How Many Atarx 10mg Pills Do I Take
Updatedi am 190 pounds how many 10mg atarax pills do i take?
2 Replies
Hi Jewelz,
May I ask for what reason you might be taking this drug? Since this drug seems to have a number of different uses, the dosing instructions are also dependent upon the condition more so than weight.
"The usual pediatric dose for anxiety is 50 to 100 mg orally per day in divided doses
The alternative dosing regime that is listed for anxiety is 2 mg/kg/day divided every 6 to 8 hours
The usual pediatric dose for sedation is 0.6 mg/kg/dose"
If you could please post back with the condition you're taking it for, I can better determine what is considered to be a typical dose for someone in that weight range.
I hope this helps!
Hi Jewelz,
The dosing information for Atarax varies depending on the condition of the person taking it.
For anxiety, the recommended dose is 50 to 100 mg four times daily.
For the treatment of itching, the usual recommended dosage is 25 mg three or four times a day.
For use as a sedative before or after general anesthesia, the standard dosage is 50 to 100 mg.
Since I do not know what condition you're trying to treat nor your complete medical history, I can only recommend that you start out with the smallest dosage possible (no more than 25-50mg daily) and consult a doctor if that doesn't work for you.
Learn More: Atarax Details
I hope this info helps, please post back if you have any more questions/concerns!
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