrist who would write them. If anyone has any Information please let me know!

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Re: Robyn (# 75) Expand Referenced Message

Who is this doctor in Knoxville that is willing to prescribe Xanax? I am thinking of moving to the area but I am afraid that I won’t find a cooperative Dr. I am 59 years old and I have been on these medication since my late 20s

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Re: j (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Please let me know as well. I live in Sevierville and my psychiatrist keeps jerking me around prescribing antipsychotics and other drugs. Will not give me what I know works

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I'm needing a good dr who understands I've been through a lot of trauma in the last 4 years. I have always had anxiety but it's worse. Can you please help me find the right dr that's understanding and will listen to me? I'm in bad shape, please try help me. thank you. {edited for privacy}

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When I changed to tenncare after losing my job job years ago it has been impossible to find a doctor that will prescribe that even if you were on them from 16 to 32. If you ask they look at you like a doctor shopper. I’m 40 now and I know what works for me. I’ve tried every anxiety medication and I know what helps me most. Now I don’t even leave my house my anxiety is so bad and I’m just plain worn out looking for someone to listen to me and understand.

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Re: Twilly865 (# 76) Expand Referenced Message

What is your nurse practitioner and what are the online options?

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Re: Robyn (# 75) Expand Referenced Message

Who is the doctor and can I pls have the number? Thank you

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Re: Twilly865 (# 74) Expand Referenced Message

How do you get the Mexican scripts?I’ve always wondered that bc I’m computer dumb lol

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Re: Tryingtohelp (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

With him being in Chattanooga will he help with Xanax and tenncare. I live in Alcoa so that’s a long drive for the sane bs I’ve been told from all the other docs

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Re: Connie H (# 59) Expand Referenced Message

If you can help pls lmk my story is similar

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Re: Cutie (# 49) Expand Referenced Message

It’s impossible to get both now a day. They make you pick pain or mental

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She will have to get a psychiatrist, regular family doctors don’t prescribe this medication. She can go on her insurance website and look for psychiatrists that take that insurance, but I fear that because it’s a red state she may not get many results. Good luck though that sucks.

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Re: Lori (# 92) Expand Referenced Message

You drive there and you go to a pharmacy and you buy them, they don’t require prescriptions for a lot of this stuff down there. Last time I was down there they didn’t sell ADHD medication. Because it’s so much cheaper in the US nobody wanted it, but you can buy benzos over the counter there, or at least you used to be able to.

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Re: Optimistic (# 97) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, you can bring back a limited amount of medicine, and you will need a passport or passport card. I've heard it's best to research the pharmacies online. It also has been suggested to visit a Mexican doctor to 'hook you up'.

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Re: justin (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Where can I be guanted to listen and pryrsptibt Xanax for my disorders garu nredes?

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Re: Jessica (# 100) Expand Referenced Message

Although all Medicaid programs currently cover benzodiazepines, at least 19 Medicaid programs impose coverage restrictions of some sort (2). Furthermore, many states have included benzodiazepines in their prescription drug monitoring programs (15), which reduce benzodiazepine use in the general population and among patients with severe psychiatric and physical conditions (15–17)

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