How Much Is Too Much Oxycodone For A Male At Weight Of 225 Lbs (Page 4)
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I would like to know what would cause an overdose in a male who is 225 lbs. in weight using oxycodone. I have over 220 5 mg. tabs.
The pain meds no longer work! You name, I've taken it in the past, am taking it now, and will be if I choose to have a future......but everyday it gets harder and harder to keep from putting a bullet in my mouth! Does anyone know of any new, possibly better pain meds in the clinical research phase yet that are promising? The severe trauma to my body from two accidents that entailed 5 surgeries just has gotten too bad (painful) to deal with anymore!!!!
This is to #15 UnabridgedAgony:
I feel your pain and frustration. I have been in 3 car accidents since 2011 and have to see a chiro 3x a week, massage therapy 2-3x a week, a neurologist, my PCP, I've consulted with 2 surgeons only to find I'm inoperable at this point and naturally, I also see a Pain Dr. I have 3 herniations, 3 protrusions, 4 bulges and 2 tears in my neck and back. I suffer every single day since that first accident. In case you may be wondering, none of them were my fault surprisingly - 2 rear ends and I T-Boned someone who ran a Stop sign! I take Oxy 30's 4-5x per day along with OxyContin 40mg 2x per day for pain and I still am at a minimum of a 5-6 daily on pain level with it often going higher if doing any prolonged standing or sitting. I also take Klonopin 1mg 2x a day for anxiety and am forced to take stool softeners and laxatives constantly just to have a bowel movement. Lastly, I have a peptic ulcer right now that causes me intense pain and fatigue where I even vomit at times. I'm trying to heal that with acid blockers but it's a very slow process. Taking 400-600mg of Advil 2-3x a day for 2 years seems to be the culprit for the ulcer. I told you all this to say I feel your pain. I have most days of the week end up being miserable for me. I barely sleep and am never able to get comfortable. It truly is debilitating often and makes me want to give-up! I don't though. I don't give up because despite everything I've been going through, I still believe that one day I will have a better life. One day I will be able to do things I had to stop doing due to my injuries. I want to live because I know that people love me and care about me and I don't want to rob them of the time they can share with me. I also want to spend as much time with them as possible. I am a 32 year-old single male. As hard as my life is at such a young age and as unfair as it seems, I can't "check-out." I won't. I believe you can find something worth living for if you really think about it. Something or someone that you don't want to end your time with or their time with you. Life is a precious thing my friend - not always a fun thing but still precious. If we end our life, we are letting our disease or injuries have the power. I don't want my injuries to dictate whether I live or die. I want to be in-control of my destiny. I know you would, too. I would beg you to seriously think about this. You are a valuable person and I know you can still contribute to society in a meaningful way! One day and maybe soon (we never know), there could be an improved medicine available that can greatly change your pain and life! It's worth holding on buddy. Please choose life - you're worth it and I know those who care about you would be utterly broken if you were gone!
Dear Michael,
This is Christopher I just wrote message number 15, but also wanted to respond to your question. The answer is yes. I am in my 40s and have noticed a dramatic decrease in my ability to articulate and "grab" words from my brain when I need them. This is most frustrating being a lover of English language and Linguistics, the former being one of my majors in college. Like Dave I am on multiple Vitamins & supplements. I also have done this to help my organs from the detremental effects of the Oxycodone & other medications. I would highly suggest a high quality Omega Multi & B-Complex. New Chapter's Omega 3 & B-Complex are superb without getting into tremendous amounts of money each month. Also a high quality vitamin C - for a vast number of reasons. I am not sure what your diet is like right now? One can be taking all the vitamins & supplementation the world has to offer, but if you are not on a health regimented diet it is futile and counterproductive. Putting together a Akaline diet that works for you is exceptionally important. Also taking in sunshine every day that you are able for at least 20-30 minutes with a productive diet there will be no need for a separate vitamin D supplement. You will also be getting vitamin D in your Omega3. If you are interested in any further information to assist you in this please do not hesitate to ask. I do have a low level degree in Nutrition from when I was a personal trainer, but most of my expertise has come from being exceedingly passionate about nutrition and exercise. Most regular doctors do not understand a thing about true Nutrition and Supplementation - 90% of U.S. doctors have had a hour of Nutrition in all their acedemic studies. So if you wanted to seek someone locally I would look for highly recommended or reviewed Naturopathic doctor. Again please feel free to ask.
