How Long Does Methadone Stay In Your System For A Urine Test (Page 4)
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I just took two ten mg methadone pills. Will they be out by Thursday? I drink a lot of water. Please let me know soon as possible.

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I took 1 1/2 of 10mg methadone. How long will it take to not come up. I'm so pissed I took one anyhow????

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YES, The methadone will definitely show up one formula that is given for methadone is the half life per day 100 mg.s on Sunday will show as 50 mg on Mon. 25 mg on Tue, 12.5 on Wed,and so on until zero's out and even then you should give it that extra day after you are supposed to be clean but sometimes if it is less than 2 mg it may be considered a false positive unless you have had positive tests before.

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How many days have gone by since u took the 20mg methadone? If only a single dose and u can P clear after about 7 days u have a 50 50 chance. But drink ALOT OF Water the nite b4. I would drink 2 gallons, no matter how sick the h2o makes u drink it.......THEN DO NOT RISK EVERYTHING FOR NOTHING...PERIOD. However if u only took 20mg and drink h20 nite b4 u SHOULD be ok. It takes between 2-4 days if not built in your system. Good Luck

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She should find that dose good for back pain as long she isn't bedridden. But Methadone is the way to go if it is chronic pain only. It is strong and does the job with pain and helping addicts and others in no fault of their own. It works the best and when and if you have to get off of it. i have found that 5 mg a week reduction in dose work great and if I felt uncomfortable, I would stay at that dose for another week. That cleared up in the week and went back to 5 mg per week reduction until it was at 5 mg down from the original dose of 100 mg so i had a long way to go but did it. Last week stayed on 5 mg for two extra weeks (all in the mind now) and then my mother took my 3 young boys for a few days. She thought I might be irritable but i wasn't, but I did have something to help me sleep and eat. I consumed cannabis and when all said and done. I and the family are fine now, this was 30 years ago. So now the only stuff I take is for major chronic pain for years before to the rest of my life. but i do stop for a few days to make sure that i don't get addicted. At this point in my life, i hate taking any medicine. Pain meds are a chore that i gag when i do it. one of my problems is the narrowing of my throat, so it's very hard to swallow or keep things down. I don't know what high is since the only thing i get is pain relief if I am lucky. I tell my Dr that i don't understand what they are talking about, i don't feel any high and i don't get the well being they say they get.

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Well if u ONLY took a single dose of 40mg and u did not do anymore I would suggest drink plenty of h2o and pray. I had done 80 mg 2days bck 2 bck and on the 7th day i took a UA and passed. So yes I think u will be ok. Good Luck

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Methadone will stay in your urine for up to 3-4 weeks if youve been a user for a person who's been on M.maintenance. If your only using 25-30 mgs. once in a while, you will need 6 days, and consume lots of water, your urine should show clean. Good luck.

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Well I took my UA and to my suprise I passed . I had done 80mg on Thursday & Friday well 7 days later I jad to give a UA and by the Grace Of God I passed . I played with my recovery and for a week worried myself SICK But to my suprise I passed. So I dont know of it was the H20 & the 7days or God intervened., but I passed the test. So I will say to anyone that has plans on using DO NOT USE AT ALL.... ITS NOT WORTH IT. ESPECIALLY WHEN IN RECOVERY NOT TO MENTION U CAN MEET THE END OF YOUR ROAD. ... STAY CLEAN N SAFE. Thank you to who replied.

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My sister gets 10mg of it but she use it for her back pain

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Great for the family! yes , u do want it to work is the only way. i was on 100mg yrs ago. i came off by cutting 5mg per week works very good to start to come of meth. It is hard unless u do it this way, and when it gets to be lower dosages, then u cut back 5mg every 2-3 wks. depends on how u are feeling. When at the end i stop and i use pot for depression and to be comfortable. U will have drug dreams for awhile. it has been 25 yrs and i still get drug dreams that r real at the time and DOES change my mood for the crave. scary at the time cause u r back in that mind set. u have to be tough on your self at the end of coming off but u or what will u do if pain comes into the issue. u tell any DR that u once was a drug addict, u have just condemn yourself to get drugs that wont work for u. u will be black balled. i never tell they that! i am proud of your guy and u for staying with him. u r his hero even if he might not say so but u saved him and your whole family. u need to have backing by u other. tough if they dont and call u names that hurt your feelings. it hurts more then they know. Great work guys. u r my hero's really God helps too! neever forget that. I thank God every night for another day. I live for me now since God let me do what iHe wanted from me. Family might not back me but so what, it hurts but u have to live your life to be happy. U both have done great. like to hear more happy stories instead of horro.

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Skyebaby...I just saw your question today, I haven't checked in for awhile. My husband went from 80mgs to 10mgs very gradually over a years time, then at 10mgs he would skip 2 or 3 days between each dose till he was dosing 10mgs every 4-5 days. He then completely stopped... Yes, he did get sick and moody, but it was nothing like the withdrawal he went through before. Full methadone withdrawal feels like you are dying, literally dying...depression, anxiety was the hardest for him to overcome. He had no choice but to go on everyday, he has a good job and 5 kids to take care of so he couldn't give in and up. There was good days and bad days, and a person really has to want it and fight for it. But it's been worth it cause now he is clean and feeling better then ever. Good luck to you if you are still fighting this battle!

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I have not done any drugs in months except for last night. I took 15 mg of liquid methadone. How long until I can pass a drug test? I might have to take one within a couple days.

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Were can we get a home drug test from

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How long have you taken this drug for (days, years?). I have been a methadone addict for 32 years and lucky for you its pills not linctus. Pills will act like dihydro codeine tabs. Be lucky and try not to experiment when you have a job that makes you take drug tests.

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Are u truely a Dr? But reguardless or not u seem to know alot. I done 80 mg methadone last thursday n last friday but went bck to suboxone on saturday. I have drank so much water my UA was clear. Will it show after the 7 th day. My recovery is riding on this UA. I pray i pass an ai will NEVER TOUCH IT AGAIN. PRAYING I PASS. PLZ LET ME KNOW UR THOUGHTS. PLZ

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I have a ? I done 80 mg. Of methadone on last thursday and last friday and. I have a UA in the morning.(Witch is a week exaclty for UA) I REALLY need to pass this with my Dr. Will the methadone be gone and with the aid of drinking alot of water tonight. How much water should I drink to ensure my recovery treatment.

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It has to test positive for opiates; then they'll dose you, if that's what you want..

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You have a brain!! Thank you

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Thanks for the info brother I got a lot out of that

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if u dont have dirty urine they will say u dont need them. go in dirty, that is what u have to prove u r a druggie and need help. i was lucky i knew someone that worked for the BX clinic. next day i was in. otherwise it takes months but that was years ago 1982ish. things might have changed .

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If your trying to get in a methadone clinic does your urine HAVE TO test positive,,what if its been a couple days since you've taken something

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