How Long Will Suboxone Last Per Dose?


I took about 1/3 of a 8mg suboxone at around 9 this morning and it is around 4pm now and i am still feeling dizzy and naucious. Is this normal or did i take too little of a dose.

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The proper Suboxone dosage really depends on the drug you were taking and how much of it you were taking, so it can vary from person to person.

Learn more Suboxone details here.

What dosage have you been told to take by your doctor?

You may have taken too low of a dose, but like I said, it depends on how much you were taking of the drug you were on.

Did you wait until you were in full withdrawal before taking it?

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I just started sub's (1, 2mg) yesterday for oxy addiction. I slept well, woke up with no W/D symptoms. I feel very dizzy, normal ? Also, can I take a 5 mg valium as I have been using them for years for Panic Disorder.

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how long after taking one third of an 8 milligram Sub can I take methadone?

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I never take suboxone but I ran out of my pain killers do I took 4mg sub I still felt sick that was 8am its now 3 I still don't feel good but I got my pain know killers will it take the withdrawal away if I take them or will I not feel it still

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You must wait 72 hours for the sub to get fully out of your system before taking any opiates. You will basically be wasting the pain killers. The suboxone is made to fake out the opioid receptor making your brain think it has opiates. You mmight as well throw them away. Subs have a half life of 24/36 hrs and take at least 72 hrs to get out of the blood stream. So I would wait. You may also could have taken too much if you aren't using that high of dose of opiate you may be feeling nnausea and dizzy from too much. Just like if you take too many Percocet so to say and you get that nasty opiates high from too much at once. I'd ask your doctor or if not ask a pharmacist you can call anonymous and just ask a general question worse they can do is hang up

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You must wait 72 hours for the sub to get fully out of your system before taking any opiates. You will basically be wasting the pain killers. The suboxone is made to fake out the opioid receptor making your brain think it has opiates. You mmight as well throw them away. Subs have a half life of 24/36 hrs and take at least 72 hrs to get out of the blood stream. So I would wait. You may also could have taken too much if you aren't using that high of dose of opiate you may be feeling nausea and dizzy from too much. Just like if you take too many Percocet so to say and you get that nasty opiates high from too much at once. I'd ask your doctor or if not ask a pharmacist you can call anonymous and just ask a general question worse they can do is hang up

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I'd wait a solid 18hours if not 24 bro. Or 12 if u went to bed for a full 8hours. If u dose too early ull get precipitated w.d. n you'll be in wayyy deeper hell then u R rn. To the opana guy. Its opiates... 3-5 days.

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I took my last dose of oxycodone Thursday and it is Saturday. I'm in serious withdrawals. I took 4 mg of suboxone. How long will it help withdrawals for? It sure made me feel better so far...

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I took an 8mg/2mg sublingul suboxone this morning. How long will this last? I have been on high doses of pain medication for 5 years will this last a few days. I feel ok right now no withdrawals. Just wondering if one film will last for a few days?

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I just started taking Suboxone for oxy addiction as well. I was taking about 2-6 30mg oxycodones on average a day, so anywhere from 60-180mg of oxy a day. I was dosed at 12mg of suboxone. I took it about 18 hours since my last dose of oxy. The longer into withdrawals you wait, the better the suboxone will be. I have the film suboxone so you have the dissolve it under the tongue. It worked in about 15 minutes and I felt soooo much better. I cannot stress how much better I felt. Maybe your dose is too low or you were not in full withdrawal yet. If you take it before withdrawals, you get what's called precipitated withdrawals which are similar to opiate withdrawals. Ask your doctor about the dose and if it was appropriate. Do not take anymore suboxone than prescribed, always ask before doing that, otherwise the doctor won't trust you. As for the valium, do not take that with the suboxone. Any benzos are fatal in combination with suboxone.

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