This is the first message I have typed in a forum so please forgive my mistakes. You seem like an understanding and compassionate group and my sincerist compassion hope and prayers are that you all will be out of pain and suffering in the very near future and can have your lives back Fully with much Happiness & Laughter. My situation is similar physically I was in a car accident five years ago and also have multiple auto-immune conditions including RA and other arthritic disorders. I have two ruptured disks in my neck and two in my lower back. Due to being extremely athletic in my former Life I also need at least one hip replacement and there are issues with my other joints. There is serious nerve damage that is terribly painful. With a high dose of Oxycodone 30mg & 15mg as my breakthrough my pain is between 7-8 I can lower to a 5-6 and do, however it is a lot more than my doctor has prescribed. So to do that there are vast amounts of time every week that I am in horrifying physical & mental anguish. I would not wish this upon any living Being. Once again I just came through another one of those 12-15 hour episodes last night till about 11:30 am this morning. I am also dealing with several extreme PTSD and traumas. There is truly never a time that I am not suffering. Life is torture. Thus. I have made a clear decision not to continue. If this makes any one angry or judgmental in any way I would ask you kindly not to attack me. My question is how much would I need to take to completely surpress my breathing. If I take 300-360 in a 3-4 hour period I am breathing almost regularly. Pulse is low, but certainly not alarming and blood pressure is perfect. Having been an athlete for most of my Life I have always had low blood pressure and in the morning when I woke during most of those years my pulse would be around 40, sometimes as low as 37-38. Thank you for your thoughts.
The cognitive side effects are a definite concern. I am a 31-year-old with a neuro-muscular disorder that causes me constant leg pain, made proportionately worse with any exertion on my legs (standing, walking, etc). I take 40-60mg of oxy per day in order to live a relatively normal life, and was recently forced onto medical leave because my boss claimed that the impact of the meds on my memory and awareness made me mentally incapable of doing the job (meanwhile without the meds, I'm physically incapable of doing it).
I've spent the last six months trying to find another med that offers the same relief with less severe side effects, but nothing has come close. I'm now back on the oxy, looking into possible ways of counteracting the memory impairment. So far I've tried Welbutrin and Methylphenidate but neither offered much improvement. I'm now on a cocktail of vitamins meant to help with cognitive functions (B2, B12, E, D, omega3, potassium, ginko, ginseng) but it will be a while until any effect is potentially noticed.
Thank you for the information. I am a 64 yr old with cervical spinal stenosis ! After years on hydrocodone, my current pain meds are 15mg oxycodone four times daily and 500 mg naproxin, twice daily. I am able to work full time negotiating purchases for my firm. My question: is there a point when the mg of oxy effects the ability to think? Function?
Im sorry for your suffering. I lost my arm in a car accident in 2007. I still see my pain mgmt doctor every 4wks. I truly hope one day your suffering will be at ease. Its hard. Being on oxy doesnt take away my pain completely it.only makes the pain bareable to where i can function. I know and understand your suffering and wish you the best.
My name is Troy and I have a similar situation , I was hit by a drunk driver august 2010 and was hurt badly, I ruptured 2 vertebra in my upper neck, 2 vertebra in my lower back and extensive damage to my ulnar nerve and median nerve in both right and left arms, I've had 6 surgeries in last 4 yrs and many many months of physical therapy, chiropractic therapy, masage therapy and acupuncture and my pain is between a 7-8 daily. My current prescription for pain is oxycodone 15 mg (12 per day as needed) 2-4 MS oxytocin 30mg per day as needed, 2 reg oxytocin 10mg a day as needed and 50mg tramadal 4 time's a day. I'm 40 yrs old and have a very high tolerance to prescription narcotics because I've been using them for so long, I've become very dependent on them for pain and addiction and it sucks! I was told from my 6 doctors that I would die if I stopped cold turkey because my body has been so used to them and it's scary as hell. I had a pain management doctor say he's never heard of a patient being able to take so many oxy (meds) a day and not O.D. a long time ago! I truly applaud you choice and ability to be able to get off your meds, after your on them as long a me your very addicted without trying. Great job!
I've been getting pain management from my PCP which is rare, and I love him for doing it for me, but I feel like I'm not getting enough and therefore I'm at a 7+ in pain throughout the day trying to take care of a family of five. I, like to go in every other month and I feel like he gets annoyed with me because it's always a med review appt. Anyway, I'm allotted 15mg every 4 hours but my script is only 150 so it makes for a 25 day script because he said to try only 5 a day. He's added fentanyl patches and oxycotin and I brought both scripts back to him after finding no results from either one. Without pissing him off, how do I ask for more without sounding desperate? I am very dependent on pills to get me up but I also do things to show I'm working my best to try to reduce pain naturally. I've had no success and the extent of my injuries are more than the two other people I know that have pain management. They get 7 30mgs a day plus methadone and they're half my size! And they don't have tl medical issues as bad as I do and they also abuse them by insufflating them or smoking them. I don't do that. I take them orally like directed. Any suggestions?
