How Strong Is A Xanax G3722


Just want to know how strong it is? I only weight 110 pounds.

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Hi andrea,

G 372 2 is identified as Xanax (Alprazolam) 2 mg. I can only imagine that the 2mg tablets are going to be pretty potent if you've never taken Xanax before; as 2mg is a high dose of this particular drug.

Unfortunately the only way to know for sure would be to try it; simply because these medications can affect each individual differently.

If you find that 2mgs is too strong, you can always divide the pill into smaller doses to help assess your tolerance.

I hope this helps!

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u should be pretty good those ones are not to strong

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Never take more then two.. A half of one will relax you and one full one is strong especially if u plan on driving

Was this helpful? 20

2 Two Mg Bars at once and driving advice to boot. Don't take 2 and don't 'plan' to drive. sheesh?

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The reason yours may not have worked is that there are fake ones that look identical to the real ones except they have squared off corners instead of the rounded corners they're suppose to have. Apparently head shops are selling them so people can sell and rip people off on the streets. I got one from a buddy one day and knew as soon as I took it that it was fake so when we got home I pulled up the numbers on it and that's how we found his had squared corners and they're suppose to have slightly rounded

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are 2 milligram GG3722 stronger than one milligram,&are they from India or America?

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Um......yes 2mg are stronger than 1mg.

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Lol that response haha love it

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I get these and DO NOT take a whole bar at once if u never have before. you have no tolerance you might black out.. I used to get loaded off 1mg (half bar).. I got a huge tolerance I'm prescribed 5 2mg bars a day! Some of these people clearly are getting their pills off the street. if u know they are fresh out of a pharmacy they will be potent. when pills aren't freshly filled and sit around for awhile they lose potency (hence expiration dates on pill bottles!)

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Lol okay.tgey armor work fine cept the be antacid ones

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Those GG's ones that Samtos Pham. parmhami uses and they my favorite

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If you think there fake take a little bit of it and chew it, if it taste like nothing fake if you get that strong medicine taste there. Real

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They only prescribe 2 milligrams up to four times a day, federal law.

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Of course they work!!! Are you serious?! Have you ever tried a 2mg?....I have to divide them into 4's....They are very potent!

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Duuu is 1more than 2. Lol if someone has to ask that question they shouldn't be taking them at all

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So I'm curious does the fake ones that say G3722 square ends does it have anything in them, or are they completely garbage?

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I can only take .25 xanax it does the job and still get around. If I take .5 that is at bedtime.

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Hello All; I have read the posts re: Andrea and just thought I would share what my boyfriend's doctor thought about Xanax. He has panic attacks due to severe COPD so the doctor put him on Xanax. He takes one half of a 0.5 xanax pill twice a day and his new pulmonary doctor had this to say about it. "Xanax is probably one of the most dangerous drugs on the market and I would advise you to be very, very careful with it".

He encouraged him to get off of that medication if he could. So far, he hasn't; and has taken it for years. But I would say that taking a larger pill seems very dangerous.

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I take them for the anxiety usually split it in 4 pieces, 1 of those little pieces does the job really good on me,...if u take half pill , grab your blanket and a pillow and have a nice bed time.

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Re: Joe (# 22) Expand Referenced Message

Bro if you were feeling like that my bro that ain't a good thing

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Re: Ashley (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Mine were fake with no taste to them? Where are you from

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Re: Zoey (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

G3722 have a distinguished shape. The back of them in the middle is raised up and they have the taste of Xanax so if ur not sure look them up and taste them

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One of a friend of mine let my try a aprozalam G3227 and it really helped me cause I felt nervovous and felt like my chest was something heavy on it and felt like I couldn't breath after I took the plll I was very relaxed

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Re: CHRYLA (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Work just fine for me i drool in the corner lol

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