How Long Does Subutex Stay In Your System (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I took 2 mg of Subutex on Saturday afternoon and was drug tested on Thursday afternoon ( 6 days ). How likely will it be detected in urine?

108 Replies (6 Pages)

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Subutex and suboxon show up the same it shows as bupenorphine.

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Subutex is available in 8mg, 2mg and 0.4mg whereas suboxone is only in 8mg and 2mg so if you reduce to a weird amount e.g 6.8mg a day they will prescribe you subutex :-)

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Take enough so you are throwing up and go to the emergence room and tell them that you are prescribed suboxine and five them your doctors name and then they should notify your doctor. Tell them that it makes you sick and see if there is something else you can be prescribed. There is something in suboxine that isn't in subutex that makes some ppl sick. It is the blocker that makes you sick. That should work.

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Tell your doctor that subutex is cheaper for you and you want to switch, that's what I did and it worked!

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Just to clerify some info. I am on felony probation. I took 8 mg of subutex on thurs. Drank a s*** ton of water all week tues I started to feel the d.t from the sobo. Worker out tues and wed. Sweat a lot. No heavy meals for 2 days. A lot of fresh vegetables. Drank water tues wed and thurs morning passed my piss test for bup. Yes it was a week 144 hrs exactly. Also bought "the stuff detox" followed instructions. So it possible to b clean in 1 week. Eat right exercise and drink a s*** ton of water.....good luck too u all

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I am taking subutex and have just taken 4 mg I don't have any left till Tuesday. Will I start to withdraw or will I be okay till Tuesday ?? Can someone help!!!!

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It don't go through the baby or the placenta that's why they give it to pregnant ladies so it never in the baby's system at all

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without sounding flippant, if you are looking for a negative urine test result, get a clean friend (one who is not pregnant!) to give you a urine sample take it to the clinic and fill up your test ar from it.

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Find a new dr. Most outpatient doctors wont presribe it because its easy 2 abuse. Also suboxone has narcan in it which supposibly reduces ur urgs to get high. I personally have been on subutex for over a month and i havent had 1 urge to use. Subutex tastes and is cheaper and all of the above is much better.

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Have you tried looking up subutex or suboxone to see if it pass's through to the embryo some medications do not! I'll try to help u find your answer!

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Have you tried looking up subutex or suboxone to see if it pass's through to the embryo some medications do not! I'll try to help u find your answer! Try webmd, surely we should find the answer somewhere! Oh yeah, I'm on subutex also, but I'm not pregnant! I have had friends on subutex ,that were pregnant!

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I am in drug court and get drug tested twice a week the drug test is not a panal test it test the nano grams of everything in your system I was really wanting to use last night which was thursday so I took a 8mg subutex by next thursday does anyone think it will be out of my system and how does subutex stay in your system

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It will stay in the babies system the whole pregnancy. I quit taking subutex 3 months before I had my son and they still tested him and found subutex in his system. All they have to do is do a meconium test which is just fancy wording for testing ur babies poop. Which is the first poop they ever had and stays until they are born so they are able to see anything that was done as far back as 12 weeks along.

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IT IS NOT SAFE TO STOP TAKING SUB OR DONE DURING PREGNANCY!!! I know from my own experience. ANY FORM of WD will cause premature birth! My son was born at just 24 weeks bc I didn't think VERY SLIGHT WD's would affect my baby or myself, but I was WRONG!!!!

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This is not true 2 of my grandchildren have been born addicted to subutex n both have pain in a niccu unit for at least 2 weeks

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I totally agree with u. What is the purpose of switching from pain meds to subutex if yr main purpose is " The High" Come on people either get clean or DON'T!

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Most baby's are tested by their first stool and drugs can be detected back months but most hospitals don't even test for buprenorphine.....I am prescribed subutex for over 2 years and my baby was born 7/20/15 she was negative on all drugs in her screen but she is still in the NICU and will be for atleast 2 more weeks for N.A.S. andI have to deal with child protective considering I was told I could take this while pregnant? Missed out on a lot of her first things! Hopefully this is helpful

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I totally agree that the baby suffers I'm going through the exact same thing right baby has been in the NICU for 12 days out of her 14 days on earth....its horrible and knowing that I am the cause makes it 10xs worse. My doctor never once warned me of the problems I COULD run into I'm sure some mothers have perfectly normal babies but what I thought was normal was actually signs of withdrawl? Not to mention my other 2 children are being questioned as well....I'm not perfect but if I wasn't a mother and a wife I'd be NOTHING!! If anyone reads this that's on any DRUG please think about what your doing if you are wanting to get pregnant or aren't trying to prevent it

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You definitely don't want to quit.....if I could do my pregnancy on subutex over again I would had weaned myself down or talked to my Dr so he would.....I'm not trying to scare you butI gave birth to a beautiful baby girl 14 days ago and she's still in the NICU and the Dr is saying another 2-3 weeks before she can come home. I have been on subutex for 3 years in Nov. and I'm prescribed 3 a obgyn has known from the beginning that I'm on them and my baby girl is now on morphine 4 times a day .to replace the subutex and they are weaning her from that......seriously TALK to your Dr.....really talk to them child protective services was involved and was questioning my mothering of my other 2 children and nobody wants any of this

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As far as pregnancy and suboxone and subutex- it completely depends on the dosage you are on as to how it will effect the baby. Wean down to a low dose to minimize the risks. I got down to 0.5 mg a day and both my kids were born without withdrawals and healthy. That is a quarter of 2 mg small suboxone pill. Also very important to inform the anesthesiologist and ob dr that you are in treatment. If you don't then yes you run a horrible risk of dcfs taking your baby when you test positive. It is passed through breast milk so stay on low dose. Benefits of breast feeding are worth it even if you only do it for a month or 2. I did both formula and breast milk to minimize problems. Withdrawal while pregnant is very dangerous. Get on Medicaid and get in treatment. Stay off drugs. Everything will change when your kid is born. It will be worth it. You can do this! Pity the child going into foster care for having a uninformed parent. Educate yourself on your local standards in regards to drug testing and treatment. Ask questions. Good luck!

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