Just wanted to share my story w/you all. I lost my left arm (abv elbow) few years back. Ive never been the type to take meds for anythg. If i did, it was rare. Aftr losing my arm, i suffer frm severe nerve damage. Its crazy. Aftr numerous surgeries drs realize that the nerve in my bone is the main cause of my pain vs nerves in my skin. They had me on multiple pain meds. Was taking 40mgs.oxycontin 2tabs (80mgs total) 2x day along w/5mgs methadone 1tab evry 4hrs, 5mg oxycodon 1tab) evry 4hrs, 75mgs Lyrica 2tabs 2x day for lil ovr 3yrs. I tell ya i was so yucky frm all this.. Bowel movemnts were close to none due to all the meds that they had to give me strong laxative drs prescription. It was crazy. I was able to lower dosage on oxycontin to 40mg 3x day...but still was taking the othr meds. Oh, plus birth control daily. I barely managed but somehow for the sake of my kids and husbnd i managed to push myslf to keep busy. My youngest being only 2 1/2 at the time. My thinking was tht hlped me'who else will take care of my family?'. My husbnd has f/t job n p/t right aftr his f/t job and i myself was a f/t worker that worked on a computer doin data programming stuff w/the lost of my lft arm. It was hard. But that.thinking of 'who else if not me' was.what got me to persevere. I found out that i was unexpectedly, expecting a child around my 3 1/2yrs of being on all this. I was terrified and worried so consulted my phys. B/c i knew a life was growing in me against my drs advice i went cold turkey on my meds thinkg i'll be ok. But no, my body along w/bby.went into shock and ended up in ER. So, aftr that i was still set tht i will not let my child be suffering w/these pills in my body. Lyrica i stopped ASAP b/c the pregnancy grade was severe. I slowly reduced my meds each week by minusing a dose each wk. Methadone was nxt aftr lyrica that i was able to get off. Next was oxycodone..same thg till i was no longer on it. All that was left was oxycontin. I was able to brg it down to only 40mg 3x day. Yes, my drs advised against it. Yes, i suffered frm.withdrawls but it was not severe as my cold turkey attempt. I did this for the sake of my unborn child health. I still went to work as well until i gave birth. Ppl said i couldnt but when its my childs life n health at risk i made it possible. I had my girl and she was born healthy and strong. i,nvr went back on all the othr meds. As of now, im only taking 40mg oxycontin 2x day...i actually js had my appt today and consulted w/my dr abt.dropping my doses to 20mgs 3xday..however, at the momnt my arm been killing me lately so im going to try nxt month. I know im in pain, but i also know the more i think abt pain, more i suffer. When im occupied w/tasks i forget abt the pain. I still got my same job along w/4kids plus dealing w/my kids sch work and,on top of that i got 2 sons that are heavily active in sports so im up before 5am and dnt sleep till almost midnight. Everyones different and im not here to judge...i just wanted to share my story with you all. Remember, if youre willing....youll find a way. I hope i didnt offend anyone :-)
Me too. Been 5 years now of unrelenting pain and being a chemistry guinea pig. I'm tired of it. Have no quality of life because I have no life!
This is an old thread but I think its important to add that its an incorrect assumption to day that because they make a certain strength pill, its safe for anyone. I know this wasn't what you were implying but some might see it this way. Its important to understand that you can build a tolerance to opiates and therefore must take stronger doses. If a small person who never took more than an occasional asperin were to take too much oxycodone or such, they may very well not survive. It all depends on your tolerance. Please be very careful when you take these types of meds, they can kill you if you are careless. You can always take more, but you can never take less.
Energize- there is NO Tylenol in oxycontin or oxycodone. However there are other meds which are primarily Tylenol (acetaminophen) with oxy in them (Percocet, etc.).
I would like to thank you all for the info. I have taken this and methadone, morphine, talwin, fental patch, lyrica, ultram, Neurontin (Gabapentin), Naproxen, Motrin, Percocet, Celebrex, Lorcet, Lortab, Percodan, Dilaudid, Opana & Opana ER over the past 30 plus years and have not found any relief. I'm at the end of my rope, and getting closer & closer each day to cutting the rope. This is not the way for a person to live. Where the only time you don't acknowledge the pain is the split nano second when you awaken and open your eyes.
You would overdose on the tylenyol in it before u would the oxy.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but to my knowledge, Oxycodone doses aren't usually based on weight, but rather the severity of the pain you're dealing with. I went ahead and posted the adult dosing guidelines below...As far as ODing on oxycodone, I would guess anything over a 100mg, since you can get them in doses of as high as 80mg and oxycontin at even higher doses.
For initial treatment the following dosing schedule is recommended:
Immediate Release (IR): 5 mg to 15 mg orally every 4 to 6 hours
Controlled Release (CR): 10 mg orally every 12 hours.
For maintenance treatment:
Immediate Release: 10 mg to 30 mg orally every 4 hours. Doses greater than 30 mg are rarely needed and should be used with great caution.
Controlled Release: 20 mg to 640 mg per day in patients with cancer pain. The average total daily dose is approximately 105 mg per day. Cancer patients with severe pain may require "as needed" rescue doses of the immediate-release form of oxycodone to supplement the controlled-release form.
To get the most out of this medication, you may also want to get a doctor's opinion on what the right dosing schedule for you might be, based on your personal levels of pain and where exactly the pain is coming from.
I hope this helps!
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