How Long Does Linzess Stay In Your System (Page 3)
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How long does it take for Linzess to be completely out of your system?
Re: Cathy (# 3)
Very dangerous drug. Just got off. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a cover up of this drug.
Re: Barbara (# 7)
I am feeling the same way after taking Linzess... I have a headache, dizziness, diarrhea, and am feeling cold.
I'm having cold like symptoms after taking Linzess, how long will these symptoms continue? They are quite annoying.
I don't know but I had an allergic reaction after the 3rd pill. It started in my mouth, then I broke out and had swelling of the tongue. Couldn't eat for a week.
Re: Kitty (# 4)
I'm very sorry to hear about your grandson. I hope he's gotten around to feeling better since the timing of your post. Unfortunately, since there's no way of knowing ahead of time how anyone will react/respond to pharmaceutical medications, all I can do is encourage him to consult with a doctor when it comes to prescription drugs such as Linzess... However, I don't know if you heard of Essiac tea leaf, but it works miracles for me and my family whenever serious indigestion occurs, so I just thought I'd mention it as another possible avenue of treatment. I'm actually very hesitant to take it unless the problem is severe because it works almost too well. All you need is an 8oz cup full and it seriously cleans you out like nobody's business, LOL! I believe it is readily available at most health food stores as well as Amazon and other internet retailers. Please let me know if I could be of any more assistance in this matter.
Wishing you both good health always!
Re: David (# 1)
Thank you David. I am very worried. My Grandson has had chronic constipation since birth. Dr's tell us to give him mirilax, did. Didn't do any miracles but helped. Now that he's 16 he refuses to take the powder, it's gritty and he says tastes awful. Anyway, my concern now is for 4-3 days he hasn't went, he's very tired, nauseous, been sent home 2 days in a row this week because of feeling tired and feeling bad and nauseous. So I gave him one 145 mcg Linzess capsule tonight at about 8:59pm. He kept trying go before and no go. So I thought the bottle said, do not give to children under age 6. It did. So I gave him one. Then went to read how long before it may work, and read 'don't give to children under 6 at all, or between 6-18 years of age'. I am now freaking out. Please let me know if you think 1 pill will hurt him. As you can see I can not sleep. Appreciate any advice.
Re: Tan (# 2)
I am 115 lbs and I feel the effects of Linzess for at least 2 days. I get bloating and gas. I am now on the 72 MCG dose, but am still feeling after effects.
How long does it take on average for Linzess to get out of the body?
[1] source: PubMed / PMC3638410
That said, my understanding is that Linzess should be completely out of one's system within 1-3 days easy. However there are other important variables outside of the half life that may prolong or otherwise have some sort of impact on the estimated time frame.
Hope this helps!
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