How Long Does Subutex Stay In Your System (Page 6) (Top voted first)


I took 2 mg of Subutex on Saturday afternoon and was drug tested on Thursday afternoon ( 6 days ). How likely will it be detected in urine?

108 Replies (6 Pages)

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This is not true. Subs r designed to take care of withdrawls.

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i just got pregnant.. im not even more than a month,,, i do VERY littttllleee subutex daily for about 2 mths.... if i just stop right now, will everything be ok??? i do very little daily..

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Yes. Yes, it will hurt your baby. It will withdraw, scream, cry, be tense... it's horrible. Then, if you have a conscious... you will hurt. The doctor's will know, children services get involved, etc. But the poor baby... smh. I've witnessed this, first hand... And nothing is worse, than an innocent child, being subjected to this. Even in the womb, they go through it... that baby is ALIVE. I hope you all, take it seriously... don't be selfish or ignorant. Your baby will pay...

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tell your doctor the naloxone gives you head aches. also tell him you pay out of pocket and need the cheapest brand available-subutex. however, if you told your doctor you used iv drugs, they will never write you subtex bc many ppl iv subutex and that's y they give you the suboxones, cuz naloxone blocks you from iv'ig it with painful results.

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She should have quit for the baby do u know the baby will go thru withdrawals? Selfish f***ing people shouldnt have babies!!!!!!!!

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If you've been taking subs thru your pregnancy DO NOT STOP! as a pregnant woman on the subutex program trust my advice, the baby and yourself will detox which can lead to a miscarriage, still birth, sids and many other dangerous n potentially fatal side effects. stay on it, if you're not prescribed them and/or are worried bout them finding traces of it in the baby after birth, no biggie, its not like heroin or another drug where child protection services etc will step in. you have nothing to worry bout as far as taking subs, its not taking them that is dangerous

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my best friend is 8 months pregnant as well, she needs to know how long it stays in the babie's system...?? someone answer this plz???

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You were taking subutex up until 8 months pregnant?? If you were so worried about it being in your system and especially if you were worried about it affecting your baby it seems like you would've stopped the day you found out you were pregnant or at least before now. But to be worried about it now being 8 months pregnant makes you a HORRIBLE mother. I'm sorry but you don't deserve to have a child. SMG you horrible horrible person

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