How Long Does Tramadol Stay In Your System (Page 14) (Top voted first)


I took 100 mg of Tramadol last Thursday and have to have a urine test at my pain doc next Thursday (2 weeks between dosage and test). I was wondering if anyone has been tested positive after that long?

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Yes tremadol is a narcotic says controlled substance on my bottle big orange label

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You are absolutely correct....I wanted to comment as I have read so many Q & A's about this medication and have read answers that were not accurate. My dog was prescribed 100mg of Tramadol. As we all know, humans are also prescribed this med for pain, etc. I recently took one of my dog's Tramadol (I know ignorant) on a night that I couldn't sleep and had a migraine. Four days later I saw my psychiatrist who requires patients to take a mouth swab drug test. The next time I saw him (2 weeks later) he questioned me as to why I had Tramadol in my system and proceeded to inform me that Tramadol is a narcotic, a synthetic opiate. Needless to say he also "reminded" me taking medication that is not prescribed to me "is not healthy, safe, or part of the program." Just wanted to back your information up to anyone else out there who is ambivalent about this medication. :)

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correct. excellent response. I would also like to know, just out of curiosity-how long it does stay in your system~ I have a script, but not presribed by my pain management dr., & some mornings when I'm not hurting as bad, I'm tempted to take it instead of Lortab because it's all I'd need and I don't want to develop a high tolerance to the Lortab, but that might violate my contract with the pain clinic if it was to show up in a urine screen.. (so I haven't taken it since signing that paper)

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i took 14 tramadol in one day , how long till it's okay to take my hydrocodone? i know that the tramadol will cancel out the hydrocodone.

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Yes tramadol is a synthetic opiate and is now found on drug test.

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Please. Please!! Assume at all times, even in person that whatever helpful type gives you is suspect. It may not be that said advisor is purposely misleading you. As it is with we humans being nice is as normal as bulls***ting ones way thru a conversation. There is a phrase: won't hold up in court. No hearsay. We all know such doesn't hold water. Ask a professional in the field of inquiry. Failing that, go to a website that has been vetted (I love that word) in the info it carries. Even though Wikipedia is popular with the Internet crowd, if your teacher says not to use anything in the articles therein. Why should you base your possible life or freedom on them. I'm not going to say don't do drugs. I'm no child after all. I will emphatically say consider the consequences if its wrong. Consider your family and friends if you've no concern for your selfish lives.

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Maria Baca, tramadol is not a narcotic/opiate! It is a synethetic analgesic. A very weak p-opiod agonist.

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I took a high amount of tramadol yesterday around 500 mg in all over the course of the day. I also took 2 vicodin 5/325's. How bad does that look on a drug screen as it showed up on mine today. I have two bludging discs so the meds aren't being taken recreationally.

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t my pain dr im given percts 10/325 and oxycotin 30 mgs eventhough he persctibes those he runs drug tests on thosr plus methadone, any perscribed or illegal drug. He does test for the tramadol its not a narcotic, but as with any drug it can become habbit forming. If u take ur meds per the orders then ur body wont be looking for more. Whats funny to meis if u all see the pain dr y would u need to take tramadol thats not urs that just means that u guys need anly drug that u can get high which is dumb. Do u all really have a medical reason to see the pain dr hmmm just be careful an good luck

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No its not a narcotic

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It is not addictive. They do give it to patients whom can not take narcotics.....because of possible addiction, or problems with it from before. I know it used to help me immensely. I started having seizures......not the cause of taking it.....but it can cause they would no longer let me have it. Instead I take Oxycodone. I would do anything and I mean anything to be able to take the Tramadol again and not be opiate dependent. The drug test they have now and more and more companies are using them....... are catching everything. My son could pass one after taking several Hydrocodones. Then having a test 8 hours later. It did not take him very long however to come across a drug test that go him for anything he done within the last month.

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Be aware that Tramadol IS considered a narcotic now. And it IS tested in your urine now.

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xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy} but your body can form a habit of this medication and Make you go thru withdrawals....
But Tramadol isn't a narcotic . I was addicted to opiates for a long time and was prescribed Suboxone and it did help and I am now fine.

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I have a court ordered urine drug test tomorrow around 1130-noon and I take tramadol for migraines. I take 4 or 5 as much as every 6 hours and did yesterday. Wondering if they check or if synthetic opiates like that will show up. I've been flushing with mass amounts of water and took a diuretic just in case.

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No, you'll be fine 100%. Just don't take any more

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Wrong. It's only illegal in some states. Most states still have no law against tramadol and there is NO federal law making it illegal. I know here in Mississippi it's illegal but I'm going to Texas and you can find it OTC there

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The wine won't, it's usually gone in 24 hours unless you are a heavy drinker and the Ultram/Tramadol is long gone and as mentioned below isn't a narcotic and normally isn't included on a drug test, they want to know if you are using Narcotics or illegal drugs, even if they were looking for it, if the prescription was yours, regardless of it's age all you'd have to do is show them that it belonged to you and therefore wasn't taken illegally

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Methadone and tramadol show up as an opioid. Doesn't matter if your taking it with methadone because they won't tell the difference with a 5 panel

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thank you alot. I have another appointment coming up and haven't taken any tramadol since then. Nor have I drank. I do sometimes wonder if certain things I am explosed to (say this aerosol spray that i use often to dry my nails) could mess things up. I usually tell the doctor everything anyways. Thanks for the info!!!

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