How Often Can One Take Norco? (Page 2)
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I have severe chronic back pain. A neurosurgeon prescribed Hydrocodone-apap 10/325mgs tablets to be taken every 8 hours. I am finding that my pain diminishes 1 to 1/2 hour after taking one tablet. Can I take 1 tablet more often, i.e., every four hours?

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Eve, the FDA states 4,000 mg Tylenol is the max 24 hour dose. McNeil, the brand name Tylenol makers state 3,000 mg Tylenol is the max 24 hour dose on their website.

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The maximum daily dose for acetominophen is 1000 mg or 1 gram daily. More than that and you're messing badly with your liver. This is the consensus of all the pharmacists I've spoken to, both in hospital and out. I'll take their word for it.

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I just came back from my doctor and he told me to take 8 10/325 hydrocodone in a 24 hours for my tooth I AM prescribed 3 a day. I REALLY am not comfortable with doing this.

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I have been on Hydrocodone for 6 years 5/500's for 4 year's and then went to 5/325's in 2014 for fibromyalgia, essential tremors, hives, etc. Then in November 2015 they pain was more than I could bear anymore. I am now on 10/325's but one rarely does the job. I have taken up to 3 at once to get rid of the pain and didn't use any extra acetaminophen. That worked. But my pain is so extreme now I can barely walk. I used to be able to just not take the med at all now it's easily every 5-6 hours or I am not going anywhere. It's embarrassing to have to change your clothing and sheets because I can't get across the hall. I have tried Pereoceot an it keeps me up all day and all night. Not much difference in pain relief suggestions?

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Sounds like you need to check onto a rehabilitation center. If you know you have a problem, why not treat it?

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They have hydrocodon with ibuprofen in it instead of Tylenol it's called vicoprofen talk to ur doc about switching to that

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Fred, your cardiologist and surgeon would be the ones to determine if surgery is too big of a risk for you. I don't know what California Laws you are talking about. But, several years ago the FDA came out with guidelines that stated it was best to not exceed 120 mg Morphine/120 mg Morphine Equivalent Daily. Last month the CDC came out with guidelines that recommends 90 mgs. So the daily amount that you are taking exceeds them both. What were you told and who told you ?

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Hello I'm Fred, I take a hundred milligram morphine one every 12 hours I take 2 hydrocodone one every 3 to 4 hours it's a 10 / 325 milligram. Both of my knees that need surgery both my shoulders need surgery I got too bad this that are slowly disintegrating I've been to two different specialist pain specialist and they require I don't do the surgery because of my heart condition and my high blood pressure do the recovery Factor. So my state of California they are trying to put you on a program that fits them but not your knees is taking me 2 years to get up where I'm very comfortable at the doses I'm taking now and they all seem to work the doctors are happy but under the new California laws it sounds like the rules might change would you know what I could do to make sure that my status stays the same. thank you

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I take. 8aday for pain. It works for me

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As a chronic debilitating pain sufferer myself I would urge you to think about having a neurostimulator pain relief device implanted. It blocks the nerves by an electric current so they cannot transmit pain signals to the brain. Tiny cut in the skin and rechargeable batteries! No more suffering or need for strong narcotics that destroy liver and kidneys over time.

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Km0427, you need to call your dr and see if he will prescribe you something stronger for the pain. You can take too much tylenol (acetaminophen) and not know it for a while. The most tylenol ( acetaminophen) that you can safely take is 1,000 every 6 hours not to exceed 3,000 in a 24 hour period.

Sugarplum, Hydrocodone immediate release is not made without tylenol. They do make an extended release that has no tylenol, Zohydro. But, Zohydro is very expensive because it is new and a lot of insurance companies won't pay for it. Your dr could write you a prescription for hydrocodone only in immediate release form, but you would have to take it to a compunding pharmacy that makes special prescriptions. Your insurance may not pay for it and compounded prescription are expensive.

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Um curiouse.....whats your "last chance mean"??? Iam seeing a pain specialist and my neck is so bad hes sending me back to a Neuro surgeon before even attempting to treat me because he knows pain meds, for a short time, as i stated, is my only option for mow.

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How can hydro 10/325 be prescribed without tylenol in it?? That is what I need now.

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I just had knee surgery, broke my toe with my crutches and have severe canal stenosis. I take hydrocodone 10 mg. I take 2 at a time. Is it ok, if, for a short time about 3 days, im taking 2 at once, then another 1 an hour later than 2 at once 2 hours later, the pain is bad. I know this is too much but will it be ok if done for only a couple days till my pain is less? I mean can only 3 days of this cause me to overdose and die, like not wake up in the morning because i have to take 2 more in the middle of the night for the severe pain.

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last chance , you need to see a pain management dr.

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yes I take Hydrocodone 10 / 350 2@a time 4 too 6 times a day
I also take gabapentin 800 milligrams two at a time 3 to 4 times a day
and I also take four to 6 350 milligrams of somas a day and I am still in severe back pain hip and shoulder pain but my family doctor will not prescribe anything any different or stronger he says he never has and never will I feel like I have no other choice can you help me PS I have degenerative disc disease they say I need a hip replacement and I need some more back and neck surgery but I just do not want to have any more surgery I've had enough thank you I spend 90% of my time in the bed and I'm here lately I feel like I just don't have the fight in me anymore any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

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my dr, prescribed hydrocodon for me for severe joint pain. it seems to make no difference, should I persist or quit ?

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I was wondering how this works? I don't like the Tylenol portion of this med it messes with my stomach and would rather use advil or aleive in its place as my illness causes frequent fevers. What is the dose you get without the tylenol?

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tiff, Morphine Extended Release is released in your system a little at a time over 12 hours. Morphine Immedicate Release is released all at once.

I'm sorry about your mother. But, she did have cancer and you can't blame the Mprohine for her death. Drs are careful when they prescribe pain medications lilke Morphine. They go by the patients tolerance to opiates, other medications they are taking, their weight and also the level of pain that the patient is in.

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The morphine at 15 mg is a deadly dose. Look up how much a cancer patient gets. It killed my mother. It will destroy your liver, your colon, your bowels. And the other lady above with 5 owe it to your children to not be high. The no, trust me they know mommy is not herself. You. CAN do it. God is there for you.

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