How Long Does Methadone Stay In Your System For A Urine Test (Page 8)


I just took two ten mg methadone pills. Will they be out by Thursday? I drink a lot of water. Please let me know soon as possible.

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You should be ashamed of urself, I do agree if that people that do not need the medicine should not be taking it, but its people like u lying to doctors to get ur fix make it hard for people that truly need the meds to get it .. I'm 30 n woke up with a rare debilitating disease that's attacking my brain with excruciating nerve pain n because my age n people like u I have doctors looking at me like I'm pill seeking when I can't barely walk with a walker. But instead of going to a clinic keep lying to doctors to get ur fix so young people with cancer n chronic diseases can be turned down by doctors n insurance companies to get the treatment they need.

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Please just don't try to stop cold turkey, on even 8 mgs. I've been going to a methadone clinic for awhile and see ppl paying money everyday to try to wean off 4 mgs..Do it slowly..You can do it. Keep the faith but do it the right way. Good luck, if u need anymore info I would be glad to help..I love when ppl say oh she don't know what she's talking about but I go everyday and see why it does go on. Again good luck..

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So I was thinking of going to detox they give u 30mgs 20mgs next day then 10mgs finally on last day 5mgs. I don't ever take methadon so a total of 65mgs over 4 days. I don't believe I'll b fully detoxed by then but plan on taking other none narcotic or addicting pills. I want to go get naltrexone implant but have to have the methadon out of my urine first how long should it take if I am 5'6 160 pounds healthy in shape an active always sweating in this how temps. Any ideas or suggestions anyone? Thank you!!!!!

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I have been going to the methadone clinic for 3 years ... I'm on 45 how long will it take to get out of my urine & blood? How long should I go though withdrawals?

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Hi...If you have been going to a methadone clinic for three years and you are at 45 milligrams per day, ( I think thats what you said your dose was), you will have methadone in your system for a long time. In your urine for up to two weeks or longer...I'm not sure on the blood. My husband was on methadone for over ten years and his Dr. Slowly brought him down from 80 milligrams a day to 10 milligrams a day. He showed in his urine over two weeks later...and his withdrawals didn't even start really kicking in till he was off of methadone (pill form) for three days, then it only got worse and worse...he was deathy sick, worst thing we ever went through. I'm not trying to discourage or scare you, but I STRONGLY advise you NOT to jump off at 45 milligrams, (if that is your dose), you will regret it and your body can't handle that jump-off! Good luck to you...also, I'm not sure how many days old this question is but I hope it not been to long to give an answer.

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No they will not kick u out it will be just like a failed test an they may drop u a level, that's how it works were I go

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Years ago i was in a clinic and was up to 100mg a day. When i decided to get off i went down 5 mg a week and that was just fine and when i got down to 5mg, i stayed on that for 2 weeks extra and then i stopped. I did smoke for my mental health. I would ask the doctor for a few xanax to help sleep for a few nights. This works if u want it to. Good luck. Always take it slow.

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Learn how to spell, then give your advice lol. When your in excruciating pain and the usual meds work but your having to take too much, it changes your whole life 4 the better. Effective 24 hrs instead of 4. Way way cheaper in price and if you're addicted , so what?????? We live in a country where we DON'T HAVE YO SUFFER, why wouldn't you take advantage of that??!!! God bless!

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Look whoever you are. Apparently you're one of the lucky people who don't live with chronic pain. I've been on opioids for over 15 years. I raised three great children by myself, worked in the medical field, and went to school. I couldn't have done ANY of that with the pain I have endured and still deal with. Lucky you, you have no pain. What if you were in a really bad wreck and they didn't put you back together like you were? Well, then you would live with chronic pain and not say things you know NOTHING about. It's the people that ABUSE it that give it a bad name. Don't make blanket statements when you have no idea what you're talking about!

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I have been out of the methadone clinic for 3 months and its still in my urine

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What can I take to get methadone out of my system for a u/a test if I've been taking 10 mg a day???

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I took about 20 milo grams of methadone an have a ua 2moro... 3 days enough time to be clean if it's the only time I've done's probation......

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No they will not be out of your system. Sorry you were hoping for a different answer! But the truth is that methadone stays in your system for weeks sometimes. Even days after you take methadone. And it doesn't matter on how much water that you drink either. Your just diluteING the urine. Good luck!

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Good luck, Itake 20 ml once a day for 5 days & its still showing up in my urine 14 days after I stop good luck!

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Took for mdone for six years 90 ml a day quit at 85 nvr went back got on subtex which has no narcan or what ever like suboxen I took two day after never got the done clinch : sickness but my point is I'm still pissin hot for Methadone two and a half months after I stopped taking it!!! It all depends on the person ! There is no definite answer sorry!!!hope this helps, good luck

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I took my last dose a week before doing my detox shot of buprenorphine and I was extremely sick. Worse than dope sick!! Now I am afraid of taking another shot! It's been about 3 weeks now since my last dose of methadone, and I'm planning on starting my detox Tmro with the first shot! Am I clear of the methadone?? Can anyone help me with this?

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Thank you. I've never taken it for a long period of time. The longest before this was about ten days straight.

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Amen to that!!!I totally agree! It's my own fault in going thru this hell. I can't put the blame on anyone but myself!!! I just hope that these three weeks I've waited for the methadone to leave my system was sufficient enough. I start my detox Tmro. One shot a day for three days.

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Kota I too suffer from severe anxiety and panic disorder and like you no one can fully understand the torment your mind can have over you, I am on 1 mg twice a day and can manage well enough to get through the day and sleep a lot better because of this drug as long as people who are prescribed xanax and don't abuse them it can help people like us God bless

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How long does methadone stay in your system if you were prescribed it for about 6 to 7 years? I haven't taken it in two weeks but it was still showing up in my system.

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