How Long Does Valium Remain In Your Urine (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I took 2 5mg diazepam on 10/8 and 2 5mg diazepam on 10/5. I am scheduled for a urinalysis on 10/22 at 1pm. Will the diazepam be out of my system?

103 Replies (6 Pages)

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I've been on 10mg of valium 3 times a day for 10 years. I took a pre-employment drug screen and tested positive for THC, which I don't smoke but tested negative for valium. So basically I might of lost a job that pays $51/hour plus benefits. F*** Quest Diagnostics.

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Valuim is out of my system in two weeks. Methadone is an entirely different beast. Methadone will stay positive in your system for atleast 30days. I know this for a fact. Also Methadone is VERY hard to stop. I withdrew from it and it was excruciating so be careful.

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Cuge is right on. I took 1 10mg valium 1 1mg xanax on one occasion and it took 20 days to test negative.

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Does it he'll take 6 weeks iv take 80mil a day for ten year I get I letter of my doctor tell him I'm working away from home make it for three weeks pass with flying colours

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How much did you take? I binged on about 20 .5 mg Valium two days in a row, which is 100 mg total. How long do you think it will take for me to tinkle clean?

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Even an old prescription is good because they are take as needed so u can have them months n months later n long as there prescribed an u can prove it list it when u take a drug test as a prescribed medication an u are protected

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Snitch? are your a little ignorant. What, or who could he possibly be telling on. You really need to lighten up, and stop being so rude, and negative. Read the Bible talk to God. He can help you with your anger problems.

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I took only one valume 10 mg never took one before how long will it take to be gone tomrrow is 5 days

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Prob asking because it is a legal drug if perscribed! If you show bottle and it's for employment you are ok'd at most businesses.

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You will test positive. Same with Xanax. I just went thru this. Only take .5 as needed and go easily a week without Xanax. Had to take diazepam ones nite. 5 mg each for 7 days. I go to Dr in 28th. If tested I will test positive.

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As long as u can prove you are perscribed these drugs you are fine.

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I took 8-10mg valium in 3 days, and I have a ua in the next 2 weeks. Will they be out of my system?

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i just have 1 question though...

i am having gamma knife radiation, and i got prescribed Valium/diazepam to help me calm down... does this pill make you dizzy or just calm and how long does it last in your system after the treatments??...

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On Valium for muscle spasms. How much is above legal limit to drive. Have dr appointment in 3 days. Now taking 5 mg daily. 10 days ago had 10 mg im, 5 mg doses bid x5. Current prescription is 5 mg 1 daily x 5 doses

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If I took (1) 3-times a day for (1)week, how long will it will be detected? P.S. they were #10's.

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I took a 2 mg Valium on Saturday due to an anxiety attack I couldn't shake. I go see my probation officer Wednesday. He's never drug tested me but I want to be sure im in the clear if he chooses to. I used to take xanax but have been clean about 9 months. How long will this be detectable?

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Wow that's crazy. How did it turn out??And where pays $51 an hour?

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I had to drug test for my doctor cuz I was on Opiates and Benzos but I had weed in my system and it's still illegal here. To pass the dr office drug test I bought synthetic urine from head shop then finely shaved just a LITTLE bit from each pill into fake pee. Took it into office, tested, came out great every single time!

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That most likely will not work if sent to the lab because they are looking for the metobolites as well so the drug will show up but even if u take just the drug the day of the test no motabolites will unless it's been atleast a day or 2 and Valium is detectable up to SIX weeks

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I took a one Valium 6 days ago, will it still be in my system Tommorow?

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