How Long Does Linzess Stay In Your System (Page 2)


How long does it take for Linzess to be completely out of your system?

49 Replies (3 Pages)

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Re: NinaBaker (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Please try Miralax or a generic form of it. Ask your pharmacist for the generic form. It may be called Clear Lax and there are other names. Their ingredient is Polyethylene Glycol 3350. I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome with constipation. Pretty severely. Sometimes I don't go for 2 weeks at a time! I have been taking Linzess for over 10 days, and have only gone 3x hard balls. It says it should work in 1 week. I am going back to Miralax. You just have to make sure you drink a lot of water and if very constipated take it every day. I take 2 capsules, but that is because 1 cap does nothing for me. Everyone is different. My boyfriend only needs 1/4 of a cap every day, and he has no problem going. It is safe to take daily, to the advice of my GI doctor. They even suggest it take before a colonoscopy. In that case, you add 1 cup of Miralax to 64 ounces of Gatorade. No red Gatorade before a colonoscopy. It has no taste! Mix in water or juice, but not in soda! The carbonation will reduce its effectiveness. I would start with 1/2 of a cap from the top of the bottle of Miralax and go from there. It is the only thing that has helped me! The reason I took Linzess was that I wasn't being consistent with Miralax, so I thought it wasn't working as well. But, I think if I start taking it every day again, it should work like it used to. If you are still having trouble, I would make an appointment with a Gastroenterologist. There may be another problem that you are not aware of. Other things can cause constipation, besides IBS-C.

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Re: B (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

My symptoms worsened as well! I have had a constant headaches too, but I am prone to them. It hasn't helped me, I just have gone 3x in 10 days and only hard balls.

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Re: Tan (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Just took two linzess and they didn’t work. Need to take a dulcolax for constipation relief but afraid the linzess will cause problems. How long does linzess stay in your system?

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Re: Barbara (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Hello. Did you still have symptoms? If not, how long did it take to get rid of it?

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How long does it take for 1 pill to leave your system?

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How long does Linzess remain in your system?

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I took my 1st pill and within an hour i started feeling uneasy. By time the next 15 minutes was in the bathroom with severe diarrhea. Was not fun at all. I was prescribed Linzess because of IBS and Constipation all the time. Well it caused me to get a horrible headache with face numbness and heavy arm. Went to hospital and was given meds to try to stop the headache/migraine it triggered (was one of the worst, head felt like it could explode). Also some swelling in throat. The next days still had headache but not as bad. Also lots of lightheaded and dizziness with weakness in arms. I asked dr how long before med will be out. He tried telling me it should already be out of my system since it was a gut med. That didn't sound right. But i did add Linzess to my continuously growing med allergy list.

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Wow yall. I've been on Linzess for a yr and a half and couldn't live without it. Most of your issues sound like dehydration. The medication is meant to be taken with water and it's recommended that you drink 7 to 8 glasses a day. Diarrhea causes dehydration so any medication you take to initiate a bowel movement can cause headaches etc without proper hydration. You really have to follow the instructions with Linzess for it to work properly. All I know is for me I was in terrible pain before Linzess. It's helped me so much. I take it at bedtime with water and continue to drink water until it works about an hr later then I get a great night's sleep. I'm sorry it hasn't worked for some of you but make sure you're drinking water. If not you'll experience all the symptoms yall have mentioned.

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Re: David (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Nice sales pitch that did not address this womans question. Ma'am please consider bringing him back to a GI specialist and do not pay too much attention to "internet specialists".

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Can I consume fresh milk five hours after taking Linzess 145 MCG? Also, is it safe to have milk after taking Tamsulosin 4 MG?

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Re: NinaBaker (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I like Dulcolax much better. I take 2 at 3:30 AM, and I go at 9 AM. It is more predictable, and not as harsh as Linzess. I thought I was going to die when on the Linzess. It made me dizzy, and had explosive diarrhea and bad cramps. Never again.

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I’ve been on it for 4 months n now I have horrible stomach aches n look 4 months pregnant! I’m stopping.

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Re: Healthy til Linzess (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

The side effects do not occur in 100% of women. I have never had those side effects. It sometimes doesn’t work but I never had cold symptoms or dizziness.

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Re: Susan (# 32) Expand Referenced Message

Was your stomach ache in your actual stomach or abdomen? I have been taking it for a week and my actual stomach hurts.

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Re: B (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

You lose so much water from loose stools you need to hydrate to stop headaches and dizziness.

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Re: Kitkat (# 28) Expand Referenced Message

Linzess really worked for me after trying everything for over 20 years. Take exactly as directed and yes- lots of water. My only question is- as soon as I started taking it I've been having feelings of sadness/depression. I don't know for sure if it's linked to Linzess. I'm going to stop taking it for about a month and see if there is a correlation. It doesn't seem like there should be for that type of medication. I'm bummed because it has been a life-changing medication for my constipation issue otherwise.

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Re: Kitkat (# 28) Expand Referenced Message

I have been taking 290 mg a day for a month with no bad side effects, but it just isn't working for me. Does help with bowel movement and still have to strain to go.

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Re: Farley (# 36) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, I’ve been taking it for a month and I’ve had weird sadness. This drug has made me very ill, and I have had COVID, swine flu and the bird flu and this drug feels worse!

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Re: AMTaylor (# 34) Expand Referenced Message

I feel like my actual stomach hurts. I think this medicine makes everything in your digestive system off.

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Re: Barbara (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Please tell me all this stopped finally. I’m having all these issues now and I’m very sick. Thank you!

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