How Long Does Linzess Stay In Your System (Page 3)


How long does it take for Linzess to be completely out of your system?

49 Replies (3 Pages)

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Re: Farley (# 36) Expand Referenced Message

I just started Linzess. I learned that depression could be a side effect or diarrhea. I am taking 290mgs, I am clinically depressed. So, search Linzess, you may want to change meds. I've had IBS pain all my life, I took muscle relaxers when the pain was unbearable, not everyday. Your heart is a muscle too, so I did not take it often. As I grew older they didn't work, so now I started Linzess. I think 290mgs is pretty strong. I will probably take it in the AM on an empty stomach and eat within a half hour.

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Re: Diane (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

You say this without staying why? Please share what you know and nobody else does?

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Re: Barbara (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I have been sick 5 days. Server dehydration and nauseated and smells. I quit taking linzess it poison my body. Explorted with my fluids watery came out. I have nothing left. I can bear lying sip water. Need help

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Re: Diane (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I agree with you. It's poisoning my body. Severe dehydration and nauseated for days, heart burn, etc. Quit taking it 2 days ago. I was prescribed 12/06/2023. I called CVS and reported Linzess. It has damage people's intestines. Bad reviews. I will call MedWatch and report Linzess.

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Re: Kimberly (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

How long does it stay n my system
I feel I've been poisoned

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Lots of different reactions to this here, in my own experience is that it's caused headaches, general sadness and even hyponetramia but once armed with the knowledge of how my body reacts to it I manage to negotiate these things by taking 100mg magnesium at night and then I take 290mcg of Linzess around 7 am next morning with around 250ml of water then drink a couple of cups of sweet (using honey) milky decaffeinated tea which Seems to activate it (I'm not a breakfast person) and put 1 teaspoon of salt in hot water and take sips alongside my tea to replce the sodium I know I'm losing and it usually starts working around 1 hour ir so later lasts around an hour and a half or so then I can get on with my day though I do have to drink more fluids and salt water for an hour or so after. I also eat green veggies every day opting for frozen as its hard to stay sticked up on fresh veg daily due to logistics. Despite this rigmarole I'm usually ready to face the day by lunchtime and then eat and have some normality which I've never had with other meds. It's a strong med I won't deny it but it does work though from the replies in this thread I can see its not for everyone.
One tip for everyone here is for bloating and soreness I take a teaspoon of manuka honey after the effects have worn off and despite the cost its far better and kinder on the gut than any medication I've ever had. I hope this info is useful to at least 1 person, it's a pretty harsh med but can give some normality back once gauged for subjective experience and effects but it does take its toll if you're not cautious while taking it, just drinking lots of fluids isn't enough and dangerous as it will make your sodium, magnesium and potassium drop drastically in a short space of time.

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Re: Diane (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I agree I took it two days. I quit because of the terrible side effects. Now I am nauseated and terrible headache. This drug may have its place for some people. It is poison for me.

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Re: B (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

This is my first day off and I feel really bad. I had a problem with IBS C now I am feeling terrible.

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Re: Tootsie (# 47) Expand Referenced Message

It gave horrible non stop diarrhea and dizziness. Took about 3 days for it to end. I have chronic constipation from opiate pain pills & neuropathy.
I do much better now just on 2 Dulcolax every 3 days, plus probiotic yogurt and bran. 1 tsp. Metamusil in OJ every night.

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