How Long Does Potassium Remain In Your System (Top voted first)


I have been told to go on a low potassium diet after my blood test came back. I have no kidney issues. After researching high potassium foods I realized that I do have a diet high in potassium. My Dr. wants to retest in 5 days and I am to be on a low potassium diet. I would like to know how long potassium remains in the body. Is it like a water soluble vitamin which leaves daily?

14 Replies

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Thank you so much for your reply. I have had no symptoms. My endocrinologist ran blood test to follow my synthroid problems. (thyroid substitute) He did not tell me the numbers but said to go on a low potassium diet for 5 days and come back to retest. I realize now that my normal diet consists of High Potassium foods. ie. almonds, bananas, yogurt, tomatoes, avocados, raisins, spinach and dried beans. So I gave up all of them and was retested today. What I don't understand is if I am now normal potassium ...then what. Will I have to continue to stay away from those foods that I love so much? I was trying to stay on a heart healthy, low cholesterol, low fat diet and was very successful. I am really frustrated almost to the point of not caring. When my sugars were high I successfully dieted to drastically lower them and am now not pre-diabetic. Sugar is lower than 100. I have done the same with my cholesterol through my diet. But it seems like the foods that I ate to do those things are high in potassium. I am about to give up. I will let you know what this most recent blood work shows. Thanks again for listening.

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Potassium is just constantly processed, so your levels can raise or lower very fast.

Learn more Potassium details here.

There are a lot more details under the medical/biological section of the Wikipedia link that I posted that should explain it better.

But basically, if you lower your intake, since it is constantly being processed, such as in your urine, your levels will lower pretty fast, since you aren't constantly adding more.

That's why it's always imperative to treat someone severely low as fast as possible, because if you don't, their body isn't going to get a chance to raise the levels.

I tend towards the opposite side of the spectrum than you, my body never seems able to hold onto it, so we have to watch my level regularly and supplement to build it back, as needed.

Were you having any symptoms? Did your doctor tell you what the levels were?

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My potassium level is 5.4. My dr called to let me know that it has been normal... I have been eating 4 to 5 oranges a day for a few months. How long does it take for it to go down after changing my diet?

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Hi. I have been diagnosed with CKD (chronic kidney disease), so I have been put on a "No salt, low protein diet". My potassium levels have been and are still at 5.5-5.9. Now I have been on this diet for two weeks and I'm curious to how long it takes to lower on the right meds and diet? Cheers.

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Hi. I was recently recently diagnosed with anemia and high blood pressure. I was placed on lisinopril 10mg + bisoprolol/hct2.5/6.25mg tab mylan. Also mag oxide400 mg + iron 65 mg + klor-con m20 ER 20meq.

My question is with the Klor-con 20, how can that affect my body or potassium levels while taking the lisinopril and bisoprolol?

How fast does the Klor con 20 work?

And if i intake an enormous amount of water everyday, like 12 bottles or more daily, will that flush out the potassium before it works?

Also, I'm losing my appetite- is it okay to drink Ensure weight gain supplements with all the meds I'm taking?

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Please be careful with lisonipril. If you start coughing often and continue to do so, that blood pressure medicine could be the cause. It happened to me.

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I take quinapril for high blood pressure and although neither doctor or pharmacist told me to watch intake of high potassium foods, I am concerned because I have read that ACE inhibitors can interact with high potassium foods. How much is too much?

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I have been having a lot of cramps in my legs and hands. What could I do to help it?

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How long does klor con (potassium) 8meq remain in your system after u stop taking it?

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No doctor came in at Er and gave me four pills and said potassium low. Did not explain anything my vital signs have dropped alot. And i had severe head aches after taking them.

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How long do potassium tablets remain in your system?

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Re: cjccl3 (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Don’t give up. I’m eating high potassium foods to keep my blood pressure normal. Hopefully I can get off that blood pressure pill soon.

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Re: sydnad (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

my potassium was 4 4 iam trying to lower it how long will it take to lower it

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Re: Diana (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

How long does 1 potassium pill stay in your body

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